
小额贷款公司可持续发展问题研究,12400字原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用【摘要】 随着2005年第一批7家试点小额贷款公司的成功运转,2008年中国银行业监督管理委员会与中国人民银行联合颁布了《关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见》,此举之后,小额贷款公司的数量迅速提高,对发展农村金融起到巨大的促进作用,农村金...

此文档由会员 好声音v5 发布
【摘要】 随着2005年第一批7家试点小额贷款公司的成功运转,2008年中国银行业监督管理委员会与中国人民银行联合颁布了《关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见》,此举之后,小额贷款公司的数量迅速提高,对发展农村金融起到巨大的促进作用,农村金融覆盖面也迅速提高。然而,伴随着小额贷款公司的快速发展,小额贷款公司也遭遇了成长烦恼,发展也面临着一系列困惑,这些问题制约了其可持续发展。本文通过对小额贷款公司运行机制以及所面临困境的深入分析,探讨小额贷款公司可持续发展道路。
【关键词】 小额贷款公司;可持续发展;问题;对策
Research on the sustainable development of small loan companies
Abstract : With the first batch of seven pilot small-loan company's success in 2005,the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the People's Bank of China jointly promulgated “Guidance on microfinance company pilot”in 2008, after this, the number of small-loan company is increasing rapidly, it helped a lot in promoting finance and financial coverage in rural areas. Then, due to the nature of small-loan company itself is not clear, the development process also encountered many obstacles.
Thesis consists of five parts: Chapter 1 is the overview of small loan companies, it introduces the definition, characteristics and concepts of small loan companies; Chapter 2 is the theory of sustainable development . It contains a brief introduction to sustainable development-related theory. Chapter 3 is the development of small loan companies, described in detail in the background microfinance company incurred after describing current development of small loan companies, and introduced the company's microcredit funding and lending operations; Chapter 4 introduces the mian problems of the sustainable development of small loan companies, including the fuzzy nature of small loan companies, a single product, lack of innovation, risk prevention system is not sound and weak supervision, etc.; Chapter 5 introduces countermeasures of the sustainable development of small loan companies, on the basis of Chapter 4 of the proposed problems already existed, it proposes some measures to ensure the sustainable development of small loan companies.
Key words : the small-loan company; sustainable development; problems; solutions
目 录
引言 1
第1章 小额贷款公司概述 2
1.1 小额贷款公司的定义 2
1.2 小额贷款公司的特点 3
1.3 小额贷款公司的意义 4
第2章 小额贷款公司的可持续发展理论 5
2.1 可持续发展的相关理论 5
2.2 小额贷款公司可持续发展理论 5
第3章 我国小额贷款公司发展及运行机制 8
3.1 小额贷款公司的发展历程 8
3.2 小额贷款公司的发展现状 9
3.3 小额贷款公司的运行机制 10
3.3.1 小额贷款公司的资金筹集 10
3.3.2 小额贷款公司的贷款业务 10
第4章 我国小额贷款公司可持续发展面临的主要问题 12
4.1 小额贷款公司性质模糊带来的问题 12
4.1.1后续资金受限 12
4.1.2经营成本较高 12
4.2 小额贷款公司产品单一,创新能力不足 13
4.3 小额贷款公司风险防范体系不健全 13
4.4 小额贷款公司监管力度薄弱 14
第5章 我国小额贷款公司可持续发展的对策建议 16
5.1 确定小额贷款公司金融机构的地位 16
5.1.1 建立有效的资金供给机制 16
5.1.2 实施税收减免政策,鼓励小额贷款公司发展 16
5.2 拓展小额贷款公司中间业务,加强人才储备 17
5.3 完善风险控制措施 17
5.4 完善监管机制,明确监管主体、监管职责 18
结 论 19
参考文献 20
【摘要】 随着2005年第一批7家试点小额贷款公司的成功运转,2008年中国银行业监督管理委员会与中国人民银行联合颁布了《关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见》,此举之后,小额贷款公司的数量迅速提高,对发展农村金融起到巨大的促进作用,农村金融覆盖面也迅速提高。然而,伴随着小额贷款公司的快速发展,小额贷款公司也遭遇了成长烦恼,发展也面临着一系列困惑,这些问题制约了其可持续发展。本文通过对小额贷款公司运行机制以及所面临困境的深入分析,探讨小额贷款公司可持续发展道路。
【关键词】 小额贷款公司;可持续发展;问题;对策
Research on the sustainable development of small loan companies
Abstract : With the first batch of seven pilot small-loan company's success in 2005,the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the People's Bank of China jointly promulgated “Guidance on microfinance company pilot”in 2008, after this, the number of small-loan company is increasing rapidly, it helped a lot in promoting finance and financial coverage in rural areas. Then, due to the nature of small-loan company itself is not clear, the development process also encountered many obstacles.
Thesis consists of five parts: Chapter 1 is the overview of small loan companies, it introduces the definition, characteristics and concepts of small loan companies; Chapter 2 is the theory of sustainable development . It contains a brief introduction to sustainable development-related theory. Chapter 3 is the development of small loan companies, described in detail in the background microfinance company incurred after describing current development of small loan companies, and introduced the company's microcredit funding and lending operations; Chapter 4 introduces the mian problems of the sustainable development of small loan companies, including the fuzzy nature of small loan companies, a single product, lack of innovation, risk prevention system is not sound and weak supervision, etc.; Chapter 5 introduces countermeasures of the sustainable development of small loan companies, on the basis of Chapter 4 of the proposed problems already existed, it proposes some measures to ensure the sustainable development of small loan companies.
Key words : the small-loan company; sustainable development; problems; solutions
目 录
引言 1
第1章 小额贷款公司概述 2
1.1 小额贷款公司的定义 2
1.2 小额贷款公司的特点 3
1.3 小额贷款公司的意义 4
第2章 小额贷款公司的可持续发展理论 5
2.1 可持续发展的相关理论 5
2.2 小额贷款公司可持续发展理论 5
第3章 我国小额贷款公司发展及运行机制 8
3.1 小额贷款公司的发展历程 8
3.2 小额贷款公司的发展现状 9
3.3 小额贷款公司的运行机制 10
3.3.1 小额贷款公司的资金筹集 10
3.3.2 小额贷款公司的贷款业务 10
第4章 我国小额贷款公司可持续发展面临的主要问题 12
4.1 小额贷款公司性质模糊带来的问题 12
4.1.1后续资金受限 12
4.1.2经营成本较高 12
4.2 小额贷款公司产品单一,创新能力不足 13
4.3 小额贷款公司风险防范体系不健全 13
4.4 小额贷款公司监管力度薄弱 14
第5章 我国小额贷款公司可持续发展的对策建议 16
5.1 确定小额贷款公司金融机构的地位 16
5.1.1 建立有效的资金供给机制 16
5.1.2 实施税收减免政策,鼓励小额贷款公司发展 16
5.2 拓展小额贷款公司中间业务,加强人才储备 17
5.3 完善风险控制措施 17
5.4 完善监管机制,明确监管主体、监管职责 18
结 论 19
参考文献 20