xx家纺产业结构研究,15300字原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 随着改革开放和国内国际两大市场的不断扩张,海门xx家纺产业集群作为国内典型家纺产业集群之一,近几年内发展迅速,已经成为海门市经济发展的主导产业,是财政收入的主要来源。本论文以江苏海门xx家纺产业为研究对象,旨在获得xx家纺产业发展现状,通...
此文档由会员 好声音v5 发布
摘要 随着改革开放和国内国际两大市场的不断扩张,海门xx家纺产业集群作为国内典型家纺产业集群之一,近几年内发展迅速,已经成为海门市经济发展的主导产业,是财政收入的主要来源。本论文以江苏海门xx家纺产业为研究对象,旨在获得xx家纺产业发展现状,通过问卷调查和文献分析的研究方法,理论结合实际,深入分析当前xx家纺产业结构,就其产业结构性问题进一步探讨,并找出相关措施以促进xx家纺产业转型升级。
关键词 xx家纺产业;产业结构;问卷调查
study on textile industry structure of dieshiqiao in haimen
Abstract With the policy of reform and opening up and expanding of demostic and international markets, textile industral cluster of dieshiqiao has been one of typical demostic textile industral clusters and developed rapidly in recent years,which is the leading industry of haimen economy and the source of revenue.This thesis focuses on textile industry in haimen,and aims at grasping its status quo.Through the questionnaire and literature analysis,this thesis combines theory with practice,then analyzes textile industry structure in haimen.The study will discuss its structural problems so that we could identify relevant measures to promote textile industry’s transformation and upgrading.
In this study,we designed questionnaire,and for release and recovery.We sent 50 questionnaires and recycled 49 valid questionnaires, the efficiency is 98%. According to analysis of questionnaires,we find dieshiqiao textile industry structural problems,including the low overall scale level,the universality of credit, weak brand awareness,insufficient industrial R & D,a lower proportion of products for export.In order to solve these problems,this study applies the theory of industry structure to analyze local enterprises’s situation.Futhermore,the thesis offers reasonable suggestions and measures,which is theoretical basis of this industry’s sustainable development.
Key words:dieshiqiao textile industry;industry structure; questionnaire
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1研究的背景和意义 2
1.2本文的研究方法和过程 2
1.2.1本文研究方法 2
1.2.2本文研究过程 3
第二章 产业结构相关理论阐述 4
2.1国内外研究综述 4
2.1.1国外研究综述 4
2.1.2国内研究综述 5
2.2产业结构概念的界定 6
2.2.1产业结构的定义 6
2.2.2产业结构的内涵 6
2.3产业结构的相关阐述 6
2.4产业结构的影响因素分析 7
第三章 xx家纺产业结构现状研究 8
3.1国内家纺产业结构现状 8
3.2海门xx国际家纺城简介 9
3.3海门xx家纺产业结构现状 10
第四章 xx家纺存在的产业结构问题 11
4.1产业结构不合理,总体规模水平偏低 11
4.2产业内企业间赊账引发的金融风险问题 11
4.3品牌意识薄弱,贴牌加工比重较大 12
4.4产业研发力度不足,同质化现象严重 13
4.5产品外销比例较低,外贸专业人才缺失 13
第五章 xx家纺产业结构优化的对策与建议 15
5.1完善中小企业融资担保途径,提供金融保障 15
5.2鼓励企业间专业化分工,合力打造区域品牌 15
5.3走“产学研”相结合路线,培养专业人才 16
5.4加大政府扶持力度,促进产业健康发展 16
5.5大力引进外贸型人才,提高产业外销份额 17
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录A 22
摘要 随着改革开放和国内国际两大市场的不断扩张,海门xx家纺产业集群作为国内典型家纺产业集群之一,近几年内发展迅速,已经成为海门市经济发展的主导产业,是财政收入的主要来源。本论文以江苏海门xx家纺产业为研究对象,旨在获得xx家纺产业发展现状,通过问卷调查和文献分析的研究方法,理论结合实际,深入分析当前xx家纺产业结构,就其产业结构性问题进一步探讨,并找出相关措施以促进xx家纺产业转型升级。
关键词 xx家纺产业;产业结构;问卷调查
study on textile industry structure of dieshiqiao in haimen
Abstract With the policy of reform and opening up and expanding of demostic and international markets, textile industral cluster of dieshiqiao has been one of typical demostic textile industral clusters and developed rapidly in recent years,which is the leading industry of haimen economy and the source of revenue.This thesis focuses on textile industry in haimen,and aims at grasping its status quo.Through the questionnaire and literature analysis,this thesis combines theory with practice,then analyzes textile industry structure in haimen.The study will discuss its structural problems so that we could identify relevant measures to promote textile industry’s transformation and upgrading.
In this study,we designed questionnaire,and for release and recovery.We sent 50 questionnaires and recycled 49 valid questionnaires, the efficiency is 98%. According to analysis of questionnaires,we find dieshiqiao textile industry structural problems,including the low overall scale level,the universality of credit, weak brand awareness,insufficient industrial R & D,a lower proportion of products for export.In order to solve these problems,this study applies the theory of industry structure to analyze local enterprises’s situation.Futhermore,the thesis offers reasonable suggestions and measures,which is theoretical basis of this industry’s sustainable development.
Key words:dieshiqiao textile industry;industry structure; questionnaire
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1研究的背景和意义 2
1.2本文的研究方法和过程 2
1.2.1本文研究方法 2
1.2.2本文研究过程 3
第二章 产业结构相关理论阐述 4
2.1国内外研究综述 4
2.1.1国外研究综述 4
2.1.2国内研究综述 5
2.2产业结构概念的界定 6
2.2.1产业结构的定义 6
2.2.2产业结构的内涵 6
2.3产业结构的相关阐述 6
2.4产业结构的影响因素分析 7
第三章 xx家纺产业结构现状研究 8
3.1国内家纺产业结构现状 8
3.2海门xx国际家纺城简介 9
3.3海门xx家纺产业结构现状 10
第四章 xx家纺存在的产业结构问题 11
4.1产业结构不合理,总体规模水平偏低 11
4.2产业内企业间赊账引发的金融风险问题 11
4.3品牌意识薄弱,贴牌加工比重较大 12
4.4产业研发力度不足,同质化现象严重 13
4.5产品外销比例较低,外贸专业人才缺失 13
第五章 xx家纺产业结构优化的对策与建议 15
5.1完善中小企业融资担保途径,提供金融保障 15
5.2鼓励企业间专业化分工,合力打造区域品牌 15
5.3走“产学研”相结合路线,培养专业人才 16
5.4加大政府扶持力度,促进产业健康发展 16
5.5大力引进外贸型人才,提高产业外销份额 17
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录A 22