
小微企业融资现状与对策研究,南通市13500字本人的毕业论文,原创作品,本站独家提交,格式完整,推荐下载 摘要: 小微企业在我国经济发展过程中起到了巨大的推动作用,是我国经济的重要组成部分。小微企业的发展在增加就业、经济增长、社会稳定等方面起到了非常大的促进作用。但是当前小微企业发展过程中存在严重的融资问题。小微企业发展...

此文档由会员 好声音v5 发布
摘要: 小微企业在我国经济发展过程中起到了巨大的推动作用,是我国经济的重要组成部分。小微企业的发展在增加就业、经济增长、社会稳定等方面起到了非常大的促进作用。但是当前小微企业发展过程中存在严重的融资问题。小微企业发展的重要推动力是充足有效的资金供应,因此解决小微企业的融资问题能促进我国经济更好更快的发展。
关键词:南通市 小微企业 融资
Nantong Small and Micro Enterprises Financing Situation
and Countermeasures Research
Abstract:Small and micro enterprises played a huge role in promoting China's economic development,it is an important part of our economy in China.Development of small and micro enterprises will promote employment,economic growth, social stability and technological innovation better too.However,there are serious problems with financing for them.The shortage of funds make them lack of motivation to develop,so solving these problems will make them develop better and faster.
Currently, research on the financing of small and micro enterprises are mostly based on the national perspective,and the area is so wide.It is ineffective to solve the problem of regional corporate finance .
The paper studies financing of small & micro enterprises in Nantong,first,theoretically clarify the role of small and micro enterprises in economic development, pointing out the importance of addressing the problem of financing small and micro enterprises;then stated financing methods and financing characteristics of small and micro enterprises,to better understand the existing financing methods for more targeted innovative financing channels;then elaborated the status of the existing financing small and micro enterprises in Nantong to explore its existing problems,analyze the causes, pointing the urgency to solve the financing problems of small and micro enterprise development;Finally,three solutions to solve the problem of financing small and micro enterprises in Nantong proposed corporations, financial institutions and governments .
This article aims to analyze the current financing situation of small and micro enterprises in Nantong , find out the problems in the financing process,and then improve profitability,strengthen financial institutions and implement policies to support services,made the promotion of small countermeasures micro-enterprise financing to accelerate the development of small and micro enterprises,promote the progress of economic growth and social development.
Key words:nantong small and micro enterprises financing
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 小微企业融资概述 2
1.1小微企业涵义及作用 2
1.1.1 小微企业的涵义 2
1.1.2 小微企业的作用 2
1.2 小微企业融资方式与特征 2
1.2.1 小微企业融资概念 2
1.2.2 小微企业融资方式 3
1.2.3 小微企业融资特征 3
第二章 南通市小微企业融资现状及存在的问题 6
2.1 南通市小微企业融资现状 6
2.2 南通市小微企业融资过程中存在的问题 6
2.2.1 资金缺口大 7
2.2.2 抵押受限制 7
2.2.3 融资成本高 7
2.2.4 融资效率低 8
2.2.5 融资渠道单一 8
第三章 南通市小微企业融资过程中存在问题的成因分析 8
3.1 小微企业内部制度缺陷 9
3.1.1 用人制度存在缺陷 9
3.1.2 财务管理制度存在缺陷 9
3.1.3 监控制度缺失 10
3.2 金融机构及其服务缺位 10
3.2.1 金融机构数量少 10
3.2.2 金融服务不到位 10
3.3 政府扶持不到位 11
3.3.1 税收优惠政策扶持力度不够 11
3.3.2 法律制度不完善 12
第四章 南通市小微企业融资的对策 13
4.1 完善小微企业内部制度 13
4.1.1 完善用人制度 13
4.1.2 健全财务管理制度 13
4.1.3 提高监控力度 14
4.2 加大金融扶持力度 14
4.2.1 发展金融机构 14
4.2.2 完善金融服务 14
4.2.3 创新发展小微企业契约型基金 15
4.3 加强政府的指引作用 15
4.3.1 制定相关法律 15
4.3.2 拓宽优惠政策 16
结 论 16
致 谢 17
参考文献 18
摘要: 小微企业在我国经济发展过程中起到了巨大的推动作用,是我国经济的重要组成部分。小微企业的发展在增加就业、经济增长、社会稳定等方面起到了非常大的促进作用。但是当前小微企业发展过程中存在严重的融资问题。小微企业发展的重要推动力是充足有效的资金供应,因此解决小微企业的融资问题能促进我国经济更好更快的发展。
关键词:南通市 小微企业 融资
Nantong Small and Micro Enterprises Financing Situation
and Countermeasures Research
Abstract:Small and micro enterprises played a huge role in promoting China's economic development,it is an important part of our economy in China.Development of small and micro enterprises will promote employment,economic growth, social stability and technological innovation better too.However,there are serious problems with financing for them.The shortage of funds make them lack of motivation to develop,so solving these problems will make them develop better and faster.
