
非互易性层状一维光子晶体结构的设计,design of non reciprocity layered one-dimensional photonic crystal structure21900字46页摘要 光子晶体,即光子禁带材料,其介电材料的折射率在空间上呈周期性变化。光子禁带和光子局域是光子晶体最基本的特性。此...

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Design of non reciprocity layered one-dimensional photonic crystal structure
21900字 46页
摘要 光子晶体,即光子禁带材料,其介电材料的折射率在空间上呈周期性变化。光子禁带和光子局域是光子晶体最基本的特性。此以外还有许多新的性质,例如能量转移、光双稳、光的超棱镜效应等。光子晶体研发的成功,使人们通过利用光子而达到某些用途的梦想成为可能。随着科学技术的发展,光子应用的领域越来越广泛。近十几年来,随着光机、电子、计算机、光纤通信等新技术的发展,研究者们对磁光效应的研究及应用不断向更深层发展,因而出现了许多崭新的磁光材料和磁光器件。从此,人们开始大规模的研究磁光材料及其器件的研发,并大量应用在了许多高新技术领域。各种磁光材料及其器件所展示出的独特性能也让人们以更浓厚的兴趣投入研究,并期望带来实际应用。
关键词 一维光子晶体 光子带隙 磁光材料 磁光子晶体 磁光效应 非互易性
Design of Non-reciprocity Layered One-dimensional Photonic Crystal Structure
Abstract Photonic crystal is a dielectric structure,whose refractive index varies periodically in space,namely the photonic band gap material.The fundamental properties of photonic crystals are photon localization and the photonic band gap.In addition,there are many new physical phenomena,such as super-prism effect of light,energy transfer,optical bi-stability and so on.With photonic crystals appearing,the dream of manipulating and controlling the photonic becomes possible..In recent years,with the development of new laser technology,computer,information,optical fiber communication,research and application of the magneto-optical effects continue to develop the depth and breadth,and the emergence of many new magnetic materials and magnetic optical devices.From the study of magneto optical materials and devices into an unprecedented period of development,and has been widely used in many high-tech fields,and all kinds of magneto optical materials and devices also demonstrated its unique properties and wide application prospect,and has aroused strong interest.
In this paper,through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation,we studied some properties of non reciprocity layered one-dimensional photonic crystals.Firstly,the concept with properties and applications of photonic crystal are briefly discussed.And then, we demonstrated some important properties of crystals by theory.At the same time,characteristic and the theory of magneto optic crustal are introduced simply.Secondly,we paved the way about studying nonreciprocal layered one-dimensional photonic crystal.The theory includes the photonic band gap of one-dimensional photonic crystal, photonic localization characteristics, transmission characteristics and the transmission matrix, and magneto optical material of magneto optical Faraday effect, Kerr effect etc.Finally,through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation,design a non reciprocal layered one-dimensional photonic crystals.
Key words One-dimensional photonic crystal Photonic band gap Magneto optical materials Magnetic photonic crystals Magneto optical effect Non reciprocal
绪论 1
第一章 光子晶体及磁光子晶体的概念、内涵 2
1.1光子晶体 2
1.1.1光子晶体简介 2
1.1.2光子晶体的性质 3
1.1.3光子晶体的应用 5
1.2一维光子晶体 6
1.2.1一维光子晶体简介 6
1.2.2一维光子晶体的性质 7
1.2.3一维光子晶体的应用 8
1.3磁光子晶体 8
1.3.1磁光子晶体简介 8
1.3.2磁光子晶体的性质 9
1.3.3磁光子晶体的应用 9
1.4论文主要工作 10
第二章 光子晶体及磁光子晶体的进展 11
2.1引言 11
2.2光子晶体及一维光子晶体研究状况 11
2.2.1光子晶体研究状况 11
2.2.2一维光子晶体研究状况 13
2.3磁光材料及磁光子晶体研究状况 13
2.3.1磁光材料研究状况 13
2.3.2磁光子晶体研究状况 15
2.4本章小结 15
第三章 一维光子晶体及磁光子晶体理论分析 16
3.1引言 16
3.2一维光子晶体的理论基础 16
3.2.1光子带隙基础 16
3.2.2一维光子晶体的电磁波理论 18
3.2.3一维光子晶体的Bloch理论 19
3.3一维光子晶体的传输矩阵 22
3.3.1单层介质层的传输矩阵 23
3.3.2多层介质层的传输矩阵 26
3.4磁光子晶体理论 26
3.4.1一维磁光子晶体的光学基础 26
3.4.2磁光效应 28
3.4.3法拉第效应 29
3.5本章小结 30
第四章 非互易性层状一维光子晶体结构的设计 31
