

初中学生个体差异与英语教学,摘 要初中英语学习者存在着多种个体差异,直接影响到他们的英语学习。要实现英语教学班级“整体提高”的目标,必须正视学生在英语学习中表现的个体差异。因此英语教师必须重视学习者的个体差异因素,突出学生主体地位,面向全体学生,尊重学生个性差异 ,因材施教,从而提高教学与学习效率,英语教学才能逐步实现从...
分类: 论文>英语论文


此文档由会员 xiaowei 发布


摘 要

初中英语学习者存在着多种个体差异,直接影响到他们的英语学习。要实现英语教学班级“整体提高”的目标,必须正视学生在英语学习中表现的个体差异。因此英语教师必须重视学习者的个体差异因素,突出学生主体地位,面向全体学生,尊重学生个性差异 ,因材施教,从而提高教学与学习效率,英语教学才能逐步实现从以教师为中心向以学生为中心的转变。




Students in junior Middle School have many kinds of individual difference which affect directly their English learning. To achieve the goals of English, teaching in a class with “a whole improvement”, English teaching have to face students' individual difference squarely. The English instructors should attach importance to the learner's individual difference and extrude the student-centered position. They had better face the entire students, and respect students' individual difference and teach them according to their aptitude. It can thereby improve the English teaching and learning efficiency. English teaching change can be realized gradually from taking the teacher as the centre to the students as the centre.
This thesis sets off from students' individual difference, i.e. character difference, motivation difference, learning style difference, language competence difference to discuss Junior English Teaching. This kind of teaching had better be student-centered, let the students learn to learn English, and get as good a combination of teaching and learning as possible. In so doing may the quality of Junior English teaching be achieved.

Key Words

Individual difference;English teaching;Teaching method;Middle school students

目 录

摘 要 I
Abstract II

绪 论 1
一、我国初中英语教学的现状及研究成果 2
二、初中学生的个体差异表现多样 5
三、个体差异与初中英语学习的关系 6
(一)、性格差异 6
(二)、动机差异 6
(三)、学习风格差异 6
(四)、语言能力差异 7
四、有针对性的初中英语教学 8
(一)、针对性格差异 8
(二)、针对动机差异 8
(三)、针对学习风格差异 9
(四)、针对语言能力差异 9
五、如何充分发挥初中学生主体作用 11
(一)关注情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学气氛 11
(二)增强语言交际功能 11
(三)培养、发展创新思维 11

结 论 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 16


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