Currently, research on the financing of small and micro enterprises are mostly based on the national perspective,and the area is so wide.It is ineffective to solve the problem of regional corporate finance .
The paper studies financing of small & micro enterprises in Nantong,first,theoretically clarify the role of small and micro enterprises in economic development, pointing out the importance of addressing the problem of financing small and micro enterprises;then stated financing methods and financing characteristics of small and micro enterprises,to better understand the existing financing methods for more targeted innovative financing channels;then elaborated the status of the existing financing small and micro enterprises in Nantong to explore its existing problems,analyze the causes, pointing the urgency to solve the financing problems of small and micro enterprise development;Finally,three solutions to solve the problem of financing small and micro enterprises in Nantong proposed corporations, financial institutions and governments .
This article aims to analyze the current financing situation of small and micro enterprises in Nantong , find out the problems in the financing process,and then improve profitability,strengthen financial institutions and implement policies to support services,made the promotion of small countermeasures micro-enterprise financing to accelerate the development of small and micro enterprises,promote the progress of economic growth and social development.
Key words:nantong small and micro enterprises financing
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 小微企业融资概述 2
1.1小微企业涵义及作用 2
1.1.1 小微企业的涵义 2
1.1.2 小微企业的作用 2
1.2 小微企业融资方式与特征 2
1.2.1 小微企业融资概念 2
1.2.2 小微企业融资方式 3
1.2.3 小微企业融资特征 3
第二章 南通市小微企业融资现状及存在的问题 6
2.1 南通市小微企业融资现状 6
2.2 南通市小微企业融资过程中存在的问题 6
2.2.1 资金缺口大 7
2.2.2 抵押受限制 7
2.2.3 融资成本高 7
2.2.4 融资效率低 8
2.2.5 融资渠道单一 8
第三章 南通市小微企业融资过程中存在问题的成因分析 8
3.1 小微企业内部制度缺陷 9
3.1.1 用人制度存在缺陷 9
3.1.2 财务管理制度存在缺陷 9
3.1.3 监控制度缺失 10
3.2 金融机构及其服务缺位 10
3.2.1 金融机构数量少 10
3.2.2 金融服务不到位 10
3.3 政府扶持不到位 11
3.3.1 税收优惠政策扶持力度不够 11
3.3.2 法律制度不完善 12
第四章 南通市小微企业融资的对策 13
4.1 完善小微企业内部制度 13
4.1.1 完善用人制度 13
4.1.2 健全财务管理制度 13
4.1.3 提高监控力度 14
4.2 加大金融扶持力度 14
4.2.1 发展金融机构 14
4.2.2 完善金融服务 14
4.2.3 创新发展小微企业契约型基金 15
4.3 加强政府的指引作用 15
4.3.1 制定相关法律 15
4.3.2 拓宽优惠政策 16
结 论 16
致 谢 17
参考文献 18