
真功夫中式快餐营销策略研究,20000字摘要 随着我国社会经济全面发展,快餐业发展的社会环境与自身状况更加成熟。定位之父特劳特预言:从长远来看,中式快餐品牌的汉方本草理论和营养健康的属性,能开拓全球市场。正像这个预言一样,目前放眼中国餐饮行业,中国的餐饮品牌实现了跨越式的发展。然而,在当今一体化趋势下,中国快餐在与洋快餐...

此文档由会员 好声音v5 发布
关键词:中式快餐 营销策略 无锡真功夫
Research on Marketing Strategy of Wuxi Kung Fu Chinese Fast Food Restaurant
Abstract With the development of social economy in our country, the development of social environment and its own situation are more mature. The father of positioning Trout Prophesies: From a long-term point of view, Chinese fast food brand of Chinese material medical theory and nutritional health properties can open up the global market. As this prophecy, at present in Chinese catering industry, Chinese restaurant brands realize great leap forward development. However, in today's trend of integration, Chinese fast food and Western fast food competition also exposed many problems.
This paper focuses on the study of Wuxi Kung Fu style fast food shop marketing strategy. We carry in the spot investigation in order to know the actual situation about Wuxi Kung fu fast food store. In order to understand the customer acceptance of Wuxi Kung Fu shop, we analyzed the comprehensive satisfaction and eva luation of customer and conducted a questionnaire survey. Based on collecting and reading lots of literature and the development status of the Chinese fast food industry,we study current situation of the development of more specific of Wuxi Kung Fu fast food store. We also get analysis of the existing competitive elements and its marketing situation questions. Finally we puts forward some suggest -ions for the improvement of Wuxi Kung Fu fast food shop marketing strategy.
Keywords: Chinese Fast Food Marketing Strategy Wuxi Kung Fu Restaurant;
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究目的 2
1.1.3研究意义 2
1.2研究思路与方法 3
1.2.1研究思路 3
1.2.2研究方法 4
第二章 中式快餐发展现状 5
2.1中式快餐发展的现状 5
2.2中式快餐市场的特点 6
2.3连锁经营管理中存在的问题 7
第三章 无锡真功夫简介及营销环境分析 9
3.1真功夫餐饮连锁有限公司概况 9
3.2真功夫快餐在无锡的行业分析 10
3.2.1无锡地区内现有竞争者分析 10
3.2.2真功夫在行业内的优劣势分析 11
第四章 无锡真功夫顾客问卷调查 13
4.1调查目的 13
4.2调查内容 13
4.3设计指标体系 14
4.4问卷发放与回收 14
4.5处理与数据分析 15
第五章 无锡真功夫的营销现状与存在的问题分析 20
5.1产品现状与问题分析 20
5.2价格现状与问题分析 20
5.3促销现状与问题分析 23
5.4品牌现状与问题分析 24
第六章 无锡真功夫的营销策略改进建议 25
6.1产品策略改进——创新产品组合,加强新品研发 25
6.2价格策略改进——调整套餐搭配与价格,提升产品性价比 25
6.3促销策略改进——加大营销力度,推出多形式的促销策略,强化品牌效应 26
6.4品牌策略改进——改善服务质量,打造特色品牌文化,提高顾客品牌忠诚度 26
结 束 语 28
致 谢 29
参考文献: 30
附件一:无锡真功夫顾客调查问卷 32
关键词:中式快餐 营销策略 无锡真功夫
Research on Marketing Strategy of Wuxi Kung Fu Chinese Fast Food Restaurant
Abstract With the development of social economy in our country, the development of social environment and its own situation are more mature. The father of positioning Trout Prophesies: From a long-term point of view, Chinese fast food brand of Chinese material medical theory and nutritional health properties can open up the global market. As this prophecy, at present in Chinese catering industry, Chinese restaurant brands realize great leap forward development. However, in today's trend of integration, Chinese fast food and Western fast food competition also exposed many problems.
This paper focuses on the study of Wuxi Kung Fu style fast food shop marketing strategy. We carry in the spot investigation in order to know the actual situation about Wuxi Kung fu fast food store. In order to understand the customer acceptance of Wuxi Kung Fu shop, we analyzed the comprehensive satisfaction and eva luation of customer and conducted a questionnaire survey. Based on collecting and reading lots of literature and the development status of the Chinese fast food industry,we study current situation of the development of more specific of Wuxi Kung Fu fast food store. We also get analysis of the existing competitive elements and its marketing situation questions. Finally we puts forward some suggest -ions for the improvement of Wuxi Kung Fu fast food shop marketing strategy.
Keywords: Chinese Fast Food Marketing Strategy Wuxi Kung Fu Restaurant;
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究目的 2
1.1.3研究意义 2
1.2研究思路与方法 3
1.2.1研究思路 3
1.2.2研究方法 4
第二章 中式快餐发展现状 5
2.1中式快餐发展的现状 5
2.2中式快餐市场的特点 6
2.3连锁经营管理中存在的问题 7
第三章 无锡真功夫简介及营销环境分析 9
3.1真功夫餐饮连锁有限公司概况 9
3.2真功夫快餐在无锡的行业分析 10
3.2.1无锡地区内现有竞争者分析 10
3.2.2真功夫在行业内的优劣势分析 11
第四章 无锡真功夫顾客问卷调查 13
4.1调查目的 13
4.2调查内容 13
4.3设计指标体系 14
4.4问卷发放与回收 14
4.5处理与数据分析 15
第五章 无锡真功夫的营销现状与存在的问题分析 20
5.1产品现状与问题分析 20
5.2价格现状与问题分析 20
5.3促销现状与问题分析 23
5.4品牌现状与问题分析 24
第六章 无锡真功夫的营销策略改进建议 25
6.1产品策略改进——创新产品组合,加强新品研发 25
6.2价格策略改进——调整套餐搭配与价格,提升产品性价比 25
6.3促销策略改进——加大营销力度,推出多形式的促销策略,强化品牌效应 26
6.4品牌策略改进——改善服务质量,打造特色品牌文化,提高顾客品牌忠诚度 26
结 束 语 28
致 谢 29
参考文献: 30
附件一:无锡真功夫顾客调查问卷 32