
智慧旅游景区wifi网络构建,智慧旅游景区wifi网络构建1.63万字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用目录摘要4abstract5第一章绪论61.1研究背景61.2研究目标与意义81.3研究内容8第二章 总体方案介绍102.1 wifi网络建设应遵循的组网原则102.2 设计思路102.3 组网...

此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要 4
Abstract 5
第一章 绪论 6
1.1研究背景 6
1.2研究目标与意义 8
1.3研究内容 8
第二章 总体方案介绍 10
2.1 WiFi网络建设应遵循的组网原则 10
2.2 设计思路 10
2.3 组网方案 11
2.3.1 无线侧组网 12
2.3.2传输侧组网 12
第三章 核心模块设计和实现 14
3.1 室内WIFI网络无线覆盖设计 14
3.1.1 容量设计 14
3.1.2 覆盖设计 15
3.1.3 频点设计 16
3.2 室外 WIFI 网络无线覆盖设计 16
3.2.1 容量设计 16
3.2.2 链路预算 17
第四章 WIFI网络构建中的技术难题以及解决办法 21
4.1 WIFI网络接入端射频干扰分析 21
4.1.1 WIFI频道配置 21
4.1.2 造成干扰的原因 22
4.1.3解决办法 23
4.2 WIFI网络信号覆盖分析 23
4.2.1 WIFI覆盖特点 24
4.2.3 WIFI覆盖方法 25
4.3 WIFI网络容量估算及规划 27
4.3.1影响WiFi网络容量的因素 27
4.3.2 WiFi网络吞吐效率 27
4.3.3 WiFi网络中容量估算的方法 28
第五章 总结和展望 30
致谢 32
参考文献 33
摘要 随着无线数据业务的高速发展,智能终端的普及,3G 用户的持续增长,各运营商大多 WIFI 网络部署进入从室内向室外发展的大规模网络建设阶段,研究室外 WIFI 热区建设的网络规划就显得愈发重要,在智慧景区构建WIFI就是其中一个。
本论文首先介绍了在智慧景区构建WIFI网络的总体方案,包括做毕业设计的整体思路和WIFI组网方案,从无线侧和传输侧两个方面进行阐述,无线侧技术包括用户终端与AP之间组网方式等;而传输侧技术则涵盖用户数据从AP到网络实现互联互通技术和AP的上联方式。其次描述了各个核心模块的设计和实现,将在景区构建WIFI网络分为在室内和室外构建,分别从容量设计、覆盖设计和频点设计三个方面讲述,特别是室外WIFI网络的构建,能够为今后的室外 WIFI 网络部署提供系统理论依据。最后,分析了WIFI网络构建过程中的一些技术难题,包括WIFI网络接入端射频干扰分析、WIFI网络覆盖分析以及WIFI网络容量估算和规划,希望对这些问题的分析和解决办法能对WiFi组网在工程建设实际应用中起参考作用。
关键词:WIFI网络 无线侧 传输侧 容量 覆盖 频点
Construction of WIFI Network in Intelligent Tourism Scenic Area
Abstract With the rapid development of wireless data service,the popularity of intelligent terminals,sustained growth of 3G users,the operators’ WIFI network deployment mostly step into the large-scale network construction stage of development from inside to outside, Study on network planning of outdoor WIFI zone construction becomes increasingly important, Construction of WIFI Network in Intelligent Tourism Scenic Area is one of project. the construction of WIFI network in scenic area s divided into construction in indoor and outdoor,
This paper first introduces the overall scheme of construction of WIFI Network in Intelligent Tourism Scenic Area,including the whole idea of the graduate design and Networking scheme of WIFI.The description has two sides: wireless side and the transmission side. The wireless side technology including the AP networking mode between the user and the terminal; Transmission side technology covers the user data from the AP to the network interconnection technology, the connection mode of AP. Secondly, it describes the design and implementation of each core module, respectively from the capacity design, cover design and frequency design, Especially the Construction of outdoor WIFI network, to provide theoretical basis for outdoor deployment system in WIFI network. Finally, I analyse some technical problems during the process of the construction of WIFI network,including analysis of radio frequency interference of WIFI network when access terminal 、coverage analysis and capacity estimation and planning of WIFI network. Hope the analysis of these problems and solutions of WiFi networking can play a reference role in the practical application in engineering construction.
Construction of WIFI wireless network service platform in tourist areas, Visitors’ intelligent mobile phone, tablet computer, PAD, PC etc.can visit scenic spots of preview guide, navigation, shopping guide, positioning and other travel information through free WIFI network that the scenic area provide,which can let the travelers enjoy convenience and fun that brings by wireless wisdom tourism.
