
k波段单平衡混频器的ads设计和仿真,k波段单平衡混频器的ads设计和仿真design and simulation of a k-band single-balanced mixer by ads 21400字50页摘要现如今,随着微波技术的发展,混频器作为微射频电路中不可或缺的部件,已成为仪器科学的重要研究领域之一。无论是微波通信、雷达、遥控、遥感,还...

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Design and Simulation of a K-Band Single-balanced Mixer by ADS
21400字 50页
摘 要
本论文主要研究K波段单平衡混频器,即将频率范围为18-26GHz的波段信号通过混频器后,获得中频信号输出。本文设计的是一无源单平衡混频器,射频频率为23.965-24.035GHz,本振输入为24GHz,输出中频信号的频率为35MHz。选用罗杰斯公司生产的Rogers RT/duriod5880基板,介电常数为2.5,基板厚度选用0.17mm,导体介质选用电导率为58000000的铜箔,厚度选用0.01mm。基于课题中提出的研究目的与当前国内外的研究现状,论文主要就项目中涉及到的单平衡混频器的ADS设计研究,主要分以下几个方面:
(1)设计一个耦合度为3 dB的定向耦合器,耦合器用于射频与本振信号的混合。它的主要技术指标有驻波比、耦合度、插入损耗。定向耦合器采用同轴线、带状线、微带线、金属波导或介质波导等各种型式。它的工作原理是主线中传输的功率通过多种途径耦合到副线,并互相干涉而在副线中只沿一个方向传输。
In the past years, RF mixer circuit has become an important instrument in the field of scientific research as an integral part of the micro- parts. we have to decrease the frequency of the microwave signal by using the mixer to deal with information when it is applied in the field about microwave 、radar、remote control 、remote sense and investigation and electronic warfare.
The integrated mixer small size, design technology is mature, stable and reliable performance, flexible structure that can fit a variety of special applications. On the development of small, low power compact speed radar microwave transceiver means, the front-end signal processing to achieve high-speed acquisition and Doppler radar target speed signal. One of the main research need is the mixer input signal to achieve the frequency shift to higher frequencies down to the low-frequency microwave signal processing. In this thesis, K -band single balanced mixer. Coming in the frequency range 18-26.5GHz band signal through the mixer to obtain an intermediate frequency signal output is a passive single- balanced mixer, RF frequency of 24GHz, the LO input is 26GHz, the frequency of the output IF signal is 35MHz.
Optional Rogers produced Rogers RT/duriod5880 substrate, a dielectric constant of 2.5, substrate thickness selection 0.17mm, conductor medium chosen for the 58 million of copper conductivity, thickness optional 0.01mm. ADS design studies based on single- balanced mixer issues raised in the research purpose and research status at home and abroad, the paper mainly on projects related to the main points the following aspects.
First, for the design of a coupling 3 dB directional coupler, the coupler for mixing the RF signal with the local oscillator. Its main technical indicators VSWR, coupling degree of insertion loss. Directional coupler using various types of coaxial, stripline, microstrip lines, metal waveguide or dielectric waveguides. It works by mainline transmission power coupled to the secondary line through a variety of ways, and interfere with each other while in the sub- transmission line in one direction only.
Second, Design a low-pass filter. Filter is a two-port network, in the design of RF systems usually add filters to accurately achieve a predetermined frequency characteristics. When the frequency is not high, the filter can be lumped inductance and capacitance of the element, but higher than the frequency of 500MHz, the influence of the parasitic parameters of the circuit can not be ignored, the filter usually consists of distributed elements. This design requires a low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 35MHz.
Directional coupler and the matching network between the low - pass filter. In RF circuits, impedance matching is the most important concept, it is an important issue that must be considered when designing the circuit. Match comprising a plurality of areas, for example, matching between the transmission line and the load, and the conjugate match between the signal source and the load and the like.
Keywords : K - band; S..
Design and Simulation of a K-Band Single-balanced Mixer by ADS
21400字 50页
摘 要
本论文主要研究K波段单平衡混频器,即将频率范围为18-26GHz的波段信号通过混频器后,获得中频信号输出。本文设计的是一无源单平衡混频器,射频频率为23.965-24.035GHz,本振输入为24GHz,输出中频信号的频率为35MHz。选用罗杰斯公司生产的Rogers RT/duriod5880基板,介电常数为2.5,基板厚度选用0.17mm,导体介质选用电导率为58000000的铜箔,厚度选用0.01mm。基于课题中提出的研究目的与当前国内外的研究现状,论文主要就项目中涉及到的单平衡混频器的ADS设计研究,主要分以下几个方面:
(1)设计一个耦合度为3 dB的定向耦合器,耦合器用于射频与本振信号的混合。它的主要技术指标有驻波比、耦合度、插入损耗。定向耦合器采用同轴线、带状线、微带线、金属波导或介质波导等各种型式。它的工作原理是主线中传输的功率通过多种途径耦合到副线,并互相干涉而在副线中只沿一个方向传输。
In the past years, RF mixer circuit has become an important instrument in the field of scientific research as an integral part of the micro- parts. we have to decrease the frequency of the microwave signal by using the mixer to deal with information when it is applied in the field about microwave 、radar、remote control 、remote sense and investigation and electronic warfare.
The integrated mixer small size, design technology is mature, stable and reliable performance, flexible structure that can fit a variety of special applications. On the development of small, low power compact speed radar microwave transceiver means, the front-end signal processing to achieve high-speed acquisition and Doppler radar target speed signal. One of the main research need is the mixer input signal to achieve the frequency shift to higher frequencies down to the low-frequency microwave signal processing. In this thesis, K -band single balanced mixer. Coming in the frequency range 18-26.5GHz band signal through the mixer to obtain an intermediate frequency signal output is a passive single- balanced mixer, RF frequency of 24GHz, the LO input is 26GHz, the frequency of the output IF signal is 35MHz.
Optional Rogers produced Rogers RT/duriod5880 substrate, a dielectric constant of 2.5, substrate thickness selection 0.17mm, conductor medium chosen for the 58 million of copper conductivity, thickness optional 0.01mm. ADS design studies based on single- balanced mixer issues raised in the research purpose and research status at home and abroad, the paper mainly on projects related to the main points the following aspects.
First, for the design of a coupling 3 dB directional coupler, the coupler for mixing the RF signal with the local oscillator. Its main technical indicators VSWR, coupling degree of insertion loss. Directional coupler using various types of coaxial, stripline, microstrip lines, metal waveguide or dielectric waveguides. It works by mainline transmission power coupled to the secondary line through a variety of ways, and interfere with each other while in the sub- transmission line in one direction only.
Second, Design a low-pass filter. Filter is a two-port network, in the design of RF systems usually add filters to accurately achieve a predetermined frequency characteristics. When the frequency is not high, the filter can be lumped inductance and capacitance of the element, but higher than the frequency of 500MHz, the influence of the parasitic parameters of the circuit can not be ignored, the filter usually consists of distributed elements. This design requires a low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 35MHz.
Directional coupler and the matching network between the low - pass filter. In RF circuits, impedance matching is the most important concept, it is an important issue that must be considered when designing the circuit. Match comprising a plurality of areas, for example, matching between the transmission line and the load, and the conjugate match between the signal source and the load and the like.
Keywords : K - band; S..
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