

此文档由会员 好声音v5 发布
Changzhou Lake Real Estate Company Satisfaction Study
Abstract With the rapid development of new technology generation and domestic industry , a growing number of business managers in the feelings of the staff have created a series of business and human values at the same time , have begun to realize that the development of human capital in the enterprise played an important role . More and more senior managers have included " how to improve employee satisfaction " has become a strategic issue to think about , to how to improve the company's employee satisfaction as the most important problems of modern enterprise management must be addressed.
In this paper, Changzhou Lake Real Estate Company ( hereinafter referred to as Changzhou Dragon Lake ) employee satisfaction as the object of study, to explore practical and theoretical . First reviewed the development process of the theory of employee satisfaction , employee satisfaction , and analyze factors . Then Changzhou Dragon Lake , for example, Changzhou Longhu staff satisfaction survey . In the study, designed Changzhou LONGFOR employee satisfaction survey , and payment and recovery . 150 questionnaires were returned 141 valid questionnaires , efficiency reached 94%. After the questionnaires , the data was collated and analyzed . On this basis , analyzes the current situation of the company and the employee satisfaction factors and problems , and to make some reasonable countermeasures.
In this paper, apply the knowledge of human resources , referring to the actual situation and the status of Changzhou LONGFOR analysis to identify factors that influence employee satisfaction and problems and propose reasonable measures to improve Changzhou LONGFOR employee satisfaction.
Key words Employee satisfaction Impact factors Suggestions
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究的背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究目的和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.3本文的研究方法和过程 3
1.3.1本文研究方法 3
1.3.2本文研究过程 4
第二章 员工满意度的相关理论综述 5
2.1员工满意度的内涵 5
2.2员工满意度的理论基础 5
2.2.1 需求层次理论 5
2.2.2 双因素激励理论 6
2.2.3 公平理论 6
2.2.4 期望理论 6
2.3员工满意度的主要构成因素 6
2.3.1 工作环境 7
2.3.2 晋升培训机会 7
2.3.3 薪酬因素 7
2.3.4 企业管理 7
2.4 提高员工满意度的意义 8
第三章 常州龙湖员工满意度存在的问题及原因 9
3.1 常州龙湖地产公司基本介绍 9
3.2 员工满意度的现状 9
3.3 员工满意度问卷调查 9
3.3.1 常州龙湖员工工作满意度调查背景 9
3.3.2 问卷设计 10
3.3.3 问卷数据分析 10
3.4 员工满意度存在的问题及原因分析 12
3.4.1 工作环境满意度分析 13
3.4.2 培训晋升机会满意度分析 13
3.4.3 薪酬满意度分析 14
3.4.4 企业管理满意度分析 15
3.5 常州龙湖员工满意度偏低原因分析 15
3.5.1 薪酬待遇低 15
3.5.2 晋升培训机会少 16
3.5.3 与上级领导工作沟通不畅 16
第四章 提高员工满意度的对策 17
4.1 提高员工公平感 17
4.1.1合理的薪酬体系 17
4.1.2 科学的绩效考核制度 17
4.1.3 公平的培训、晋升制度 18
4.2 积极搭建沟通平台 18
4.3 提高对员工的关怀度 18
4.4 构筑目标一致的利益共同体 19
结 论 20
参考文献 21
致谢 23
附录A 24
Changzhou Lake Real Estate Company Satisfaction Study
Abstract With the rapid development of new technology generation and domestic industry , a growing number of business managers in the feelings of the staff have created a series of business and human values at the same time , have begun to realize that the development of human capital in the enterprise played an important role . More and more senior managers have included " how to improve employee satisfaction " has become a strategic issue to think about , to how to improve the company's employee satisfaction as the most important problems of modern enterprise management must be addressed.
In this paper, Changzhou Lake Real Estate Company ( hereinafter referred to as Changzhou Dragon Lake ) employee satisfaction as the object of study, to explore practical and theoretical . First reviewed the development process of the theory of employee satisfaction , employee satisfaction , and analyze factors . Then Changzhou Dragon Lake , for example, Changzhou Longhu staff satisfaction survey . In the study, designed Changzhou LONGFOR employee satisfaction survey , and payment and recovery . 150 questionnaires were returned 141 valid questionnaires , efficiency reached 94%. After the questionnaires , the data was collated and analyzed . On this basis , analyzes the current situation of the company and the employee satisfaction factors and problems , and to make some reasonable countermeasures.
In this paper, apply the knowledge of human resources , referring to the actual situation and the status of Changzhou LONGFOR analysis to identify factors that influence employee satisfaction and problems and propose reasonable measures to improve Changzhou LONGFOR employee satisfaction.
Key words Employee satisfaction Impact factors Suggestions
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究的背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究目的和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.3本文的研究方法和过程 3
1.3.1本文研究方法 3
1.3.2本文研究过程 4
第二章 员工满意度的相关理论综述 5
2.1员工满意度的内涵 5
2.2员工满意度的理论基础 5
2.2.1 需求层次理论 5
2.2.2 双因素激励理论 6
2.2.3 公平理论 6
2.2.4 期望理论 6
2.3员工满意度的主要构成因素 6
2.3.1 工作环境 7
2.3.2 晋升培训机会 7
2.3.3 薪酬因素 7
2.3.4 企业管理 7
2.4 提高员工满意度的意义 8
第三章 常州龙湖员工满意度存在的问题及原因 9
3.1 常州龙湖地产公司基本介绍 9
3.2 员工满意度的现状 9
3.3 员工满意度问卷调查 9
3.3.1 常州龙湖员工工作满意度调查背景 9
3.3.2 问卷设计 10
3.3.3 问卷数据分析 10
3.4 员工满意度存在的问题及原因分析 12
3.4.1 工作环境满意度分析 13
3.4.2 培训晋升机会满意度分析 13
3.4.3 薪酬满意度分析 14
3.4.4 企业管理满意度分析 15
3.5 常州龙湖员工满意度偏低原因分析 15
3.5.1 薪酬待遇低 15
3.5.2 晋升培训机会少 16
3.5.3 与上级领导工作沟通不畅 16
第四章 提高员工满意度的对策 17
4.1 提高员工公平感 17
4.1.1合理的薪酬体系 17
4.1.2 科学的绩效考核制度 17
4.1.3 公平的培训、晋升制度 18
4.2 积极搭建沟通平台 18
4.3 提高对员工的关怀度 18
4.4 构筑目标一致的利益共同体 19
结 论 20
参考文献 21
致谢 23
附录A 24