

初中英语课堂互动教学的探索,the exploration of the interactive englishteaching in the junior middle schoolscontents abstractikey wordsi摘要ii关键词iiintroduction1i. the importance ...
分类: 论文>英语论文


此文档由会员 xiaowei 发布


The Exploration of the Interactive English
Teaching in the Junior Middle Schools


Abstract I
Key Words I
摘要 II
关键词 II
Introduction 1
I. The Importance of Carrying Out the Interactive English Teaching 2
A. The Traditional English Teaching and Its Defects 2
B. The Interactive English Teaching and Its Importance 3
II. The Advantages of Implementation of the Interactive English Teaching 5
A. A Means to Foster Responsible Membership of the Classroom Community 5
B. Activating the Social and Cultural Resources of the Classroom Group 5
C. Enabling Learners to Exercise Their Active Agency in Learning 6
D. Helping to Form and Extend a Teacher’s Pedagogic Strategies 6
III. The Implementation of the Interactive English Teaching in the Classroom of the Junior Middle Schools 7
A. Creating Favorable Physical Environment 7
B. Creating Harmonious Socio-psychological Atmosphere 9
C. Qualifying the Teacher for the Interactive English Teaching 11
D. Developing the Students’ Active, Autonomous, and Collaborative Attitude 14
Conclusion 16
Acknowledgements 17
Bibliography 18


The traditional English teaching lays more emphasis on English knowledge rather than practical ability, on grammar rather than communication, on writing rather than oral English. So it is hard to foster the students’ enthusiasm, initiative and creativity. On the basis of analyzing those defects of the traditional English teaching, this thesis advocates a new model for English teaching and leaning, namely, the Interactive English Teaching. The Interactive English ......

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