此文档由会员 好声音v5 发布
关键词:团购 旅游 用户体验 EPR营销
Analysis of the Marketing Strategy to the Online Travel Agents’O2O Mode
--For Example to Ctrip Group Buying
Abstract With the rise of the Internet age of online shopping, many people like to find and consume their favorite products on the network, from the basic necessities to eat, drink, including almost all of the essential elements of life. Tourism as a promising consumer products in the Internet age also plays an important role, as the online travel suppliers, OTA also constantly exploring more effective marketing model, which buy O2O mode as the most typical kind of marketing methods, increasing people of all ages. Ctrip in the industry accounted for half of pay-scheduled business, will be more focus on the group buying business too, in order to increase the volume of business on this market, establish their market position. This paper studies the tourism market is currently on Ctrip current marketing strategy analysis, looking for problems, propose solutions, research executable marketing strategy.Through literature review, the actual observation, conference access methods, from the current situation, analyzing data, trends, thereby providing better advice.
Keywords Group buying Travel User Experience EPR Marketing
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究主要内容 2
第二章 OTA企业O2O模式简述 3
2.1 OTA的概念 3
2.2 OTA的发展历程 3
2.3 O2O的概念 3
2.4 OTA企业的O2O营销模式 4
2.4.1 线上营销 4
2.4.2 线下营销 4
2.5 传统旅行社的营销模式 4
2.5.1 品牌 5
2.5.2 渠道 5
2.5.3 同行 5
2.6 传统模式与O2O模式的优缺点 5
第三章 中国互联网OTA企业发展现状分析 6
3.1 我国在线旅游行业发展的外部环境分析 6
3.1.1 经济环境 6
3.1.2 社会文化环境 6
3.1.3 科学技术环境 8
3.2 我国在线旅游行业发展现状分析 9
3.2.1 概况 9
3.2.2 在线旅游目标受众成分分析 10
3.3 我国在线旅游行业存在的典型问题及原因分析 14
第四章 携程团购营销现状分析 15
4.1 公司概况 15
4.2 携程团购简介 15
4.3 携程团购营销方式 16
4.3.1 微博推广 16
4.3.2 专场活动策划 16
4.3.3 EPR软文营销 16
4.4 携程团购目标受众分析 17
4.5 携程团购主要竞争对手分析 18
4.5.1 美团 18
4.5.2 艺龙团购 18
4.5.3 同程网 19
4.6 携程团购目前存在的问题及其原因分析 19
第五章 携程团购O2O模式营销策略研究 23
5.1 产品策略 23
5.1.1 增加产品数量和提高产品质量 23
5.1.2 拓展覆盖范围 23
5.2 服务策略 23
5.2.1 提高服务质量水平 23
5.2.2 融入用户体验 24
5.2.3 增加一站式体验 24
5.3 宣传策略 24
5.4 监管策略 24
结 论 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28
关键词:团购 旅游 用户体验 EPR营销
Analysis of the Marketing Strategy to the Online Travel Agents’O2O Mode
--For Example to Ctrip Group Buying
Abstract With the rise of the Internet age of online shopping, many people like to find and consume their favorite products on the network, from the basic necessities to eat, drink, including almost all of the essential elements of life. Tourism as a promising consumer products in the Internet age also plays an important role, as the online travel suppliers, OTA also constantly exploring more effective marketing model, which buy O2O mode as the most typical kind of marketing methods, increasing people of all ages. Ctrip in the industry accounted for half of pay-scheduled business, will be more focus on the group buying business too, in order to increase the volume of business on this market, establish their market position. This paper studies the tourism market is currently on Ctrip current marketing strategy analysis, looking for problems, propose solutions, research executable marketing strategy.Through literature review, the actual observation, conference access methods, from the current situation, analyzing data, trends, thereby providing better advice.
Keywords Group buying Travel User Experience EPR Marketing
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究主要内容 2
第二章 OTA企业O2O模式简述 3
2.1 OTA的概念 3
2.2 OTA的发展历程 3
2.3 O2O的概念 3
2.4 OTA企业的O2O营销模式 4
2.4.1 线上营销 4
2.4.2 线下营销 4
2.5 传统旅行社的营销模式 4
2.5.1 品牌 5
2.5.2 渠道 5
2.5.3 同行 5
2.6 传统模式与O2O模式的优缺点 5
第三章 中国互联网OTA企业发展现状分析 6
3.1 我国在线旅游行业发展的外部环境分析 6
3.1.1 经济环境 6
3.1.2 社会文化环境 6
3.1.3 科学技术环境 8
3.2 我国在线旅游行业发展现状分析 9
3.2.1 概况 9
3.2.2 在线旅游目标受众成分分析 10
3.3 我国在线旅游行业存在的典型问题及原因分析 14
第四章 携程团购营销现状分析 15
4.1 公司概况 15
4.2 携程团购简介 15
4.3 携程团购营销方式 16
4.3.1 微博推广 16
4.3.2 专场活动策划 16
4.3.3 EPR软文营销 16
4.4 携程团购目标受众分析 17
4.5 携程团购主要竞争对手分析 18
4.5.1 美团 18
4.5.2 艺龙团购 18
4.5.3 同程网 19
4.6 携程团购目前存在的问题及其原因分析 19
第五章 携程团购O2O模式营销策略研究 23
5.1 产品策略 23
5.1.1 增加产品数量和提高产品质量 23
5.1.2 拓展覆盖范围 23
5.2 服务策略 23
5.2.1 提高服务质量水平 23
5.2.2 融入用户体验 24
5.2.3 增加一站式体验 24
5.3 宣传策略 24
5.4 监管策略 24
结 论 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28