
xx男装新品的顾客采纳行为研究,24000字摘要: 服装行业是一个极具有活力的、时效性极强的行业,它的产品种类繁多,周期短,一般不会超过半年。由于社会和经济的发展,商业社会的激烈竞争,用户需求的个性化以及信息化社会的影响,人们对于服装的要求已不仅仅局限于它的性价比、实用性这些基础的方面了,越来越多人开始更加注重服装的风格...

此文档由会员 好声音v5 发布
摘要: 服装行业是一个极具有活力的、时效性极强的行业,它的产品种类繁多,周期短,一般不会超过半年。由于社会和经济的发展,商业社会的激烈竞争,用户需求的个性化以及信息化社会的影响,人们对于服装的要求已不仅仅局限于它的性价比、实用性这些基础的方面了,越来越多人开始更加注重服装的风格、工艺、款式、品牌、流行性等方面。
关键词:新产品 影响因素 顾客采纳 开发策略
The Study On Customers' Adoption Behavior Of New Hongdou Men's Clothing
Abstract: Clothing industry is a very dynamic, strong timeliness industry, its product has some features such as variety, short cycle, generally not more than half a year. Because of the development of society and economy, the fierce competition in the commercial society, personalized users’ requirements and the influence of the information society, people’s requirement of clothing is not only confined to the basic aspects such as its price, the practicability, more and more people begin to pay more attention to the style of clothing, crafts, design, brand, epidemic, etc.
This essay makes the customer adoption behavior of Hongdou men's new product as the research object, mainly discusses three aspects including men's clothing, consumer psychology and behavior about new products, new product marketing strategy. Firstly, this article research background, purpose, significance, and men's wear industry in China and the basic present situation of the Hongdou men's living house are explained briefly. And then it reveals the definition and features of the men's new products and theory analysis of the factors affecting customer adoption of clothing products, moreover, it uses the method of questionnaire to analyse consumers’ adoption of men's new clothing, ultimately to provide effective Suggestions and opinions for Hongdou men's new clothing strategies. Hoping this article can provide beneficial help to promote Hongdou's new products and customers’ adoption and make the Hongdou men's clothing have a foothold in the domestic market in order to gain long-term interests, at the same time, I want it can help the other men's wear industry brands.
Keywords: new product affecting factors consumer adoption development strategy
第1章 导论 1
1.1研究背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.2中国男装行业的基本现状研究 3
1.3红豆男装生活馆的基本现状研究 7
1.4男装新产品的定义和特性 9
1.4.1男装新产品的定义 9
1.4.2男装新产品的特性 11
第2章 影响顾客采纳男装新品的因素的理论分析 12
2.1外部因素 12
2.1.1新品的价格 12
2.1.2服装品牌 12
2.1.3模特服装搭配 13
2.1.4时尚媒体 13
2.1.5参照群体 13
2.1.6新品的新奇度与与众不同的风险 13
2.1.7新品的功能 14
2.1.8新品的风格 14
2.1.9新品的服务 14
2.1.10新品的包装 15
2.1.11新品的面料 15
2.2消费者个人影响因素 15
2.2.1性别 15
2.2.2年龄 16
2.2.3学历、收入、职业 16
第3章 顾客采纳红豆男装新品行为的实证分析 18
3.1问卷内容说明 18
3.1.1具体指标说明 18
3.1.2关键指标说明 18
3.2缺失数据预处理 19
3.3问卷处理方法 19
3.4样本数据的处理结果 19
第4章 提升顾客对红豆男装新产品采纳率的建议 35
4.1男装新产品开发前期调研 35
4.1.1男装新产品调研意义 35
4.1.2男装新产品调研方法 35
4.2男装新产品的开发主要策略 37
4.2.1不同性别、年龄段、学历的营销策略 37
4.2.2新品定价策略 37
4.2.3服装品牌策略 38
4.2.4媒体推广策略 38
4.2.5面料改进型策略 39
4.2.6利用参照人群策略 40
4.2.7功能创新策略 40
4.2.8风格创新策略 41
