
客车车身骨架应变与刚度实验,1.88万字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用目录摘要3abstract4第一章 绪论51.1实验背景与目的51.2本课题国内外研究现状61.3本课题的主要研究内容7第二章车身骨架应力与形变实验82.1 实验的主要仪器及辅助器材82.2 实验...

此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
目 录
摘要 3
Abstract 4
第一章 绪 论 5
1.1实验背景与目的 5
1.2本课题国内外研究现状 6
1.3本课题的主要研究内容 7
第二章 车身骨架应力与形变实验 8
2.1 实验的主要仪器及辅助器材 8
2.2 实验对象的选择与处理 8
2.3实验方案 11
2.3.1应变片的结构和工作原理 11
2.3.2应变片的温度误差及补偿办法 13
2.3.3应变片的布置 15
2.3.4应变片的贴片方法 19
2.3.5实验过程的加载方式 20
2.3.6实验过程的注意点 21
2.4 实验步骤 22
2.4.1 实验工况的选择 22
2.4.2弯曲工况 23
2.4.3弯扭工况 24
2.5本章小结 24
第三章 车身数据的处理与结果分析 226
3.1实验数据的处理 26
3.2实验数据列表 28
3.3实验结果分析 32
3.3.1强度分析 32
3.3.2刚度分析 33
3.4 本章小结 35
第四章 有限元模型的建立方法 36
4.1 单元类型的选择 36
4.2车身骨架的简化 36
4.3 网格的划分 37
4.4 车身载荷的处理 37
4.5本章小结 37
总 结 38
致 谢 39
参考文献 40
本文依据GB/T 6792-2009《客车骨架应力与形变测量方法》和静态应力电测实验标准,在企业的总装车间进行了弯曲工况和弯扭工况下的6109型城市客车的车身骨架的应力与形变的测量实验。
关键词:客车车身骨架结构; 刚度和应变试验; 结构分析; 轻量化。
Bus body skeleton strain and stiffness experiment
Abstract:Facing the rapid development of the economy and technology ,the safety, economical and environmental of vehicle has been aroused widespread concern. So we choose bus which is essential for our daily life , combining the test and research data at home and abroad related to type 6109 city bus body skeleton of some experiments.
This article is on the basis of GB/T 6792-2009 "bus frame stress and deformation measurement method" and the static stress measurement experimental standard. We has measured the force and deformation about the body skeleton of 6019 city bus under the working conditions of bending and torsion in the assembly shop of the company.
The aims of the experiment are as follows: first, measurement the different values of the bus body skeleton under different work conditions, to understand the situation of the stress distribution under different conditions. Second, analysis the strength and stiffness of the bus body, consider about the reasonableness of the body structure design, and
at the same time test whether the finite element model was established right or not , whether objectively reflect the actual situation of the bus frame, and provide a reliable basis for the optimization of body structure and lightweight design.
The results of this experiment, each case frame the whole deformation are relatively small, the stress value was less than the yield limit of material, show that the strength and stiffness of the structure has a larger allowance, through these allowances we can has a lightweight design. Analysis of the experimental results of bending loads and finite element calculation results, that the finite element model can objectively reflect the actual stress state, to verify the accuracy of the finite element model.
Keywords: bus body frame structure; stiffness and strain test; structure analysis; lightweight
目 录
摘要 3
Abstract 4
第一章 绪 论 5
1.1实验背景与目的 5
1.2本课题国内外研究现状 6
1.3本课题的主要研究内容 7
第二章 车身骨架应力与形变实验 8
2.1 实验的主要仪器及辅助器材 8
2.2 实验对象的选择与处理 8
2.3实验方案 11
2.3.1应变片的结构和工作原理 11
2.3.2应变片的温度误差及补偿办法 13
2.3.3应变片的布置 15
2.3.4应变片的贴片方法 19
2.3.5实验过程的加载方式 20
2.3.6实验过程的注意点 21
2.4 实验步骤 22
2.4.1 实验工况的选择 22
2.4.2弯曲工况 23
2.4.3弯扭工况 24
2.5本章小结 24
第三章 车身数据的处理与结果分析 226
3.1实验数据的处理 26
3.2实验数据列表 28
3.3实验结果分析 32
3.3.1强度分析 32
3.3.2刚度分析 33
3.4 本章小结 35
第四章 有限元模型的建立方法 36
4.1 单元类型的选择 36
4.2车身骨架的简化 36
4.3 网格的划分 37
4.4 车身载荷的处理 37
4.5本章小结 37
总 结 38
致 谢 39
参考文献 40
本文依据GB/T 6792-2009《客车骨架应力与形变测量方法》和静态应力电测实验标准,在企业的总装车间进行了弯曲工况和弯扭工况下的6109型城市客车的车身骨架的应力与形变的测量实验。
关键词:客车车身骨架结构; 刚度和应变试验; 结构分析; 轻量化。
Bus body skeleton strain and stiffness experiment
Abstract:Facing the rapid development of the economy and technology ,the safety, economical and environmental of vehicle has been aroused widespread concern. So we choose bus which is essential for our daily life , combining the test and research data at home and abroad related to type 6109 city bus body skeleton of some experiments.
This article is on the basis of GB/T 6792-2009 "bus frame stress and deformation measurement method" and the static stress measurement experimental standard. We has measured the force and deformation about the body skeleton of 6019 city bus under the working conditions of bending and torsion in the assembly shop of the company.
The aims of the experiment are as follows: first, measurement the different values of the bus body skeleton under different work conditions, to understand the situation of the stress distribution under different conditions. Second, analysis the strength and stiffness of the bus body, consider about the reasonableness of the body structure design, and
at the same time test whether the finite element model was established right or not , whether objectively reflect the actual situation of the bus frame, and provide a reliable basis for the optimization of body structure and lightweight design.
The results of this experiment, each case frame the whole deformation are relatively small, the stress value was less than the yield limit of material, show that the strength and stiffness of the structure has a larger allowance, through these allowances we can has a lightweight design. Analysis of the experimental results of bending loads and finite element calculation results, that the finite element model can objectively reflect the actual stress state, to verify the accuracy of the finite element model.
Keywords: bus body frame structure; stiffness and strain test; structure analysis; lightweight