制造业上市公司存货发出计价方法选择的研究,15000字本人的毕业论文,原创作品,本站独家提交,格式完整,推荐下载摘要: 随着新企业会计准则的实施,上市公司发出存货计价方法的选择空间有了很大变化。企业选择不同的发出存货计价方法会产生不同的会计信息,将导致企业利害关系集团不同的利益分配结果和投资决策行为,进而影响社会资源的配...
此文档由会员 好声音v5 发布
摘要: 随着新企业会计准则的实施,上市公司发出存货计价方法的选择空间有了很大变化。企业选择不同的发出存货计价方法会产生不同的会计信息,将导致企业利害关系集团不同的利益分配结果和投资决策行为,进而影响社会资源的配置效率和结果,所以企业各相关利益集团都很重视和关注存货发出计价方法的制定和选择问题。
关键词:制造业 上市公司 存货发出计价方法
Study on the selection of inventory valuation methods of manufacturing industry listing corporations in China
Abstract: With the implementation of the new accounting standards for enterprises, listing corporation issued Inventory valuation methods has greatly changed. Enterprises choose different inventory valuation methods will produce different accounting information, corporate interest groups will lead to different results of distribution of interests and investment decision-making behavior, and then affect the social resources allocation efficiency and results, so the related interest group enterprises attach great importance and concern in inventory valuation methods formulation and selection problem.
Manufacturing enterprises make great significance in the national economy. This paper selects the manufacturing industry inventory valuation method as the research object and researches what kind of features will manufacturing listing corporations select valuation methods in stock, and how can they standard the choice of unreasonable inventory valuation methods. This article attempts to start from our country manufacturing industry listing Corporation and count statistics of the choice of inventory valuation methods in the manufacturing industries. Through the comparison of various sub sectors of data, we try to analysis the current situation of the disclosure of a choice of inventory valuation methods, put forward problems of the Valuation methods choice and their causes, and present suggestions for improving the choice of inventory valuation methods.
This paper thinks the management must analysis their environment, development stage, the competition in the industry status, the advantage and the existing problems comprehensively and clear overall goals of the enterprise development, so as to select the most suitable for the development of enterprises of the inventory valuation method. In addition, in the disclosure of the report, we need joint supervision of the disclosure of their own, the securities regulatory authority, certified public accountants and other aspects of the notes issued inventory valuation methods, and ensure that the accounting statements are true and reliable.
Key words:Manufacturing industry; Listing Corporations; Inventory valuation methods
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 存货发出计价方法概述 2
1.1 存货的定义 2
1.2 存货发出计价方法的种类及比较 2
1.3 存货计价方法选择的原则 3
1.4 存货计价方法的选择对企业的影响 4
1.4.1 对企业财务状况的影响 4
1.4.2 对企业经营成果和税收的影响 5
1.4.3 对企业税务筹划的影响 5
1.4.4 对管理当局业绩评价的影响 5
第二章 制造业上市公司存货计价方法的现状分析 6
2.1 加权平均法占主导地位 8
2.2 计划成本法优势明显 8
2.3 移动加权平均法有少数企业在运用 8
2.4 个别计价法在机械设备仪表行业使用较多 9
2.5 先进先出法偶见于制造业企业中 9
2.6 五五摊销法不敌一次摊销法 9
2.7 售价金额法偶见于公司中 9
第三章 制造业公司发出存货计价方法存在的问题及成因分析 10
3.1 制造业上市公司发出存货计价方法存在的问题 10
3.1.1 上市公司对发出存货计价方法的选择有就简弃繁的嫌疑 10
3.1.2 发出存货计价方法披露不规范 11
3.1.3 注册会计师对存货发出计价方法监督不力 12
3.2 制造业上市公司发出存货计价方法选择成因分析 12
3.2.1 会计人员就简弃繁,利用发出存货计价方法意识不强 12
3.2.2 对于存货发出计价方法的附注披露没有相关具体规定的出台 13
3.2.3 有利用会计政策粉饰报表数据的嫌疑 13
3.2.4 注册会计师职业水平欠佳,职业道德缺失 14
第四章 规范我国制造业上市公司存货发出计价方法的建议 14
4.1 加强对制造业企业会计人员的教育,提高会计人员的素质 14
4.2 建立制造业行业内发出存货计价方法附注披露规范细则 15
4.3 进一步加强证券部门监管力度 15
4.4 加强对注册会..