4.2.9服务异样化策略 41
4.2.10新品包装策略 41
结论 43
致谢 45
参考文献 46
附录 48
摘要: 服装行业是一个极具有活力的、时效性极强的行业,它的产品种类繁多,周期短,一般不会超过半年。由于社会和经济的发展,商业社会的激烈竞争,用户需求的个性化以及信息化社会的影响,人们对于服装的要求已不仅仅局限于它的性价比、实用性这些基础的方面了,越来越多人开始更加注重服装的风格、工艺、款式、品牌、流行性等方面。
关键词:新产品 影响因素 顾客采纳 开发策略
The Study On Customers' Adoption Behavior Of New Hongdou Men's Clothing
Abstract: Clothing industry is a very dynamic, strong timeliness industry, its product has some features such as variety, short cycle, generally not more than half a year. Because of the development of society and economy, the fierce competition in the commercial society, personalized users’ requirements and the influence of the information society, people’s requirement of clothing is not only confined to the basic aspects such as its price, the practicability, more and more people begin to pay more attention to the style of clothing, crafts, design, brand, epidemic, etc.
This essay makes the customer adoption behavior of Hongdou men's new product as the research object, mainly discusses three aspects including men's clothing, consumer psychology and behavior about new products, new product marketing strategy. Firstly, this article research background, purpose, significance, and men's wear industry in China and the basic present situation of the Hongdou men's living house are explained briefly. And then it reveals the definition and features of the men's new products and theory analysis of the factors affecting customer adoption of clothing products, moreover, it uses the method of questionnaire to analyse consumers’ adoption of men's new clothing, ultimately to provide effective Suggestions and opinions for Hongdou men's new clothing strategies. Hoping this article can provide beneficial help to promote Hongdou's new products and customers’ adoption and make the Hongdou men's clothing have a foothold in the domestic market in order to gain long-term interests, at the same time, I want it can help the other men's wear industry brands.
Keywords: new product affecting factors consumer adoption development strategy
第1章 导论 1
1.1研究背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.2中国男装行业的基本现状研究 3
1.3红豆男装生活馆的基本现状研究 7
1.4男装新产品的定义和特性 9
1.4.1男装新产品的定义 9
1.4.2男装新产品的特性 11
第2章 影响顾客采纳男装新品的因素的理论分析 12
2.1外部因素 12
2.1.1新品的价格 12
2.1.2服装品牌 12
2.1.3模特服装搭配 13
2.1.4时尚媒体 13
2.1.5参照群体 13
2.1.6新品的新奇度与与众不同的风险 13
2.1.7新品的功能 14
2.1.8新品的风格 14
2.1.9新品的服务 14
2.1.10新品的包装 15
2.1.11新品的面料 15
2.2消费者个人影响因素 15
2.2.1性别 15
2.2.2年龄 16
2.2.3学历、收入、职业 16
第3章 顾客采纳红豆男装新品行为的实证分析 18
3.1问卷内容说明 18
3.1.1具体指标说明 18
3.1.2关键指标说明 18
3.2缺失数据预处理 19
3.3问卷处理方法 19
3.4样本数据的处理结果 19
第4章 提升顾客对红豆男装新产品采纳率的建议 35
4.1男装新产品开发前期调研 35
4.1.1男装新产品调研意义 35
4.1.2男装新产品调研方法 35
4.2男装新产品的开发主要策略 37
4.2.1不同性别、年龄段、学历的营销策略 37
4.2.2新品定价策略 37
4.2.3服装品牌策略 38
4.2.4媒体推广策略 38
4.2.5面料改进型策略 39
4.2.6利用参照人群策略 40
4.2.7功能创新策略 40
4.2.8风格创新策略 41
4.2.9服务异样化策略 41
4.2.10新品包装策略 41
结论 43
致谢 45
参考文献 46
附录 48
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