Key words: WiFi Network ireless side transmission side capacity coverage frequency
摘要 4
Abstract 5
第一章 绪论 6
1.1研究背景 6
1.2研究目标与意义 8
1.3研究内容 8
第二章 总体方案介绍 10
2.1 WiFi网络建设应遵循的组网原则 10
2.2 设计思路 10
2.3 组网方案 11
2.3.1 无线侧组网 12
2.3.2传输侧组网 12
第三章 核心模块设计和实现 14
3.1 室内WIFI网络无线覆盖设计 14
3.1.1 容量设计 14
3.1.2 覆盖设计 15
3.1.3 频点设计 16
3.2 室外 WIFI 网络无线覆盖设计 16
3.2.1 容量设计 16
3.2.2 链路预算 17
第四章 WIFI网络构建中的技术难题以及解决办法 21
4.1 WIFI网络接入端射频干扰分析 21
4.1.1 WIFI频道配置 21
4.1.2 造成干扰的原因 22
4.1.3解决办法 23
4.2 WIFI网络信号覆盖分析 23
4.2.1 WIFI覆盖特点 24
4.2.3 WIFI覆盖方法 25
4.3 WIFI网络容量估算及规划 27
4.3.1影响WiFi网络容量的因素 27
4.3.2 WiFi网络吞吐效率 27
4.3.3 WiFi网络中容量估算的方法 28
第五章 总结和展望 30
致谢 32
参考文献 33
摘要 随着无线数据业务的高速发展,智能终端的普及,3G 用户的持续增长,各运营商大多 WIFI 网络部署进入从室内向室外发展的大规模网络建设阶段,研究室外 WIFI 热区建设的网络规划就显得愈发重要,在智慧景区构建WIFI就是其中一个。
本论文首先介绍了在智慧景区构建WIFI网络的总体方案,包括做毕业设计的整体思路和WIFI组网方案,从无线侧和传输侧两个方面进行阐述,无线侧技术包括用户终端与AP之间组网方式等;而传输侧技术则涵盖用户数据从AP到网络实现互联互通技术和AP的上联方式。其次描述了各个核心模块的设计和实现,将在景区构建WIFI网络分为在室内和室外构建,分别从容量设计、覆盖设计和频点设计三个方面讲述,特别是室外WIFI网络的构建,能够为今后的室外 WIFI 网络部署提供系统理论依据。最后,分析了WIFI网络构建过程中的一些技术难题,包括WIFI网络接入端射频干扰分析、WIFI网络覆盖分析以及WIFI网络容量估算和规划,希望对这些问题的分析和解决办法能对WiFi组网在工程建设实际应用中起参考作用。
关键词:WIFI网络 无线侧 传输侧 容量 覆盖 频点
Construction of WIFI Network in Intelligent Tourism Scenic Area
Abstract With the rapid development of wireless data service,the popularity of intelligent terminals,sustained growth of 3G users,the operators’ WIFI network deployment mostly step into the large-scale network construction stage of development from inside to outside, Study on network planning of outdoor WIFI zone construction becomes increasingly important, Construction of WIFI Network in Intelligent Tourism Scenic Area is one of project. the construction of WIFI network in scenic area s divided into construction in indoor and outdoor,
This paper first introduces the overall scheme of construction of WIFI Network in Intelligent Tourism Scenic Area,including the whole idea of the graduate design and Networking scheme of WIFI.The description has two sides: wireless side and the transmission side. The wireless side technology including the AP networking mode between the user and the terminal; Transmission side technology covers the user data from the AP to the network interconnection technology, the connection mode of AP. Secondly, it describes the design and implementation of each core module, respectively from the capacity design, cover design and frequency design, Especially the Construction of outdoor WIFI network, to provide theoretical basis for outdoor deployment system in WIFI network. Finally, I analyse some technical problems during the process of the construction of WIFI network,including analysis of radio frequency interference of WIFI network when access terminal 、coverage analysis and capacity estimation and planning of WIFI network. Hope the analysis of these problems and solutions of WiFi networking can play a reference role in the practical application in engineering construction.
Construction of WIFI wireless network service platform in tourist areas, Visitors’ intelligent mobile phone, tablet computer, PAD, PC etc.can visit scenic spots of preview guide, navigation, shopping guide, positioning and other travel information through free WIFI network that the scenic area provide,which can let the travelers enjoy convenience and fun that brings by wireless wisdom tourism.
Key words: WiFi Network ireless side transmission side capacity coverage frequency