

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 好声音v5 发布





Abstract:Based on the definition, types, scope of shadow banks, risk types and causes, from the contagion mechanism, internal in a single shadow banking institutions risk contagion mechanism, in the internal system of the whole shadow banking risk to commercial bank system contagion mechanism aspects, the exact mechanism of action of shadow banking risk, combined with its effect on the stability of the financial system are discussed. Based on the existing research literatures, and with the aid of the domestic case construct risk contagion model, combined with the infectious financial vulnerability and risk, combined with the data and graph method to express. Finally, according to the results of risk regulation problems on the conclusions of the study and the international, the shadow banking supervision and risk management are discussed, and the China characteristics of risk prevention recommendations.

Keywords: shadow banking;The risk of contagion mechanism;financial regulation

第一章 绪论 1
1.1影子银行研究背景 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2国外影子银行发展现状 1
1.1.3国内影子银行发展现状 2
1.2研究思路与研究方法 4
1.2.1研究思路 4
1.2.2研究方法 5
第二章 影子银行风险及其形成 6
2.1影子银行风险种类 6
2.1.1流动性风险 6
2.1.2杠杆风险 6
2.1.3操作风险 7
2.1.4道德风险 7
2.2影子银行风险产生原因 8
第三章 影子银行风险传染途径 10
3.1影子银行体系内部风险传染机制 10
3.1.1单个影子银行机构内部风险传染机制 10
3.1.2影子银行之间风险传染机制 11
3.2影子银行向商业银行体系风险传染机制 12
3.3影子银行对金融系统稳定性的影响 15
第四章 影子银行风险防范对策 17
4.1各国改革思路 17
4.2我国影子银行体系监管态势 18
4.3影子银行风险防范建议对策 18
4.3.1构建宏观审慎的监管模式,完善金融监管体制 18
4.3.2完善金融监管法律体系,促进影子银行体系健康发展 18
4.3.3提高信息披露程度,及时防范金融风险 19
4.3.4平衡金融监管与金融创新,鼓励金融创新 19
总结 20
参考文献 21