从《鲁滨逊漂流记》看人的性格对命运的决定作用,the decisive effect of character on fate from robinson crusoe contents abstract...............................ikey words...........i摘要.......

此文档由会员 cnlula 发布
The Decisive Effect of Character on Fate From Robinson Crusoe
Key Words………………………………………………………………………...........I
I. The Brief Introuduction of the Original Works………………….....….......………...2
A. The Introuduction of the Author ….….…........….................................................2
B. The Introduction of the Brief Content …………………..…..............................2
II. The Process of Being Locked on the Isolated Island….............................................3
A. The Conflict of Robinson Crusoe’s Character…...………….…..... …………….3
B. The First Decision to Go for Sailing……………………...….….................….....3
C. The Second Decision to Stay in the Sea……………………….……………..….4
D. Meeting the Serious Disaster in the Sea………………........................................4
E. Being Locked in the Isolated Island……………………………………………...4
F. The Character of Robinson Crusoe…....................................................................5
III. Different Character, Different Fate…......................................................................7
A. The Important Role of Character in the Daily Life………………...……….........7
B. The Relationship between Proper and Improper Character………….……….......7
C. The Correct Attitude Towards One’s Proper and Improper Character…..…….…7
Ⅳ.Detailed Examples…………………………………………………………..……...8
A. The Example of Sanglan……………………………………………………...…8
B. The Story of Einstein…………………………………………………………….9
C. The Story of Danna……………………………………………………………..10
D. The Example of Xiangyu………………………………………………..……...11
The thesis introduces the fate of Robinson Crusoe, and the lesson that his choice and his final fate give us. It describes Robinson Crusoe went out from his parents’ house to sail in the sea without following his parents’ advice for his own dream though his parents had leaved lots of properties for him. What he wanted was freedom, and the life which he created. When he successfully left his home for the sea, he met the serious disasters that he could not imagine before starting his trip, but he decided to continue his sailing, which leaded to his finally drafting......
[1] Fan Cunzhong. History of English Literature . Sichuan People's Press,1983.
[2] Oxford Advanced Learner’s English- Chinese Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2002.
[3] Wang Shouren. Selected Readings in British Literature . Higher Education Press,2001.
[4] 阿尼克斯特. 英国文学史纲[M]. 北京: 人民文学出版社, 1959.
[5] 戴尔•卡耐基. 成功的性格[M]. 重庆: 重庆出版社, 2004.
[6] 端木义万. 英美报刊阅读教程[M]. 北京: 北京大学出版, 2001.
[7] 穆睿清, 姚汝勤. 外国文学参考资料[M]. 北京: 地质出版社, 1984.
The Decisive Effect of Character on Fate From Robinson Crusoe
Key Words………………………………………………………………………...........I
I. The Brief Introuduction of the Original Works………………….....….......………...2
A. The Introuduction of the Author ….….…........….................................................2
B. The Introduction of the Brief Content …………………..…..............................2
II. The Process of Being Locked on the Isolated Island….............................................3
A. The Conflict of Robinson Crusoe’s Character…...………….…..... …………….3
B. The First Decision to Go for Sailing……………………...….….................….....3
C. The Second Decision to Stay in the Sea……………………….……………..….4
D. Meeting the Serious Disaster in the Sea………………........................................4
E. Being Locked in the Isolated Island……………………………………………...4
F. The Character of Robinson Crusoe…....................................................................5
III. Different Character, Different Fate…......................................................................7
A. The Important Role of Character in the Daily Life………………...……….........7
B. The Relationship between Proper and Improper Character………….……….......7
C. The Correct Attitude Towards One’s Proper and Improper Character…..…….…7
Ⅳ.Detailed Examples…………………………………………………………..……...8
A. The Example of Sanglan……………………………………………………...…8
B. The Story of Einstein…………………………………………………………….9
C. The Story of Danna……………………………………………………………..10
D. The Example of Xiangyu………………………………………………..……...11
The thesis introduces the fate of Robinson Crusoe, and the lesson that his choice and his final fate give us. It describes Robinson Crusoe went out from his parents’ house to sail in the sea without following his parents’ advice for his own dream though his parents had leaved lots of properties for him. What he wanted was freedom, and the life which he created. When he successfully left his home for the sea, he met the serious disasters that he could not imagine before starting his trip, but he decided to continue his sailing, which leaded to his finally drafting......
[1] Fan Cunzhong. History of English Literature . Sichuan People's Press,1983.
[2] Oxford Advanced Learner’s English- Chinese Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2002.
[3] Wang Shouren. Selected Readings in British Literature . Higher Education Press,2001.
[4] 阿尼克斯特. 英国文学史纲[M]. 北京: 人民文学出版社, 1959.
[5] 戴尔•卡耐基. 成功的性格[M]. 重庆: 重庆出版社, 2004.
[6] 端木义万. 英美报刊阅读教程[M]. 北京: 北京大学出版, 2001.
[7] 穆睿清, 姚汝勤. 外国文学参考资料[M]. 北京: 地质出版社, 1984.