
高速透气阀设计,high velocity pressure/vacuum values design11100字25页摘要 高速透气压力、真空阀是移动式大型油罐必须装备的压力/真空阀,用于透气、驱气、除气和通气,释放货油舱内由于温度变化、罐体摇晃、运输介质挥发而引起的压力。在船舶航行、车辆行驶过程中,高速透气阀能自动调...

此文档由会员 moshengren 发布
High velocity Pressure/Vacuum values design
11100字 25页
摘要 高速透气压力、真空阀是移动式大型油罐必须装备的压力/真空阀,用于透气、驱气、除气和通气,释放货油舱内由于温度变化、罐体摇晃、运输介质挥发而引起的压力。在船舶航行、车辆行驶过程中,高速透气阀能自动调节货油仓内的压力波动;在装油和压载作业工况下,高速透气阀能使舱内的可燃介质蒸汽/空气混合物以大于30m/s的速度垂直向上排至高空消散;在卸货作业工况下,高速透气阀能安全地向舱内补充空气,不致使舱内形成真空而影响卸货。
关键字:高速透气阀 设计 计算 强度校 启闭特性
High velocity Pressure/Vacuum values design
Abstract Cargo tank’s high velocity relief valves are Pressure/Vacuum valves that must be equipped in controlled ventilating system, can release the pressure and vacuum in cargo tanks to make sure they have a suitable pressure in the process of loading and unloading. The high velocity relief valves’ working performance and reliability are very important in ensuring the safety of the tanks and oil storage. To ensure safety, the valve must be opened under certain pressure value, the emission of gas must discharge vertically upwards and have enough high speed to prevent dangerous gas from staying on the deck, the stability in opening and closing process also must be ensured.
This paper firstly summarized the research status of the valve industry and the high velocity relief valve, then introduced design method of the ventilating system and how to select the high velocity relief valve and also did the calculation of given parameter . According to this, intensity check of high velocity value were carried out. At the same time, analysis of the pressure valve on-off characteristic under the condition of gravity control were carried out.
Key words: High velocity Pressure/Vacuum values Design Calculation Intensity Check On-off Characteristic
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 阀门的概念、分类及国内外发展概况 1
1.2 高速透气阀的研究原理与发展现状 5
第二章 油船透气系统的设计及透气阀选型 9
2.1 油船透气系统的功能 9
2.2 油船透气系统的样式和组成 11
2.3 透气系统设计和透气阀的选型 12
2.3.1 了解船舶相关参数 12
2.3.2 液货舱设计压力和高速压力阀整定压力的确定 12
2.3.3 高速压力/真空阀透气容积速率计算 12
2.3.4 高速压力阀内径计算 13
2.3.5 初选透气管路 13
2.3.6 管路沿程压力降计算 13
2.3.7 管路总压力降计算 14
2.3.8 油舱内总压力和计算 14
2.3.9 计算结论 14
第三章 压力阀阀体强度校核和启闭特性 16
3.1 压力阀强度校核 16
3.1.1 压力阀阀体的强度校核 16
3.1.2 压力阀螺栓连接强度校核 16
3.2 只有重力控制情况下的压力阀启闭特性 18
结 论 19
谢 辞 20
参考文献 22
High velocity Pressure/Vacuum values design
11100字 25页
摘要 高速透气压力、真空阀是移动式大型油罐必须装备的压力/真空阀,用于透气、驱气、除气和通气,释放货油舱内由于温度变化、罐体摇晃、运输介质挥发而引起的压力。在船舶航行、车辆行驶过程中,高速透气阀能自动调节货油仓内的压力波动;在装油和压载作业工况下,高速透气阀能使舱内的可燃介质蒸汽/空气混合物以大于30m/s的速度垂直向上排至高空消散;在卸货作业工况下,高速透气阀能安全地向舱内补充空气,不致使舱内形成真空而影响卸货。
关键字:高速透气阀 设计 计算 强度校 启闭特性
High velocity Pressure/Vacuum values design
Abstract Cargo tank’s high velocity relief valves are Pressure/Vacuum valves that must be equipped in controlled ventilating system, can release the pressure and vacuum in cargo tanks to make sure they have a suitable pressure in the process of loading and unloading. The high velocity relief valves’ working performance and reliability are very important in ensuring the safety of the tanks and oil storage. To ensure safety, the valve must be opened under certain pressure value, the emission of gas must discharge vertically upwards and have enough high speed to prevent dangerous gas from staying on the deck, the stability in opening and closing process also must be ensured.
This paper firstly summarized the research status of the valve industry and the high velocity relief valve, then introduced design method of the ventilating system and how to select the high velocity relief valve and also did the calculation of given parameter . According to this, intensity check of high velocity value were carried out. At the same time, analysis of the pressure valve on-off characteristic under the condition of gravity control were carried out.
Key words: High velocity Pressure/Vacuum values Design Calculation Intensity Check On-off Characteristic
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 阀门的概念、分类及国内外发展概况 1
1.2 高速透气阀的研究原理与发展现状 5
第二章 油船透气系统的设计及透气阀选型 9
2.1 油船透气系统的功能 9
2.2 油船透气系统的样式和组成 11
2.3 透气系统设计和透气阀的选型 12
2.3.1 了解船舶相关参数 12
2.3.2 液货舱设计压力和高速压力阀整定压力的确定 12
2.3.3 高速压力/真空阀透气容积速率计算 12
2.3.4 高速压力阀内径计算 13
2.3.5 初选透气管路 13
2.3.6 管路沿程压力降计算 13
2.3.7 管路总压力降计算 14
2.3.8 油舱内总压力和计算 14
2.3.9 计算结论 14
第三章 压力阀阀体强度校核和启闭特性 16
3.1 压力阀强度校核 16
3.1.1 压力阀阀体的强度校核 16
3.1.2 压力阀螺栓连接强度校核 16
3.2 只有重力控制情况下的压力阀启闭特性 18
结 论 19
谢 辞 20
参考文献 22