
焊缝无损探伤导波探头设计,design on ultrasonic weld-guided probe19100字 45页本人自己的毕业设计作品,确保原创,放心使用!摘要 焊接结构是巨大工业财富的组成部分,如不能对焊缝缺陷进行定期检查及有效的安全评定势必会造成重大恶性事故,给企业带来重大的经济损失。焊接结构的安全性直接影...

此文档由会员 moshengren 发布
Design on ultrasonic weld-guided probe
19100字 45页
摘要 焊接结构是巨大工业财富的组成部分,如不能对焊缝缺陷进行定期检查及有效的安全评定势必会造成重大恶性事故,给企业带来重大的经济损失。焊接结构的安全性直接影响着工业生产的效率和安全。如何保证焊缝安全,实现对焊缝内部缺陷的精确定位、定量和定性分析及缺陷评定,是迫切需要解决的课题。
关键词: 超声导波;无损检测;焊缝缺陷;探头;压电式
Design on ultrasonic weld-guided probe
The welding structure is a huge part of the industrial wealth. If we cannot inspect the weld defects and cannot give the efficient safety eva luation regularly, it will result in major accidents and brings huge pecuniary loss to the company. The safety of welding structures directly affects the efficiency and safety of industrial production. How to ensure the safety of the welding structure and to achieve precise positioning, quantitative and qualitative analysis of internal defects of weld and how to eva luate defects are the urgent problem to solve.
Because of larger depth of detection, accurate defect locating, high detection sensitivity, low cost, fast speed, harmless to the human body and convenient field use etc, the traditional ultrasonic detection method is widely used by all of us. But this method measure the weld detection point by point, it has a low efficiency with respect to the long distance detection. It is not applicable for large-scale detection of welding structure. Ultrasonic guided wave detection is a new method in nondestructive testing that developed in recent years, it can measure all internal and surface defects throughout the thickness range by a scan and it will also realize the defect location and scale detection by the same time. Although it is widely used in long distant detection such as pipeline and rail, the application of Ultrasonic guided wave detection in large sheet structure of weld defects is still stay in the stage of theory and laboratory.
My course is based on the shear wave probe, from the structural form of large sheet weld and the mechanism of interaction of the propagation characteristics of the guided waves in the weld and weld defects, research and design ultrasonic guided wave sensor of the welding seam detection, and its fixed and coupling system to provide protection for the characteristics of welding defect for wave nondestructive testing. It is of great significance to promote the application of large sheet structure weld NDT.
Key wards: Ultrasonic guided wave, Non-destructive testing(NDT), Weld defect, Probe, Piezo-electric
目 录
摘要 iv
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1 现有焊缝检测方法 3
1.2.2 超声导波在焊缝检测中的研究及应用 4
1.3课题主要研究内容及论文框架 6
第二章 超声导波理论概述 8
2.1超声导波概念 8
2.2超声导波的传播特性 8
2.2.1超声导波的群速度和相速度 9
2.2.2导波多模态性及频散现象 9
2.3焊缝特征导波 10
2.4本章小结 10
第三章 探头选型及结构设计 11
3.1探头类型选择 11
3.2探头结构及设计 12
3.3本章小结 13
第四章 压电晶片 14
4.1 压电材料选择及设计 14
4.1.1压电效应与压电材料 14
4.1.2压电陶瓷的性能参数 15
4.2压电陶瓷的振动模式 17
4.3激励波频率选择 17
4.3.1 基础理论分析 17
4.3.2 实验设备 20
4.3.3 实验方法 21
4.3.4 实验数据记录 22
4.3.5 总结分析 25
4.4压电陶瓷的参数 25
4.4.1压电陶瓷型号 25
4.4.2压电陶瓷的尺寸 26
4.5本章小结 27
第五章 探头固定方式及耦合方式 28
5.1探头夹具设计 28
5.2探头耦合方式 30
5.3本章小结 31
第六章 实验及结果分析 32
6.1 焊缝导波检测系统 32
