
无线通信系统中的微带滤波器的设计,15000字 37页摘要随着现代通信技术的不断发展,微波技术越来越广泛的应用在了通信、雷达、环境遥感和医学系统等众多领域;在国防领域大量地将微波技术用于无源和有源测向、通信以及武器操控系统;在商业等领域更是如此,其现代应用包括蜂窝电话、个人通信系统、无线局域数据网、车载毫米波防撞雷达、广...

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15000字 37页
摘 要
关键词: 微带带通滤波器,SIR谐振器,仿真
With the development of communication technology, microwave technology is more and more used in communication, radar, environment detective and medicine field, microwave and RF are widely used. Especially in commercial field such as cell phone, personal communication system, WLAN,the car carries a millimeter of wave to defend to bump radar, living broadcasting satellite for broadcasting and television, GPS, RF identification tagging, UFB wireless communication and radar system, and, the remote sensor system for microwave environment. At the same time, microwave technology is in great need by the defense system for Have no source and Have a source orientation, communication and weapon control system. Microwaves system possesses lots of advantages such as BFB and The view spread, these are the vital factors for terrestrial and satellite communication, and this also accelerate the development of microwave component.
With the frequent resources becoming more and more limited, the design technology of filters with high frequent selecting characteristics becomes a important study field.On the basis of the studies of Miscellaneous wave restrain technology of tiny take structure band-pass filter,
(1)the paper provides SIR consistence. The coupling match tiny take a bandpass filter,analyze the mechanism of miscellaneous wave restrain frequency control of SIR;
(2)The theory of clutter rejection with SIR resonator capacitively coupled bandpass filter mechanism of clutter, design the filter example and give simulation results.
key words: the microstrip band-pass filter,the SIR resonator,simulation
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1滤波器的简介 1
1.2 课题的国内外研究概况 2
1.3 微波滤波器的发展趋势 4
1.4 课题的研究内容 5
1.5 论文的结构安排 5
第二章 滤波器的特性分析 7
2.1 常用滤波器的种类和分类 7
2.2 理想带通滤波器 8
2.2.1 带通滤波器的工作原理 8
2.2.2 理想带通滤波器特性 9
2.2.3 滤波器的基本参数 9
2.3 本章小结 11
第三章 微带带通滤波器的设计 12
3.1 引言 12
3.2 微带SIR电容间隙耦合带通滤波器的设计 13
3.2.1 等电长度SIR谐振器 14
3.2.2 微带SIR电容耦合带通滤波器设计 14
3.3 本章小结 16
第四章 滤波器的仿真设计和测试结果 17
4.1 微带滤波器的仿真设计 17
4.1.1 仿真软件介绍 17
4.1.2 平行耦合线带通滤波器的设计 18
4.2 微带滤波器的仿真和测试结果 25
4.3 本章小结 27
第五章 总结与展望 28
5.1 总结 28
5.2 展望 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31
15000字 37页
摘 要
关键词: 微带带通滤波器,SIR谐振器,仿真
With the development of communication technology, microwave technology is more and more used in communication, radar, environment detective and medicine field, microwave and RF are widely used. Especially in commercial field such as cell phone, personal communication system, WLAN,the car carries a millimeter of wave to defend to bump radar, living broadcasting satellite for broadcasting and television, GPS, RF identification tagging, UFB wireless communication and radar system, and, the remote sensor system for microwave environment. At the same time, microwave technology is in great need by the defense system for Have no source and Have a source orientation, communication and weapon control system. Microwaves system possesses lots of advantages such as BFB and The view spread, these are the vital factors for terrestrial and satellite communication, and this also accelerate the development of microwave component.
With the frequent resources becoming more and more limited, the design technology of filters with high frequent selecting characteristics becomes a important study field.On the basis of the studies of Miscellaneous wave restrain technology of tiny take structure band-pass filter,
(1)the paper provides SIR consistence. The coupling match tiny take a bandpass filter,analyze the mechanism of miscellaneous wave restrain frequency control of SIR;
(2)The theory of clutter rejection with SIR resonator capacitively coupled bandpass filter mechanism of clutter, design the filter example and give simulation results.
key words: the microstrip band-pass filter,the SIR resonator,simulation
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1滤波器的简介 1
1.2 课题的国内外研究概况 2
1.3 微波滤波器的发展趋势 4
1.4 课题的研究内容 5
1.5 论文的结构安排 5
第二章 滤波器的特性分析 7
2.1 常用滤波器的种类和分类 7
2.2 理想带通滤波器 8
2.2.1 带通滤波器的工作原理 8
2.2.2 理想带通滤波器特性 9
2.2.3 滤波器的基本参数 9
2.3 本章小结 11
第三章 微带带通滤波器的设计 12
3.1 引言 12
3.2 微带SIR电容间隙耦合带通滤波器的设计 13
3.2.1 等电长度SIR谐振器 14
3.2.2 微带SIR电容耦合带通滤波器设计 14
3.3 本章小结 16
第四章 滤波器的仿真设计和测试结果 17
4.1 微带滤波器的仿真设计 17
4.1.1 仿真软件介绍 17
4.1.2 平行耦合线带通滤波器的设计 18
4.2 微带滤波器的仿真和测试结果 25
4.3 本章小结 27
第五章 总结与展望 28
5.1 总结 28
5.2 展望 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31