4.1引言 31
4.2计算模型 31
4.3非互易性层状一维光子晶体结构设计 31
4.4本章小结 38
结论 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41
Design of non reciprocity layered one-dimensional photonic crystal structure
21900字 46页
摘要 光子晶体,即光子禁带材料,其介电材料的折射率在空间上呈周期性变化。光子禁带和光子局域是光子晶体最基本的特性。此以外还有许多新的性质,例如能量转移、光双稳、光的超棱镜效应等。光子晶体研发的成功,使人们通过利用光子而达到某些用途的梦想成为可能。随着科学技术的发展,光子应用的领域越来越广泛。近十几年来,随着光机、电子、计算机、光纤通信等新技术的发展,研究者们对磁光效应的研究及应用不断向更深层发展,因而出现了许多崭新的磁光材料和磁光器件。从此,人们开始大规模的研究磁光材料及其器件的研发,并大量应用在了许多高新技术领域。各种磁光材料及其器件所展示出的独特性能也让人们以更浓厚的兴趣投入研究,并期望带来实际应用。
关键词 一维光子晶体 光子带隙 磁光材料 磁光子晶体 磁光效应 非互易性
Design of Non-reciprocity Layered One-dimensional Photonic Crystal Structure
Abstract Photonic crystal is a dielectric structure,whose refractive index varies periodically in space,namely the photonic band gap material.The fundamental properties of photonic crystals are photon localization and the photonic band gap.In addition,there are many new physical phenomena,such as super-prism effect of light,energy transfer,optical bi-stability and so on.With photonic crystals appearing,the dream of manipulating and controlling the photonic becomes possible..In recent years,with the development of new laser technology,computer,information,optical fiber communication,research and application of the magneto-optical effects continue to develop the depth and breadth,and the emergence of many new magnetic materials and magnetic optical devices.From the study of magneto optical materials and devices into an unprecedented period of development,and has been widely used in many high-tech fields,and all kinds of magneto optical materials and devices also demonstrated its unique properties and wide application prospect,and has aroused strong interest.
In this paper,through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation,we studied some properties of non reciprocity layered one-dimensional photonic crystals.Firstly,the concept with properties and applications of photonic crystal are briefly discussed.And then, we demonstrated some important properties of crystals by theory.At the same time,characteristic and the theory of magneto optic crustal are introduced simply.Secondly,we paved the way about studying nonreciprocal layered one-dimensional photonic crystal.The theory includes the photonic band gap of one-dimensional photonic crystal, photonic localization characteristics, transmission characteristics and the transmission matrix, and magneto optical material of magneto optical Faraday effect, Kerr effect etc.Finally,through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation,design a non reciprocal layered one-dimensional photonic crystals.
Key words One-dimensional photonic crystal Photonic band gap Magneto optical materials Magnetic photonic crystals Magneto optical effect Non reciprocal
绪论 1
第一章 光子晶体及磁光子晶体的概念、内涵 2
1.1光子晶体 2
1.1.1光子晶体简介 2
1.1.2光子晶体的性质 3
1.1.3光子晶体的应用 5
1.2一维光子晶体 6
1.2.1一维光子晶体简介 6
1.2.2一维光子晶体的性质 7
1.2.3一维光子晶体的应用 8
1.3磁光子晶体 8
1.3.1磁光子晶体简介 8
1.3.2磁光子晶体的性质 9
1.3.3磁光子晶体的应用 9
1.4论文主要工作 10
第二章 光子晶体及磁光子晶体的进展 11
2.1引言 11
2.2光子晶体及一维光子晶体研究状况 11
2.2.1光子晶体研究状况 11
2.2.2一维光子晶体研究状况 13
2.3磁光材料及磁光子晶体研究状况 13
2.3.1磁光材料研究状况 13
2.3.2磁光子晶体研究状况 15
2.4本章小结 15
第三章 一维光子晶体及磁光子晶体理论分析 16
3.1引言 16
3.2一维光子晶体的理论基础 16
3.2.1光子带隙基础 16
3.2.2一维光子晶体的电磁波理论 18
3.2.3一维光子晶体的Bloch理论 19
3.3一维光子晶体的传输矩阵 22
3.3.1单层介质层的传输矩阵 23
3.3.2多层介质层的传输矩阵 26
3.4磁光子晶体理论 26
3.4.1一维磁光子晶体的光学基础 26
3.4.2磁光效应 28
3.4.3法拉第效应 29
3.5本章小结 30
第四章 非互易性层状一维光子晶体结构的设计 31
4.1引言 31
4.2计算模型 31
4.3非互易性层状一维光子晶体结构设计 31
4.4本章小结 38
结论 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41