6.2 激励接收实验及结果分析 32
6.3 缺陷检测实验及结果分析 34
6.4 本章小结 35
第七章 总结与展望 36
7.1总结 36
7.2展望 37
致谢 38
参考文献 39
Design on ultrasonic weld-guided probe
19100字 45页
摘要 焊接结构是巨大工业财富的组成部分,如不能对焊缝缺陷进行定期检查及有效的安全评定势必会造成重大恶性事故,给企业带来重大的经济损失。焊接结构的安全性直接影响着工业生产的效率和安全。如何保证焊缝安全,实现对焊缝内部缺陷的精确定位、定量和定性分析及缺陷评定,是迫切需要解决的课题。
关键词: 超声导波;无损检测;焊缝缺陷;探头;压电式
Design on ultrasonic weld-guided probe
The welding structure is a huge part of the industrial wealth. If we cannot inspect the weld defects and cannot give the efficient safety eva luation regularly, it will result in major accidents and brings huge pecuniary loss to the company. The safety of welding structures directly affects the efficiency and safety of industrial production. How to ensure the safety of the welding structure and to achieve precise positioning, quantitative and qualitative analysis of internal defects of weld and how to eva luate defects are the urgent problem to solve.
Because of larger depth of detection, accurate defect locating, high detection sensitivity, low cost, fast speed, harmless to the human body and convenient field use etc, the traditional ultrasonic detection method is widely used by all of us. But this method measure the weld detection point by point, it has a low efficiency with respect to the long distance detection. It is not applicable for large-scale detection of welding structure. Ultrasonic guided wave detection is a new method in nondestructive testing that developed in recent years, it can measure all internal and surface defects throughout the thickness range by a scan and it will also realize the defect location and scale detection by the same time. Although it is widely used in long distant detection such as pipeline and rail, the application of Ultrasonic guided wave detection in large sheet structure of weld defects is still stay in the stage of theory and laboratory.
My course is based on the shear wave probe, from the structural form of large sheet weld and the mechanism of interaction of the propagation characteristics of the guided waves in the weld and weld defects, research and design ultrasonic guided wave sensor of the welding seam detection, and its fixed and coupling system to provide protection for the characteristics of welding defect for wave nondestructive testing. It is of great significance to promote the application of large sheet structure weld NDT.
Key wards: Ultrasonic guided wave, Non-destructive testing(NDT), Weld defect, Probe, Piezo-electric
目 录
摘要 iv
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1 现有焊缝检测方法 3
1.2.2 超声导波在焊缝检测中的研究及应用 4
1.3课题主要研究内容及论文框架 6
第二章 超声导波理论概述 8
2.1超声导波概念 8
2.2超声导波的传播特性 8
2.2.1超声导波的群速度和相速度 9
2.2.2导波多模态性及频散现象 9
2.3焊缝特征导波 10
2.4本章小结 10
第三章 探头选型及结构设计 11
3.1探头类型选择 11
3.2探头结构及设计 12
3.3本章小结 13
第四章 压电晶片 14
4.1 压电材料选择及设计 14
4.1.1压电效应与压电材料 14
4.1.2压电陶瓷的性能参数 15
4.2压电陶瓷的振动模式 17
4.3激励波频率选择 17
4.3.1 基础理论分析 17
4.3.2 实验设备 20
4.3.3 实验方法 21
4.3.4 实验数据记录 22
4.3.5 总结分析 25
4.4压电陶瓷的参数 25
4.4.1压电陶瓷型号 25
4.4.2压电陶瓷的尺寸 26
4.5本章小结 27
第五章 探头固定方式及耦合方式 28
5.1探头夹具设计 28
5.2探头耦合方式 30
5.3本章小结 31
第六章 实验及结果分析 32
6.1 焊缝导波检测系统 32
6.2 激励接收实验及结果分析 32
6.3 缺陷检测实验及结果分析 34
6.4 本章小结 35
第七章 总结与展望 36
7.1总结 36
7.2展望 37
致谢 38
参考文献 39