xx公司基层员工的激励研究,xx公司基层员工的激励研究 12000字 摘要员工激励是企业人力资源管理的一个重要内容,激励是指激发员工的工作动机,也就是说用各种有效的方法去调动员工的积极性和创造性,使员工努力去完成组织的任务,实现组织的目标。员工激励需要针对企业基层员工实际的情况制定相应的激励政策,促使基层员工工作积极性和主动性的提高,为企业作出更...
此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘 要
Employee motivation is an important part of corporate human resources management, motivation refers to inspire motivation of employees, that is to say with a variety of effective ways to mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, so that employees try hard to fulfill the organization's mission to achieve the organization goals. Employee motivation needed to develop appropriate incentives for enterprise-level employees the actual situation, prompting grassroots employee enthusiasm and initiative to improve for companies to make greater contribution. Many companies have a motivation problem to a certain extent, some companies do not according to their actual circumstances, copying other companies incentive policies and measures, leading to incentives did not produce proper role. Employees are an important grass-roots groups of employees, and its main purpose is to inspire employees to conduct an effective incentive policies can help employees improve self-demand, promote the upgrading of corporate performance. However, many companies due to the emphasis on the management level employees is not high, does not specify an effective incentive policies and measures, leading to their work enthusiasm and efficiency has been low.
This article Zongyang Conch Cement Company level employees incentives were analyzed current situation, pointing out flaws and corporate incentives combined with the actual make recommendations to improve corporate incentives, encourage enterprises to encourage more perfect its full enthusiasm to motivate staff and the role of the initiative.
Key Words:incentives; junior staff; staff performance; compensation system.
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 1
1.2.1研究目的 1
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3研究思路 2
1.4国内外研究现状 2
1.4.1国外激励理论 3
1、内容型激励理论 3
1.4.2国内激励理论 4
第二章 枞阳海螺水泥股份公司基层员工激励的现状 6
2.1 枞阳海螺水泥股份公司的概况 6
2.2枞阳海螺水泥股份公司基层员工介绍 7
2.3枞阳海螺水泥股份公司基层员工激励存在的问题 9
2.3.1激励政策执行力度不够 9
2.3.2绩效考核局限于形式,基层员工缺乏竞争意识 10
2.3.3基层员工薪酬激励水平过低 11
第三章 枞阳海螺水泥股份公司基层员工激励问题的原因 11
3.1激励形式过于单一 11
3.2缺乏对基层员工需求的分析 12
3.3忽略企业文化的激励作用 13
3.4基层员工缺乏完整的权益保障体系 13
第四章 枞阳海螺水泥股份公司员工激励的对策 14
4.1加强企业激励政策的执行力度 14
4.2加强宣传教育,提高基层员工竞争意识 15
4.3建立公平合理的薪酬分配体系 15
4.4 基层员工自我实现需求的改善 16
4.4.1加强基层员工培训 16
4.4.2 在基层员工中建立公平晋升和发展机制 16
结论 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19
摘 要
Employee motivation is an important part of corporate human resources management, motivation refers to inspire motivation of employees, that is to say with a variety of effective ways to mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, so that employees try hard to fulfill the organization's mission to achieve the organization goals. Employee motivation needed to develop appropriate incentives for enterprise-level employees the actual situation, prompting grassroots employee enthusiasm and initiative to improve for companies to make greater contribution. Many companies have a motivation problem to a certain extent, some companies do not according to their actual circumstances, copying other companies incentive policies and measures, leading to incentives did not produce proper role. Employees are an important grass-roots groups of employees, and its main purpose is to inspire employees to conduct an effective incentive policies can help employees improve self-demand, promote the upgrading of corporate performance. However, many companies due to the emphasis on the management level employees is not high, does not specify an effective incentive policies and measures, leading to their work enthusiasm and efficiency has been low.
This article Zongyang Conch Cement Company level employees incentives were analyzed current situation, pointing out flaws and corporate incentives combined with the actual make recommendations to improve corporate incentives, encourage enterprises to encourage more perfect its full enthusiasm to motivate staff and the role of the initiative.
Key Words:incentives; junior staff; staff performance; compensation system.
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 1
1.2.1研究目的 1
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3研究思路 2
1.4国内外研究现状 2
1.4.1国外激励理论 3
1、内容型激励理论 3
1.4.2国内激励理论 4
第二章 枞阳海螺水泥股份公司基层员工激励的现状 6
2.1 枞阳海螺水泥股份公司的概况 6
2.2枞阳海螺水泥股份公司基层员工介绍 7
2.3枞阳海螺水泥股份公司基层员工激励存在的问题 9
2.3.1激励政策执行力度不够 9
2.3.2绩效考核局限于形式,基层员工缺乏竞争意识 10
2.3.3基层员工薪酬激励水平过低 11
第三章 枞阳海螺水泥股份公司基层员工激励问题的原因 11
3.1激励形式过于单一 11
3.2缺乏对基层员工需求的分析 12
3.3忽略企业文化的激励作用 13
3.4基层员工缺乏完整的权益保障体系 13
第四章 枞阳海螺水泥股份公司员工激励的对策 14
4.1加强企业激励政策的执行力度 14
4.2加强宣传教育,提高基层员工竞争意识 15
4.3建立公平合理的薪酬分配体系 15
4.4 基层员工自我实现需求的改善 16
4.4.1加强基层员工培训 16
4.4.2 在基层员工中建立公平晋升和发展机制 16
结论 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19