
铁岭市公路管理处干部培训存在的问题及对策,16000字摘要 当前,随着市场经济的日益发展,高速运转的经济竞争局面对事业单位的发展提出了新的挑战。在市场经济浪潮的要求下,事业单位也面临了企业性质的转型期,人力资源的发展成为其在转型期间的重要推动力,尤其是人力资源的培训环节。干部作为事业单位的重要管理层,干部培训是事业单位当...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘要 当前,随着市场经济的日益发展,高速运转的经济竞争局面对事业单位的发展提出了新的挑战。在市场经济浪潮的要求下,事业单位也面临了企业性质的转型期,人力资源的发展成为其在转型期间的重要推动力,尤其是人力资源的培训环节。干部作为事业单位的重要管理层,干部培训是事业单位当前最应该重视的重要一环。但是当前许多事业单位的干部培训工作都得不到重视,存在着流于形式、效果不明显、反馈体系缺失等问题,这在一定程度上影响了干部培训的实际效果,而如何解决这些问题,成为优化事业单位干部培训工作的方向选择。
关键词: 干部 培训 对策
Problems and Countermeasures of Tieling city highway management department cadres training
Abstract At present, with the development of market economy development, puts forward new challenges to high-speed economic competition bureau facing the institutiondevelopment. In the tide of market economy, enterprise also faces the transitionnature of enterprises, the development of human resources has become the important impetus during the transition, especially the training of human resources. Cadres as an important management institution, cadre traininginstitutions should pay attention to is the most important one annulus. But at present many institutions of the cadre training work are not pay attention to,there are problems become a mere formality, the effect is not obvious, the lack offeedback system, which influence the actual effect of the training of cadres in a certain extent, and how to solve these problems, to optimize business unit of the cadre training work direction selection.
The main research contents of the institutions of the cadre training system. The use of interviews, to communicate with the Tieling highway managementdepartment Department cadres, cadres training system to understand thesituation of human resource training, combined with theoretical analysis and institutions cadres training the shortcomings of the existing. In the human resources management training process under the guidance of the theory,analysis of existing in the current system of cadre training problems, the analysis of the causes and effects of the problem, and has put forward the reasonableproposal and countermeasures. Through the combination of theory and practiceto recognize Tieling highway management department cadres training existblindness, take a form, lack of scientific means to guide, in the training theorywith the support of enterprises real resource conditions of scientific management,pay attention to the scientific method, strengthen the awareness training,improvement strategy.
Key Words Cadres training countermeasure
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和研究意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容和研究方法 4
1.3.1研究内容 4
1.3.2研究方法 4
第二章 培训流程的理论基础 6
2.1 培训需求的分析 6
2.2 培训规划的制定 7
2.3 培训实施的方式 7
2.4 培训效果的反馈 8
第三章 铁岭市公路管理处干部培训体系存在的问题 9
3.1 铁岭市公路管理处干部培训现状调查及分析 9
3.1.1 铁岭市公路管理处简况 9
3.1.2 铁岭市公路管理处干部培训调查设计 10
3.2 铁岭市公路管理处干部培训存在的问题 13
3.2.1 忽视培训需求分析 13
3.2.2 缺少培训费用预算 13
3.2.3 干部自身忽视对培训的重视 14
3.2.4 培训规划制定不全面 14
3.2.5 培训内容缺乏针对性 14
3.2.6 培训方式墨守成规 15
3.2.7 培训效果反馈流于形式 15
第四章 铁岭市公路管理处干部培训体系改进策略 16
4.1 实施培训需求调查工作 16
4.2 设立培训预算机制 16
4.3 加强培训工作宣传 17
4.4 科学制定培训计划 17
4.5 针对性选择培训对象 17
4.6 丰富培训方式 18
4.7 设立问卷调查反馈法 18
第五章 结论与展望 19
5.1 结论 19
5.2 展望 19
致谢 20
参考文献 21
附录 22
摘要 当前,随着市场经济的日益发展,高速运转的经济竞争局面对事业单位的发展提出了新的挑战。在市场经济浪潮的要求下,事业单位也面临了企业性质的转型期,人力资源的发展成为其在转型期间的重要推动力,尤其是人力资源的培训环节。干部作为事业单位的重要管理层,干部培训是事业单位当前最应该重视的重要一环。但是当前许多事业单位的干部培训工作都得不到重视,存在着流于形式、效果不明显、反馈体系缺失等问题,这在一定程度上影响了干部培训的实际效果,而如何解决这些问题,成为优化事业单位干部培训工作的方向选择。
关键词: 干部 培训 对策
Problems and Countermeasures of Tieling city highway management department cadres training
Abstract At present, with the development of market economy development, puts forward new challenges to high-speed economic competition bureau facing the institutiondevelopment. In the tide of market economy, enterprise also faces the transitionnature of enterprises, the development of human resources has become the important impetus during the transition, especially the training of human resources. Cadres as an important management institution, cadre traininginstitutions should pay attention to is the most important one annulus. But at present many institutions of the cadre training work are not pay attention to,there are problems become a mere formality, the effect is not obvious, the lack offeedback system, which influence the actual effect of the training of cadres in a certain extent, and how to solve these problems, to optimize business unit of the cadre training work direction selection.
The main research contents of the institutions of the cadre training system. The use of interviews, to communicate with the Tieling highway managementdepartment Department cadres, cadres training system to understand thesituation of human resource training, combined with theoretical analysis and institutions cadres training the shortcomings of the existing. In the human resources management training process under the guidance of the theory,analysis of existing in the current system of cadre training problems, the analysis of the causes and effects of the problem, and has put forward the reasonableproposal and countermeasures. Through the combination of theory and practiceto recognize Tieling highway management department cadres training existblindness, take a form, lack of scientific means to guide, in the training theorywith the support of enterprises real resource conditions of scientific management,pay attention to the scientific method, strengthen the awareness training,improvement strategy.
Key Words Cadres training countermeasure
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和研究意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容和研究方法 4
1.3.1研究内容 4
1.3.2研究方法 4
第二章 培训流程的理论基础 6
2.1 培训需求的分析 6
2.2 培训规划的制定 7
2.3 培训实施的方式 7
2.4 培训效果的反馈 8
第三章 铁岭市公路管理处干部培训体系存在的问题 9
3.1 铁岭市公路管理处干部培训现状调查及分析 9
3.1.1 铁岭市公路管理处简况 9
3.1.2 铁岭市公路管理处干部培训调查设计 10
3.2 铁岭市公路管理处干部培训存在的问题 13
3.2.1 忽视培训需求分析 13
3.2.2 缺少培训费用预算 13
3.2.3 干部自身忽视对培训的重视 14
3.2.4 培训规划制定不全面 14
3.2.5 培训内容缺乏针对性 14
3.2.6 培训方式墨守成规 15
3.2.7 培训效果反馈流于形式 15
第四章 铁岭市公路管理处干部培训体系改进策略 16
4.1 实施培训需求调查工作 16
4.2 设立培训预算机制 16
4.3 加强培训工作宣传 17
4.4 科学制定培训计划 17
4.5 针对性选择培训对象 17
4.6 丰富培训方式 18
4.7 设立问卷调查反馈法 18
第五章 结论与展望 19
5.1 结论 19
5.2 展望 19
致谢 20
参考文献 21
附录 22