
大学生村官激励问题研究,12400字摘要 近年来,大学生村官队伍不断壮大,日益成为基层组织建设和社会主义新农村建设的一支有生力量,因而也引发了社会各界的密切关注。然而通过资料搜集以及现实访谈,发现这一新生事物在运行的过程中也存在着诸多问题,例如大学生村官的个人发展、能力培养等等,这些恰恰与其激励问题相关。如何运用好各项激...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘 要
关键词:人力资源管理 激励 大学生村官 双因素理论 对策
In recent years, the team of university student village officials expands increasingly and gradually becomes an effective strength of the building of grass-roots organizations and the construction of new socialist countryside, thus attracting the close attention from the community.However, the reality through data collection and interviews is that in the process of running this new thing many problems appear, such as the university student village officials’ personal development, capacity-building and so on, and these are precisely the issues related to their motivation. How to make good use of various incentives to dig university student village officials’ potential and mobilize their enthusiasm and initiative in order to improve their work efficiency will become the focus of this paper.
This paper will research the characteristics of college students village officials. Combining the survey of the university student village officials’ salary, training, personal development and other incentive factors, analysis the existing incentive model and explore the issues with the motivation theory.Finally,using hygiene-motivational factors improves the university student village officials’ incentive ideas which will help the plan of university student village officials continue to improve, and ultimately develop solid team for our new rural construction .
Keywords:Human resource management Incentive University student village officials hygiene-motivational factors Countermeasure
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.2 研究背景和研究目的 1
1.2.1 研究背景 1
1.2.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究思路和研究方法 2
第二章 激励相关理论与文献综述 3
2.1 激励的含义和内容 3
2.1.1 激励的含义 3
2.1.2 激励的内容 3
2.2 激励的原则 3
2.3 激励的现实意义与作用 4
2.4 国内外理论综述 5
2.4.1 国外理论综述 5
2.4.2 国内理论综述 6
第三章 寅阳镇大学生村官激励的现状 7
3.1 大学生村官简介 7
3.2 寅阳镇大学生村官激励现状 8
3.3 寅阳镇大学生村官激励存在的问题 10
3.3.1 培训指导不到位,工作激励薄弱 10
3.3.2 职业规划不合理,内在激励缺失 11
3.3.3拓展渠道不完善,发展激励脱节 11
3.3.4 薪资发放不到位,基础激励不足 11
第四章 改进大学生村官激励措施的建议 12
4.1 保健因素:大学生村官激励的基础 12
4.1.1 改善工作环境,同事相互帮衬 12
4.1.2 落实政策规范,保障务需健全 12
4.2 激励因素:大学生村官激励的核心 13
4.2.1 拓宽教育培训,完善人才成长机制 13
4.2.2 明确晋升路径,完善职业规划机制 13
4.2.3 构建拓展平台,完善能力发挥机制 13
第五章 结论与展望 14
5.1 结论 14
5.2 展望 14
致谢 15
参考文献 16
附录 17
摘 要
关键词:人力资源管理 激励 大学生村官 双因素理论 对策
In recent years, the team of university student village officials expands increasingly and gradually becomes an effective strength of the building of grass-roots organizations and the construction of new socialist countryside, thus attracting the close attention from the community.However, the reality through data collection and interviews is that in the process of running this new thing many problems appear, such as the university student village officials’ personal development, capacity-building and so on, and these are precisely the issues related to their motivation. How to make good use of various incentives to dig university student village officials’ potential and mobilize their enthusiasm and initiative in order to improve their work efficiency will become the focus of this paper.
This paper will research the characteristics of college students village officials. Combining the survey of the university student village officials’ salary, training, personal development and other incentive factors, analysis the existing incentive model and explore the issues with the motivation theory.Finally,using hygiene-motivational factors improves the university student village officials’ incentive ideas which will help the plan of university student village officials continue to improve, and ultimately develop solid team for our new rural construction .
Keywords:Human resource management Incentive University student village officials hygiene-motivational factors Countermeasure
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.2 研究背景和研究目的 1
1.2.1 研究背景 1
1.2.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究思路和研究方法 2
第二章 激励相关理论与文献综述 3
2.1 激励的含义和内容 3
2.1.1 激励的含义 3
2.1.2 激励的内容 3
2.2 激励的原则 3
2.3 激励的现实意义与作用 4
2.4 国内外理论综述 5
2.4.1 国外理论综述 5
2.4.2 国内理论综述 6
第三章 寅阳镇大学生村官激励的现状 7
3.1 大学生村官简介 7
3.2 寅阳镇大学生村官激励现状 8
3.3 寅阳镇大学生村官激励存在的问题 10
3.3.1 培训指导不到位,工作激励薄弱 10
3.3.2 职业规划不合理,内在激励缺失 11
3.3.3拓展渠道不完善,发展激励脱节 11
3.3.4 薪资发放不到位,基础激励不足 11
第四章 改进大学生村官激励措施的建议 12
4.1 保健因素:大学生村官激励的基础 12
4.1.1 改善工作环境,同事相互帮衬 12
4.1.2 落实政策规范,保障务需健全 12
4.2 激励因素:大学生村官激励的核心 13
4.2.1 拓宽教育培训,完善人才成长机制 13
4.2.2 明确晋升路径,完善职业规划机制 13
4.2.3 构建拓展平台,完善能力发挥机制 13
第五章 结论与展望 14
5.1 结论 14
5.2 展望 14
致谢 15
参考文献 16
附录 17