多路遥控电路设计,52页 3万字 有设计图和程序摘 要红外遥控技术的出现,不仅大大提高了劳动生产率,降低了成本,而且减轻了人们的劳动强度,改善了劳动条件。而微机技术的出现,则使现代科学研究得到了质的飞跃,给现代工业测控领域带来了一次新的革命,给人类生活带来了根本的改变。而两者的有机结合,将给人类带来更美好的明天。这次毕业设计,我总结了自...

此文档由会员 beijing2008 发布
52页 3万字 有设计图和程序
摘 要
关键词 多路遥控;红外线;单片机;protel原理图;源程序
This design in view of the present domestic and foreign present situations, outside considered the design the usability and the convenience, becomes lucky with the monolithic integrated circuit coordination software programming realization controls remotely the signal the decoding, designs the multiple check the infrared remote control system. The infrared launch partially has many pressed keys, are most may meet 64; On behalf of different control function. When the transmitting end presses down some pressed key,correspondingly has the different output condition in the receiving end. I design the infrared remote control system am the home use color television remote control, including infrared launch module, receive module and function control module. Launches the partial cores chip is SAA3010 which Intel Corporation produces, the receive partially uses the present universal use the seal type infrared to meet the receiver, the function control uses the monolithic integrated circuit 89C2051 decoding, and is controlled with the light emitter diode simulation the unit. System realization simple, function flexible, the usability is strong.
Key words Multichannel remote control; Infrared; Monolithic integrated circuit;protel schematic ;source program
摘 要
第1章 绪论
第2章 单片机及汇编语言概述
第3章 多路遥控系统工作原理
第4章 红外遥控系统的实现
4.1 路遥控器及解码核心89C2051简介
4.1.1 遥控系统
4.1.2 外遥控系统的解码核心89C2051
4.1.3 89C2051在本次多路遥控系统设计
4.2 外遥控编码
4.2.1 遥控手饼控制芯片SAA3010简介
4.2.2 红外遥控发射电路
4.3 外遥控接收
4.4 外遥控功能控制的实现
4.5 系统的软件流程
4.6 本章小结
第5章 遥控系统的实验室仿真结果
结 论
摘 要
关键词 多路遥控;红外线;单片机;protel原理图;源程序
This design in view of the present domestic and foreign present situations, outside considered the design the usability and the convenience, becomes lucky with the monolithic integrated circuit coordination software programming realization controls remotely the signal the decoding, designs the multiple check the infrared remote control system. The infrared launch partially has many pressed keys, are most may meet 64; On behalf of different control function. When the transmitting end presses down some pressed key,correspondingly has the different output condition in the receiving end. I design the infrared remote control system am the home use color television remote control, including infrared launch module, receive module and function control module. Launches the partial cores chip is SAA3010 which Intel Corporation produces, the receive partially uses the present universal use the seal type infrared to meet the receiver, the function control uses the monolithic integrated circuit 89C2051 decoding, and is controlled with the light emitter diode simulation the unit. System realization simple, function flexible, the usability is strong.
Key words Multichannel remote control; Infrared; Monolithic integrated circuit;protel schematic ;source program
摘 要
第1章 绪论
第2章 单片机及汇编语言概述
第3章 多路遥控系统工作原理
第4章 红外遥控系统的实现
4.1 路遥控器及解码核心89C2051简介
4.1.1 遥控系统
4.1.2 外遥控系统的解码核心89C2051
4.1.3 89C2051在本次多路遥控系统设计
4.2 外遥控编码
4.2.1 遥控手饼控制芯片SAA3010简介
4.2.2 红外遥控发射电路
4.3 外遥控接收
4.4 外遥控功能控制的实现
4.5 系统的软件流程
4.6 本章小结
第5章 遥控系统的实验室仿真结果
结 论