

led道路光学系统的设计,led道路光学系统的设计 17300字33页包括开题报告,文献综述,论文,外文翻译,读书报告摘要 在21世纪, led作为新一代的新型绿色能源,具有体积小、易放置、颜色多变等优点,受到全球范围的商家的关注和应用。特别是在全球能源短缺、环境污染严重的背景下,led照明的应用前景更加备受瞩目,led照明相关技术的发展将具有...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文



原文档由会员 like188 发布


17300字 33页


在21世纪, LED作为新一代的新型绿色能源,具有体积小、易放置、颜色多变等优点,受到全球范围的商家的关注和应用。特别是在全球能源短缺、环境污染严重的背景下,LED照明的应用前景更加备受瞩目,LED照明相关技术的发展将具有更加深远的意义。现在市面上所发明的LED道路照明工具,并不能满足人们其的需要,主要是因为光学性能比较差。本论文主要是在LED节能型道路照明灯具已有的光源基础上,对其分析,修改其参数,进行二次光学设计,并在实际应用的基础上,对其进行合理的设计,改善LED灯具的光照性能,使得灯具在各种性能指标满足的情况下,保证灯具结构更加简单,拆装更加的方便。
本文主要基于手电筒的抛物曲面设计出道路照明系统的反光杯,并在此基础上利用Light Tools软件进行反复的仿真模拟修改最终将得到最优的简易路灯光学系统。此路灯系统原理简单,Light Tools软件工具易操作。得到简易LED路灯系统,展望更加经济实用的光学系统。
关键词:LED光源;PN结;Light Tools;仿真模拟;光照度分布

Design Of The LED Optical System For Road
In the 21st century , LED as a new generation of new green energy has got more attention and application from worldwide businesses because of its characters of small , easy placement, color changing , etc.. Especially in the context of the global energy shortage and serious environmental pollution, application prospects of LED lighting is more high-profile. The development of LED lighting technology will have more far-reaching significance. Today’s LED road lighting tool invented by the market can't meet the needs of the people , mainly because of relatively poor optical performance. Based on the existing light source of energy-efficient LED road lighting, this paper will do some analyses, modify its parameters, and do secondary optical design and analysis on the basis of its reasonable design, improve LED lamps light performance, finally make lamps in a variety of performance indicators meet the situation and ensure the lamp structure simpler, more convenient disassembly.
At first, this paper introduces the history and development of LED-based optical knowledge of the LED light source, which made the field of LED lighting applications appear, so the design of LED street lighting system has a certain significance for urban development and energy saving. This paper describes the light curve of LED lighting systems as well as performance LED light sources, structure of LED street lighting system, a secondary optical design and optical design, non-imaging systems and imaging systems. And in accordance with the method of lighting design, simulate the light intensity on area distribution of the surface to explore the existing light source.
Based on the flashlight of the parabolic surface, we design the reflective cup of road lighting system. Repeated simulation and rectifying for using the Light Tools software will eventually get optimal simple street light optical system. The principle of this street light tools is simple and the software tool is easy to operate. We get the simple LED street light system, and will develop the more economical and practical system.

Key Words: LED light source;PN junction;Light Tools;Simulation;Illuminance distribution

第一章 绪论 5
1.1 LED照明发展背景以及发展前景 5
1.1.1 LED的发展历史与现状 5
1.1.2 LED照明在国内存在的问题 6
1.1.3 LED照明的发展前景 7
1.1.4照明设计方法的发展 8
1.1.5本文选题背景、完成的主要工作以及各章主要内容 8
1.2 总结 9
第二章 LED照明技术的理论基础 9
2.1 LED照明原理 9
2.1.1 LED的基本结构 10
2.1.2 LED光源的原理 11
2.1.3 LED照明的优点 13
2.1.4 性能参数 14
2.2 LED的光学特性 15
2.2.1 LED的光谱特性 15
2.2.2 LED的伏安特性[22] 16
2.2.3 LED的配光特性 17
2.3总结 17
第三章 道路照明灯具的配光设计 18
3.1 LED道路照明灯具的组成 18
3.2 道路照明灯具的光学设计 19
3.2.1 一次光学设计 20
3.2.2 二次光学设计 20
3.3总结 21
第四章 简易LED路灯的设计及仿真模拟 22
4.1 LED照明光学设计步骤 22
4.2 Light Tools光学系统模拟软件介绍 23
4.3 LED 路灯光学设计方案 23
4.3.1 选择光源 24
图4-3 光强分布 25
4.3.2 反光杯的设计 25
4.3.3 接收面的放置 26
4.3.4 系统光源与反光杯的参数调整设置 26
4.4 总结 29
第五章 总结与展望 30