交通灯控制器设计实现,1.4万字31页 有设计图摘要本次数字电路毕业设计内容是设计交通灯控制器。该系统的基本功能为:在东西南北方向行驶的车辆通过十字路口,在十字路中正中,每条道路各有一组红,黄,绿灯和倒计时显示器,用以指挥车辆和行人有序的通行。其中,红灯亮表示该道路禁止通行;黄灯亮表示停车;绿灯亮表示可以通行;倒计时显示器是用来显示允许通行...

此文档由会员 200306 发布
1.4万字 31页 有设计图
关键字 交通信号灯,自动控制,国际化
We design the transportation control system has the automaticity high, the reliability good, the function complete, is advantageous for the promotion, the independent strong merit. Improved beforehand transportation indicating lamp that kind of signal to be unitary, the processing emergency accident ability difference shortcoming, and has joined the digital prompt function, caused the driver and the pedestrian may go safely and pass through the street. Therefore, the author has conducted the thorough research, the following on the path traffic light control system circuitry, the design calculation and tests questions and so on debugging to carry on the concrete analysis to ask for
KEY WORDS Traffic signal lamp , automaticallies control , internationalization
关键字 交通信号灯,自动控制,国际化
We design the transportation control system has the automaticity high, the reliability good, the function complete, is advantageous for the promotion, the independent strong merit. Improved beforehand transportation indicating lamp that kind of signal to be unitary, the processing emergency accident ability difference shortcoming, and has joined the digital prompt function, caused the driver and the pedestrian may go safely and pass through the street. Therefore, the author has conducted the thorough research, the following on the path traffic light control system circuitry, the design calculation and tests questions and so on debugging to carry on the concrete analysis to ask for
KEY WORDS Traffic signal lamp , automaticallies control , internationalization