
水果分选机分级机构的设计,水果分选机分级机构设计目录摘要...1关键词.11前言..31.1 选题研究意义...31.2 国内外水果机械化发展概况...31.3 国内水果机械化未来发展方向...41.4 目前国内常见的水果分选机...42总体方案的拟定..52.1 原理分析.52.2 总体方案确定........62.3 传动装置.72.4 计...

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目 录
1 前言………………………………………………………………………………..………3
1.1 选题研究意义……………………………………………………………….……..3
1.2 国内外水果机械化发展概况………………………………………….………..3
1.3 国内水果机械化未来发展方向………………………………………...………4
1.4 目前国内常见的水果分选机……………………………….…………………..4
2 总体方案的拟定………………………………………………………………..……5
2.1 原理分析……………………………………………………………….……………5
2.2 总体方案确定…………………………………………………...…...……….….…6
2.3 传动装置…………………………………………………………….………………7
2.4 计算机视觉系统……………………………………………………………………7
3 主要零件的计算与校核…………………………………………………….…...8
3.1 电动机的选择……………………………………………………….………………..8
3.2 轴的计算与校核………………………………………………….…….……………9
3.3 键的计算与校核………………………………………………….…………………12
3.4 轴承的校核…………………………………………………………………..………14
4 结束语……………………………………………………………………………….……14
摘 要:本文分析了中国国内外水果分级分选机的研究和发展现状,对未来进行了展望,设计出了一种新型水果分级分选机构。该水果分级分选机机架全部采用铝合金结构,外形美观,与食品接触部分采用不锈钢或食品级材料,符合食品行业的卫生要求;输送线采用无级调速电机驱动,便于和摄像、上料机构的匹配;输送滚采用带圆弧槽的圆柱形结构,便于水果自动调整姿态和被高速气流吹走。整个机构简单且易于 操作,便于维护,提高了生产效率,降低了劳动强度,为实现水果加工机械化与规模化提供了前提。
The design of fruit sorting machine
Abstract: This paper analyzes the present situation of the Chinese domestic and foreign fruit sorting machine research and development, on the future prospects, we design a new type of fruit sorting mechanism. The grading of fruit sorting machine all aluminum frame structure, appearance, and food contact parts made of stainless steel or food-grade materials, meet the health requirements of the food industry; conveyor line using variable speed motor drive, easy and camera, the matching material bodies; transport roller using a cylindrical structure with a circular groove, easy to automatically adjust the attitude of fruit and be blown away by high speed air flow. The entire mechanism is simple and easy to operate, easy to maintain, improve production efficiency,reduce labor intensity, which help to achieve the fruit processing mechanization and scaleand toprovidethepremise.
Key Words:Fruit; transport; hierarchical institution;
目 录
1 前言………………………………………………………………………………..………3
1.1 选题研究意义……………………………………………………………….……..3
1.2 国内外水果机械化发展概况………………………………………….………..3
1.3 国内水果机械化未来发展方向………………………………………...………4
1.4 目前国内常见的水果分选机……………………………….…………………..4
2 总体方案的拟定………………………………………………………………..……5
2.1 原理分析……………………………………………………………….……………5
2.2 总体方案确定…………………………………………………...…...……….….…6
2.3 传动装置…………………………………………………………….………………7
2.4 计算机视觉系统……………………………………………………………………7
3 主要零件的计算与校核…………………………………………………….…...8
3.1 电动机的选择……………………………………………………….………………..8
3.2 轴的计算与校核………………………………………………….…….……………9
3.3 键的计算与校核………………………………………………….…………………12
3.4 轴承的校核…………………………………………………………………..………14
4 结束语……………………………………………………………………………….……14
摘 要:本文分析了中国国内外水果分级分选机的研究和发展现状,对未来进行了展望,设计出了一种新型水果分级分选机构。该水果分级分选机机架全部采用铝合金结构,外形美观,与食品接触部分采用不锈钢或食品级材料,符合食品行业的卫生要求;输送线采用无级调速电机驱动,便于和摄像、上料机构的匹配;输送滚采用带圆弧槽的圆柱形结构,便于水果自动调整姿态和被高速气流吹走。整个机构简单且易于 操作,便于维护,提高了生产效率,降低了劳动强度,为实现水果加工机械化与规模化提供了前提。
The design of fruit sorting machine
Abstract: This paper analyzes the present situation of the Chinese domestic and foreign fruit sorting machine research and development, on the future prospects, we design a new type of fruit sorting mechanism. The grading of fruit sorting machine all aluminum frame structure, appearance, and food contact parts made of stainless steel or food-grade materials, meet the health requirements of the food industry; conveyor line using variable speed motor drive, easy and camera, the matching material bodies; transport roller using a cylindrical structure with a circular groove, easy to automatically adjust the attitude of fruit and be blown away by high speed air flow. The entire mechanism is simple and easy to operate, easy to maintain, improve production efficiency,reduce labor intensity, which help to achieve the fruit processing mechanization and scaleand toprovidethepremise.
Key Words:Fruit; transport; hierarchical institution;