语法翻译法在对外汉语中的使用情况及存在问题,1.4万字原创毕业论文,本站独家销售,大家放心下载参考使用目 录引 言1一、语法翻译法及其使用情况...2 (一)什么是语法翻译法....2 (二)关于语法翻译法的问卷调查....3二、语法翻译法的利弊分析4 (一)优点....4 (二)不足....5三、语法翻译法的补救方法....
此文档由会员 好声音v5 发布
目 录
引 言……………………………………………………………………………………………1
结 论…………………………………………………………………………………………..14
附 录…………………………………………………………………………………………,,,.16
摘要: 根据问卷调查结果,在对外汉语教学中,很多老师喜欢采用语法翻译法。这种教学方法利弊互见。好处是:1.有利于学生理解;2.有利于学生养成良好的自学习惯;3.对教师能力要求不高。不足是:1.教学与思想内容情感脱节,课堂枯燥死板;2.重书面语,轻口语,不利于形成语感,尤其是状语的位置、把字句、趋向补语,特别容易出现偏误。为了克服语法翻译法的弊端,我们可以采取交际法、听说法和情景法作为补充手段,调动学生学习的积极性,提高课堂教学的效果。
关键词:语法翻译法; 偏误; 口语; 交际
The use of the grammar translation method and the existing problems in foreign language teaching
Abstract: With the increasing communications between countries, Chinese has had a higher and higher position. As a result, teaching Chinese as a foreign language has become a very attractive and challenging subject. At the present, foreign language teaching method is uneven. There are advantages and disadvantages between a variety of teaching methods. So, it is difficult to find a mature and perfect one. In most of universities in our country, teachers usually use the grammar translation method as their major teaching method when teaching Chinese as a foreign language to the overseas students. It is an issue which is worth exploring for us to teach Chinese well. This paper is from the use of the grammar translation method and the existing problems, to discuss its advantages and limitations, and finally, to think about the innovation in the grammar translation method.
Key words: The grammar translation method; Bias; Oral language; Communication
目 录
引 言……………………………………………………………………………………………1
结 论…………………………………………………………………………………………..14
附 录…………………………………………………………………………………………,,,.16
摘要: 根据问卷调查结果,在对外汉语教学中,很多老师喜欢采用语法翻译法。这种教学方法利弊互见。好处是:1.有利于学生理解;2.有利于学生养成良好的自学习惯;3.对教师能力要求不高。不足是:1.教学与思想内容情感脱节,课堂枯燥死板;2.重书面语,轻口语,不利于形成语感,尤其是状语的位置、把字句、趋向补语,特别容易出现偏误。为了克服语法翻译法的弊端,我们可以采取交际法、听说法和情景法作为补充手段,调动学生学习的积极性,提高课堂教学的效果。
关键词:语法翻译法; 偏误; 口语; 交际
The use of the grammar translation method and the existing problems in foreign language teaching
Abstract: With the increasing communications between countries, Chinese has had a higher and higher position. As a result, teaching Chinese as a foreign language has become a very attractive and challenging subject. At the present, foreign language teaching method is uneven. There are advantages and disadvantages between a variety of teaching methods. So, it is difficult to find a mature and perfect one. In most of universities in our country, teachers usually use the grammar translation method as their major teaching method when teaching Chinese as a foreign language to the overseas students. It is an issue which is worth exploring for us to teach Chinese well. This paper is from the use of the grammar translation method and the existing problems, to discuss its advantages and limitations, and finally, to think about the innovation in the grammar translation method.
Key words: The grammar translation method; Bias; Oral language; Communication