

分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布




关键词:培训需求 培训实施 培训评估


Paper to build eight innings overseas division as the research object, combining the theory of staff training, using case method and literature method, carries on the analysis about the present situation of the training. In the process of analysis, through access to a variety of data, from the perspective of the theory, firstly introduces the meaning of employee training, then the theory with practice, carry out from the training needs, training content, training and training eva luation four aspects, summarizes the zhongjian eight innings overseas division on the problems existing in the staff training, and puts forward the concrete strategies and Suggestions on improving, mainly including single training needs, meet the needs of the staff training; Content adapted to development, pay attention to corporate culture and team spirit; Guarantee the successful implement of training; Pay attention to the training eva luation work, take a variety of eva luation form. Hope can through these measures, improve the company's training system, the improvement of employees training level play a role, to improve the problems existing in the training of employees, to promote better and faster development.

Keywords: Training needs Training implementation Training eva luation

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国外研究现状 1
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3 研究目的和研究意义 3
1.4 研究思路和研究方法 3
第二章 员工培训概述 5
2.1员工培训的含义 5
2.2员工培训的目的 5
2.3员工培训的意义 6
第三章 中建八局海外事业部员工培训的现状 9
3.1中建八局海外事业部员工培训的现状 9
3.2中建八局海外事业部员工培训的优点 10
3.3中建八局海外事业部员工培训的问题 11
3.4中建八局海外事业部员工培训存在问题的原因 12
第四章 针对中建八局海外事业部员工培训的改进措施 14
4.1 转变单一的培训需求,满足员工培训需要 14
4.2内容与发展相适应,注重企业文化和团队精神 14
4.3保证培训的顺利实施 15
4.4注重培训考评工作,采取多种考评形式 17
结论 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20