

英国战争对英语习语的影响,the influences of british war on english idiomscontentsabstract Ⅰkey wordsⅠ摘 要Ⅱ关键词Ⅱintroduction1i. the english idioms derived from conquests and inv...
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The Influences of British War on English Idioms

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
Key Words…………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
摘 要………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ
I. The English Idioms Derived from Conquests and Invasions in Britain ………3
A. The Influences of Roman Conquest on English Idioms…………………………3
B. The Influences of Teutonic Conquest on English Idioms…………………………5
C. The Influences of Invasion of Vikings on English Idioms………………………6
D. The Influences of Normandy Conquest on English Idioms………………………7
II. The Influences of the Two World Wars on English Idioms……………………8
A. The English Idioms Originated from World War I………………………9
B. The English Idioms Originated from World War II……………………10
III. The Military Words Used in English Idioms…………………………………11


English is one of the languages with most abundant vocabulary in the world. English idioms are permeated with a strong flavor and intertwined with the influences of other members of the nation. With the change of times, the old language gradually declined, a new language emerges constantly. Idiom is a mirror of a nation. It comprises the historical and cultural background as well as the attitude to life and the ways of people. The formation of English idioms is influenced by such cultural factors as geographical conditions, historical developments, customs, religious beliefs, literature and arts of the British nation. The origin of English idioms goes back to ancient times. It has a strong expressiveness and vivid national character. A right use of them in speech and writing will add much to variety, strength and vividness of the language. With the increasing cross-cultural communication, approaches to the comprehension and translation of English idioms are urgently needed. An appropriate translation of English idioms plays a significant role in the more frequent cross-cultural communication. Through expounding the origins, characteristics, translation principles and methods of English idioms, the thesis aims to help English......

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