

xx公司员工培训中存在的问题及对策研究,17000字摘要 人才是it企业竞争的根本,it企业要想获得持续竞争优势,就必须注重人才培养,而培训无疑是企业培养人才的重要途径。但目前国内许多中小it企业员工培训中仍存在培训形式简单,培训内容无针对性,培训计划缺乏系统性,培训运营流程不规范等问题,导致公司人才培养不能满足发展的需...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布



摘要 人才是IT企业竞争的根本,IT企业要想获得持续竞争优势,就必须注重人才培养,而培训无疑是企业培养人才的重要途径。但目前国内许多中小IT企业员工培训中仍存在培训形式简单,培训内容无针对性,培训计划缺乏系统性,培训运营流程不规范等问题,导致公司人才培养不能满足发展的需要。

关键词: 浙江榕基公司 员工培训 核心竞争力

Research on the problems and Countermeasures in the staff training of Zhejiang Rongji Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Abstract IT enterprise as a high-tech industry, talent is the essence of competition. IT in order to obtain sustainable competitive advantage, we must pay attention to personnel training, and training is an important way for enterprises to cultivate talents. But many small and medium-sized domestic IT enterprise staff training in training in the form of simple, without the training content, training plan and lack of systematic training, operation process is not standardized, leading to the present can not meet the needs of the development company culture company personnel.
This paper takes Zhejiang Rongji Information Technology Co. Ltd for example, tries to analyze the existing problems in the staff training, design more accord with the needs of enterprise development and training system. Zhejiang Rongji company as a small IT domestic enterprises, a leadership training does not pay enough attention to personnel training process, the low status of management Based on the above problems, from three aspects which are the training organization guarantee resource security system optimization, optimization of the training, training management system optimization as the starting point, designed to meet the company's training system, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Keywords Zhejiang Rongji company Employee training Core competence

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2研究方法和思路 1
第二章 培训相关理论综述 3
2.1企业员工培训的基本理论 3
2.2国外企业员工培训理论的发展历程 4
2.3我国中小企业员工培训现状 5
2.4企业员工培训的发展趋势 6
第三章 浙江榕基信息技术有限公司员工培训体系分析 8
3.1公司特点 8
3.1.1公司简介 8
3.1.2公司人员特点 8
3.2浙江榕基员工培训现状调查 11
3.3浙江榕基员工培训中存在问题 14
第四章 浙江榕基员工培训改进建议 17
4.1培训工作组织保障的优化 17
4.2培训资源保障体系的优化 18
4.3培训运营管理体系的优化 19
结 论 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23