

suv安全气囊控制系统设计,suv安全气囊控制系统设计1.45万字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘要: 作为主要的汽车被动安全装备之一,安全气囊系统通过和安全带的配合使用,可以有效地保护驾驶员和乘员的安全,现在已越来越受到汽车厂和用户所重视。经过多年的发展和推广,安全气囊系统已经在轿车、su...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



摘要: 作为主要的汽车被动安全装备之一,安全气囊系统通过和安全带的配合使用,可以有效地保护驾驶员和乘员的安全,现在已越来越受到汽车厂和用户所重视。经过多年的发展和推广,安全气囊系统已经在轿车、SUV等车型中被普遍应用,并成功挽救了许多交通事故中乘员的生命,也被越来越多人们接受和认可。作为安全气囊系统核心部件的安全气囊控制单元 ACU(Airbag Control Unit),其控制着整个气囊系统的工作,决定了整个系统的性能和功能。其产品具有高实时性、高可靠性和高安全性的要求。但由于国内对安全气囊的研究和发展较晚,自主品牌的安全气囊控制单元的研究和生产相对于国外的汽车零部件生产企业还比较落后,产品的功能也比较单一。随着中国汽车工业的发展和市场需求的提高,人们对于安全气囊和安全气囊控制单元也提出了更高的要求,这对于国内自主品牌的安全气囊控制单元的研究提供了机遇和挑战。设计一个功能性、扩展性好、接口全的安全气囊控制单元对于企业的发展有着重要的作用。

关键词 安全气囊控制单元 加速度传感器 AD转换器 点火驱动芯

Abstract As the main module of the vehicle passive safety system, it is efficient to protect the driver and passenger when the airbag module is matched together with the seat belt, and more and more automobile manufacturers and users pay the great attention to that. After the development and promotion in these years, the airbag modules are already universal application in the Sedan and SUV etc, successfully save many lives during the traffic accidents, the airbag module is accepted and agreed by more and more people. ACU (Airbag Control Unit) is the core module of the airbag safety system, the works of the airbag safety system are controlled by ACU, and the performance and function of the system is determined by ACU. ACU has high Real-time, high reliability and high security. In China, People study and develop the ACU Module is later than foreign, compared to the foreign ACU company, the study and development of our self-owned brand ACU is fallen behind, and the function of ACU is single. Along with the development of the vehicle industry and the expanded of the market requirement, people have the higher requirement of the airbag modules and the airbag control unit. It is the opportunity and the challenge to the self-owned brand ACU. It is very important of the internal company to make the ACU with good function, good expanded part and all-sided interface.
The paper explains the composition of the airbag system and development status in China and foreign firstly, make the analysis and discussion of the core technology for the airbag control unit. And point of view the requirement of airbag safety system in China, make the system structure design, function design of the airbag control unit according to the current technology status. The paper also show how to make the design of the hardware implementation from the hardware requirement of the airbag control unit, and complete finally design of the hardware system by the hardware design of sub-modules: the type selection of the Micro Control Unit, sensor circuit on the board, fire driver circuit of the airbag module and peripherally sensors. And eventually we completed the airbag control unit and peripheral sensor design work. Some introduction of the sensor has been included in the paper. During the design process, I have modified the circuit diagram.
The paper expound the design and the implemention process of the ACU, the system reliability of the ACU is increased by the single chip, the redundancy technology of the paired ACU, and the peripherally sensors etc, ACU with the functions can meet the system requirement.
Key words Airbag control unit acceleration sensor AD convertor Four Channel Squib Driver IC

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