摘要: 随着新企业会计准则的实施,上市公司发出存货计价方法的选择空间有了很大变化。企业选择不同的发出存货计价方法会产生不同的会计信息,将导致企业利害关系集团不同的利益分配结果和投资决策行为,进而影响社会资源的配置效率和结果,所以企业各相关利益集团都很重视和关注存货发出计价方法的制定和选择问题。
关键词:制造业 上市公司 存货发出计价方法
Study on the selection of inventory valuation methods of manufacturing industry listing corporations in China
Abstract: With the implementation of the new accounting standards for enterprises, listing corporation issued Inventory valuation methods has greatly changed. Enterprises choose different inventory valuation methods will produce different accounting information, corporate interest groups will lead to different results of distribution of interests and investment decision-making behavior, and then affect the social resources allocation efficiency and results, so the related interest group enterprises attach great importance and concern in inventory valuation methods formulation and selection problem.
Manufacturing enterprises make great significance in the national economy. This paper selects the manufacturing industry inventory valuation method as the research object and researches what kind of features will manufacturing listing corporations select valuation methods in stock, and how can they standard the choice of unreasonable inventory valuation methods. This article attempts to start from our country manufacturing industry listing Corporation and count statistics of the choice of inventory valuation methods in the manufacturing industries. Through the comparison of various sub sectors of data, we try to analysis the current situation of the disclosure of a choice of inventory valuation methods, put forward problems of the Valuation methods choice and their causes, and present suggestions for improving the choice of inventory valuation methods.
This paper thinks the management must analysis their environment, development stage, the competition in the industry status, the advantage and the existing problems comprehensively and clear overall goals of the enterprise development, so as to select the most suitable for the development of enterprises of the inventory valuation method. In addition, in the disclosure of the report, we need joint supervision of the disclosure of their own, the securities regulatory authority, certified public accountants and other aspects of the notes issued inventory valuation methods, and ensure that the accounting statements are true and reliable.
Key words:Manufacturing industry; Listing Corporations; Inventory valuation methods
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 存货发出计价方法概述 2
1.1 存货的定义 2
1.2 存货发出计价方法的种类及比较 2
1.3 存货计价方法选择的原则 3
1.4 存货计价方法的选择对企业的影响 4
1.4.1 对企业财务状况的影响 4
1.4.2 对企业经营成果和税收的影响 5
1.4.3 对企业税务筹划的影响 5
1.4.4 对管理当局业绩评价的影响 5
第二章 制造业上市公司存货计价方法的现状分析 6
2.1 加权平均法占主导地位 8
2.2 计划成本法优势明显 8
2.3 移动加权平均法有少数企业在运用 8
2.4 个别计价法在机械设备仪表行业使用较多 9
2.5 先进先出法偶见于制造业企业中 9
2.6 五五摊销法不敌一次摊销法 9
2.7 售价金额法偶见于公司中 9
第三章 制造业公司发出存货计价方法存在的问题及成因分析 10
3.1 制造业上市公司发出存货计价方法存在的问题 10
3.1.1 上市公司对发出存货计价方法的选择有就简弃繁的嫌疑 10
3.1.2 发出存货计价方法披露不规范 11
3.1.3 注册会计师对存货发出计价方法监督不力 12
3.2 制造业上市公司发出存货计价方法选择成因分析 12
3.2.1 会计人员就简弃繁,利用发出存货计价方法意识不强 12
3.2.2 对于存货发出计价方法的附注披露没有相关具体规定的出台 13
3.2.3 有利用会计政策粉饰报表数据的嫌疑 13
3.2.4 注册会计师职业水平欠佳,职业道德缺失 14
第四章 规范我国制造业上市公司存货发出计价方法的建议 14
4.1 加强对制造业企业会计人员的教育,提高会计人员的素质 14
4.2 建立制造业行业内发出存货计价方法附注披露规范细则 15
4.3 进一步加强证券部门监管力度 15
4.4 加强对注册会..