

某中型货车前钢板弹簧悬架设计与分析,14000字 28页包括开题报告,任务书,论文,外文翻译,cad图纸摘要悬架是保证车轮或车桥与车架或承载式车身之间具有弹性联系的装置的譆@啤P苣芄淮葑饔迷诔德只虺登庞氤导芑虺性厥匠瞪碇涞囊磺辛τ肓兀汉汀⒁种撇黄铰访娓杵档某寤骱驼穸ゼ跤捎诔寤魉鸬恼穸佣Vて档...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文



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A medium-sized truck front leaf spring suspension
Design and analysis


Suspension involves all related components, which exist to guarantee elastic contact between wheel or axle and frame or carrying body. Suspension can transform the force and moment between wheel or axle and the carrying body. Apart of this function, suspension can also cushion the impact and vibration when the road is uneven, undermine the vibration caused by the impact, and as a result, the suspension provide a great possibility of smoothly and stability running.
The structure form of the suspension is developing, but the suspension always made up by elastic component, guide mechanism and vibration-absorbing appliance. The occasion that one component plays two or more roles is exist. For example, leaf spring can be the elastic component and the guide mechanism at the same time.
The paper makes a brief introduction of the structure form, current development and classification of the suspension. The major part of the paper is the design and calculation of leaf spring on medium truck, involving the design of the number and thickness, angular rigidity¡¢stress and offset frequency, the basic size, the height of arc, shock absorber and buffer, the analysis of the effect of the leaf spring on the control stability.

Keywords: suspension; leaf spring; shock absorber; buffer; control stability

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