动力换挡变速器及行星机构设计_ 独家原创.doc


动力换挡变速器及行星机构设计_ 独家原创,动力换挡变速器及行星机构设计1.12万字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘要 随着日趋发达的交通运输业的不断完善发展,单一的变速器已经满足不了汽车工业的蓬勃发展。而动力换挡变速器与普通齿轮变速器的主要区别是动力换挡变速器采用了液压缸操纵的换挡离合器,这样从而使得汽车...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



摘要 随着日趋发达的交通运输业的不断完善发展,单一的变速器已经满足不了汽车工业的蓬勃发展。而动力换挡变速器与普通齿轮变速器的主要区别是动力换挡变速器采用了液压缸操纵的换挡离合器,这样从而使得汽车变速变得多样化。在工程机械传动系中,其变速箱分机械式和动力换挡式两大类.前者采用人力操纵换挡,换挡时,需用主离合器切断动力后才能操纵换挡机构拨动滑移齿轮实现换挡,故换挡时间长,操作费力,对于低速作业的车辆如履带式推土机,切断动力会立即停车,需停车换挡后再起步;后者可以克服上述缺点,其变速箱中的齿轮是常啮合的,依靠分别与齿轮或轴联接的离合器、制动器的分离或结合实现换挡.而离合器、制动器靠液压操纵,分离与结合的时间很短,可以认为换挡时未切断动力。动力换挡变速器包括定轴式和行星式两种,行星式齿轮换挡变速器拥有一下有点,其可通过行星排中设置多个行星轮,使载荷油几对齿轮共同传递,减轻了每对齿上的载荷,以便选用较小的模数,从而减小齿轮体积,因此,行星变速器在径向方向尺寸较为紧凑,但轴向尺寸则与所采用的行星排数目有关,当行星排数量较多时,则轴向尺寸较大。另外,还可实现输入与输出轴同心转动。此外,变速排挡也不要求在啮合的轮齿上进行准确的速度调整;换挡是轻松的,易于控制。若需要,可以自动控制。另外,可以完全摘下现有档以前挂上新档,这允许在换挡过程中传递发动机功率的一部分,但不是全部,这就是动力换挡。总结而言就为:结构紧凑、载荷容量大、传递效率高、齿间负荷小、结构刚度好、输入输出同心以及便于实现动力与自动换挡的优点。

关键词:行星变速器 动力换挡 行星机构

Power Shift Transmission And The Design of Planetary Bodies
Abstract With the constant perfection and development of the increasingly developed transportation, transmission single already meet the vigorous development of the automobile industry. The main difference between the power shift transmission and the ordinary gear transmission is a power shift transmission adopts shift clutch hydraulic cylinder control, so making automobile transmission to diversify. In the engineering machine transmission system, the gear box is divided into mechanical and power shift two categories. The former uses human shift, shift, a main clutch cut off the power to manipulate the shift mechanism to shift sliding gear to shift, the shift time is long, laborious operation, for low speed operation vehicle such as a bulldozer, cut off the power immediately stop, need to stop after the start shifting; the latter can overcome these shortcomings, the gear box gear is frequently engaged by disengaging the clutch, brake, connected with the gear and shaft are respectively or combined with shifting. And the clutch, brake by hydraulic control, time separation and combination is very short, it did not cut off the power when the shift. Power shift transmission comprises a fixed shaft and planetary type two kinds, planetary gear transmission has a little bit, which can be provided with a plurality of planetary wheel through a planet row, the gear load oil on several common transmission, reduce the load of each pair of teeth, so that the use of smaller modulus, thereby reducing gear volume, therefore, the planetary transmission in the radial direction is more compact size, but the axial size is adopted and the planet row number, when the planet row number, the axial size large. In addition, also can realize the input and output shaft rotation concentric. In addition, the gearshift also does not require accurate speed adjustment in the meshing teeth; gear shifting is easy, easy to control. If necessary, can automatically control. In addition, can completely remove the existing file before hanging files, which allows a part of transfer engine power in the process of shifting, but not all, this is a power shift. Conclusion is: the advantages of compact structure, large load capacity, high transmission.

Key words Planetary transmission Power shift Planetary bodies

第一章 传动方案设计与分析 2
1.1行星式变速器的设计任务 2
1.2行星式变速器特点 2
1.3串联组成式行星变速器设计原则 2
1.4 两自由度行星变速器传动方案的选择 2
第二章 行星机构运动学和动力学分析 3
2.1传动比的确定 3
2.2传动简图设计 5
2.3配齿计算 8
2.4运动学分析 9
2.5 动力学分析 12
第三章 离合器的设计 14
3.1确定换挡离合器的结构形式 14
3.2确定主要参数 15
第四章 齿轮结构设计 15
4.1齿轮设计 15
第五章 轴的设计 21
5.1计算轴的直径 21
5.2轴的强度计算 22
5.3轴的刚度验算 25
结论 28
致谢 29
参考文献: 30