hash函数设计,4.1万字49页 有设计程序代码摘 要为了抵御新的密码攻击手段,美国国家标准与技术研究所(nist)在2002年5月26日建立了新的高级数据加密标准(aes)规范,它代替了des,成为新的数据加密标准。本课题设计目标就是:应用密码学技术,使计算机网络中的通信更为安全。具体来说分两部分:第一,应用aes算法对通信内容进行...

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4.1万字 49页 有设计程序代码
摘 要
目 录
第一章 绪论
第二章 密码学概述
第三章 基于AES算法的HASH函数的设计
3.1 基于AES算法的HASH函数的构造
3.1.1 AES加密/解密原理图
3.1.2 构造哈希函数的算法和原理图
3.2 基于AES算法的HASH函数的程序设计
3.2.1 Visual C++与VC6.0
3.2.2 HASH函数的程序设计
3.2.3 加密解密测试
3.3 HASH函数的各项性能分析
3.3.1 散列性
3.3.2 混乱和扩散特性
3.3.3 抗冲突性
3.3.4 执行速度
第四章 基于AES算法的HASH函数的应用
4.1 Winsock简介
4.2 客户机/服务器模式
4.3 用Winsock通信实现HASH函数的传输
4.3.1服务器端操作 socket(套接字)
致 谢
附 录
Abstract: Along with the password attack method unceasing renewal, the computation ability unceasing enhancement as well as to the operating speed request, the tradition disperses row algorithm MD5, SHA has demonstrated their shortcoming and the insufficiency day by day, and the
structure of hash function is mostly based on block cipher algorithm DES, but the HASH function security is established above the grouping function security, because the DES operand is very big, the operating speed very slowly by and its itself some characteristics (weak key), therefore disperses a row function based on the DES algorithm to have potential unsecurity. In order to enhance the Hash function performance, this article structure one kind based on the AES HASH function, this HASH function has dispersed a row result the length is 256 bits, may the very good defense exhaustion attack. After calculates and tests this kind of new HASH function to have very good disperses a row nature, is chaotic and the diffusion properties and the anti- conflict, can the effective resistance difference cryptanalysis and the linear cryptanalysis, also has very quickly speed.
Key words: Data encryption standard; Advanced encryption standard;Rijndael; The security disperses a row algorithm; Winsockc orrespondence; Unidirectional function
摘 要
目 录
第一章 绪论
第二章 密码学概述
第三章 基于AES算法的HASH函数的设计
3.1 基于AES算法的HASH函数的构造
3.1.1 AES加密/解密原理图
3.1.2 构造哈希函数的算法和原理图
3.2 基于AES算法的HASH函数的程序设计
3.2.1 Visual C++与VC6.0
3.2.2 HASH函数的程序设计
3.2.3 加密解密测试
3.3 HASH函数的各项性能分析
3.3.1 散列性
3.3.2 混乱和扩散特性
3.3.3 抗冲突性
3.3.4 执行速度
第四章 基于AES算法的HASH函数的应用
4.1 Winsock简介
4.2 客户机/服务器模式
4.3 用Winsock通信实现HASH函数的传输
4.3.1服务器端操作 socket(套接字)
致 谢
附 录
Abstract: Along with the password attack method unceasing renewal, the computation ability unceasing enhancement as well as to the operating speed request, the tradition disperses row algorithm MD5, SHA has demonstrated their shortcoming and the insufficiency day by day, and the
structure of hash function is mostly based on block cipher algorithm DES, but the HASH function security is established above the grouping function security, because the DES operand is very big, the operating speed very slowly by and its itself some characteristics (weak key), therefore disperses a row function based on the DES algorithm to have potential unsecurity. In order to enhance the Hash function performance, this article structure one kind based on the AES HASH function, this HASH function has dispersed a row result the length is 256 bits, may the very good defense exhaustion attack. After calculates and tests this kind of new HASH function to have very good disperses a row nature, is chaotic and the diffusion properties and the anti- conflict, can the effective resistance difference cryptanalysis and the linear cryptanalysis, also has very quickly speed.
Key words: Data encryption standard; Advanced encryption standard;Rijndael; The security disperses a row algorithm; Winsockc orrespondence; Unidirectional function