
大学生创业孵化基地培训存在问题及策略,19900字摘要 大学生创业孵化基地是集企业孵化、研发创新、创业人才培养为一体的服务平台,它是以大学生这个群体作为服务对象,以鼓励大学生创业来推动就业的理念为前提,以其创办的企业为主要孵化对象的孵化器建设。结合当今全球经济发展的大背景,不难发现大学生创业孵化基地,对外面临着各行各业大...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘要 大学生创业孵化基地是集企业孵化、研发创新、创业人才培养为一体的服务平台,它是以大学生这个群体作为服务对象,以鼓励大学生创业来推动就业的理念为前提,以其创办的企业为主要孵化对象的孵化器建设。结合当今全球经济发展的大背景,不难发现大学生创业孵化基地,对外面临着各行各业大小企业的竞争,对内也面临着自身资金、经验、技术等方面的挑战。
关键词 大学生创业孵化基地 培训 策略
Training Problems and Strategies in Students' Pioneering Incubation in Jiangsu University
Abstract Students start incubator is a business incubator , research and innovation, entrepreneurship training as one of the service platform , which is based on the group as a university student clients, students will be encouraged to promote the concept of entrepreneurship as a precondition of employment , with its established businesses as the main incubator hatching object. Combined with today's global economic development background, not difficult to find college students venture incubators , foreign faces competition in all sizes of enterprises, also faces internal challenges own money , experience, technology and other aspects .
Through the rational development of the entrepreneurial team to optimize resources and training to effectively enhance and improve the effectiveness of training on this basis , in order to establish a sound personnel. Training of college students in Jiangsu Province to investigate business incubators , training and development to training status of the theory as the theoretical basis , using qualitative document analysis and interviews comprehensive analysis of college students venture incubators , incubator training students start digging Jiangsu University the problems and the reasons for the existence of related issues , and to find the relevant policies , provide theoretical guidance and related methodological guidance training for college students to build Jiangsu University business incubator , to provide a reference for the government to formulate relevant policies , and to better promote college Students in Jiangsu Province to achieve their own businesses , to ease the employment pressure to improve student entrepreneurship , foster innovation and entrepreneurial talent , this entrepreneurial team inside incubators for long-term sustainable development is very favorable .
Key words Students' Pioneering Incubation Training Strategies
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和研究意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3研究内容和研究方法 3
1.3.1研究内容 3
1.3.2研究方法 4
第二章 大学生创业孵化基地培训理论基础 5
2.1 创业与大学生创业孵化基地的概念 5
2.1.1创业的概念 5
2.1.2大学生创业孵化基地的概念 5
2.2培训概述 6
2.2.1培训 6
2.2.2培训需求分析 6
2.2.3培训方法 7
2.2.4培训有效性评估 7
2.3 孵化基地相关理论 8
2.3.1企业孵化器理论 8
2.3.2三元参与理论 9
第三章 江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地培训存在问题及原因 10
3.1江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地简介及培训现状的调查 10
3.1.1江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地及创业培训简介 10
3.1.2江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地培训调查设计 11
3.2江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地培训存在问题 13
3.2.1培训理念相对落后 13
3.2.2缺少培训需求分析 13
3.2.3培训安排滞后,贯彻力度较小 14
3.2.4培训内容浅显 14
3.2.5缺乏对创业团队培训管理及成效的反馈 15
3.3原因分析 15
3.3.1基地存在一定的不成熟 15
3.3.2基地与创业团队都没有意识到培训的重要性 15
3.3.3缺乏培训制度的规范与培训计划的引导 16
3.3.4缺少培训经费支持 16
第四章 江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地培训策略 17
4.1 更新培训理念,加大培训力度 17
4.2 建立培训需求调查分析流程 17
4.3以技术创新为培训内容突破口,提高培训效率 18
4.4完善培训评估考核 19
4.5整合学校资源,发展基地培训 21
第五章 结论与展望 22
5.1结论 22
5.2展望 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
附录 26
访谈提纲A:针对基地管理人员访谈提纲 26
访谈提纲B:针对创业团队成员访谈提纲 27
摘要 大学生创业孵化基地是集企业孵化、研发创新、创业人才培养为一体的服务平台,它是以大学生这个群体作为服务对象,以鼓励大学生创业来推动就业的理念为前提,以其创办的企业为主要孵化对象的孵化器建设。结合当今全球经济发展的大背景,不难发现大学生创业孵化基地,对外面临着各行各业大小企业的竞争,对内也面临着自身资金、经验、技术等方面的挑战。
关键词 大学生创业孵化基地 培训 策略
Training Problems and Strategies in Students' Pioneering Incubation in Jiangsu University
Abstract Students start incubator is a business incubator , research and innovation, entrepreneurship training as one of the service platform , which is based on the group as a university student clients, students will be encouraged to promote the concept of entrepreneurship as a precondition of employment , with its established businesses as the main incubator hatching object. Combined with today's global economic development background, not difficult to find college students venture incubators , foreign faces competition in all sizes of enterprises, also faces internal challenges own money , experience, technology and other aspects .
Through the rational development of the entrepreneurial team to optimize resources and training to effectively enhance and improve the effectiveness of training on this basis , in order to establish a sound personnel. Training of college students in Jiangsu Province to investigate business incubators , training and development to training status of the theory as the theoretical basis , using qualitative document analysis and interviews comprehensive analysis of college students venture incubators , incubator training students start digging Jiangsu University the problems and the reasons for the existence of related issues , and to find the relevant policies , provide theoretical guidance and related methodological guidance training for college students to build Jiangsu University business incubator , to provide a reference for the government to formulate relevant policies , and to better promote college Students in Jiangsu Province to achieve their own businesses , to ease the employment pressure to improve student entrepreneurship , foster innovation and entrepreneurial talent , this entrepreneurial team inside incubators for long-term sustainable development is very favorable .
Key words Students' Pioneering Incubation Training Strategies
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和研究意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3研究内容和研究方法 3
1.3.1研究内容 3
1.3.2研究方法 4
第二章 大学生创业孵化基地培训理论基础 5
2.1 创业与大学生创业孵化基地的概念 5
2.1.1创业的概念 5
2.1.2大学生创业孵化基地的概念 5
2.2培训概述 6
2.2.1培训 6
2.2.2培训需求分析 6
2.2.3培训方法 7
2.2.4培训有效性评估 7
2.3 孵化基地相关理论 8
2.3.1企业孵化器理论 8
2.3.2三元参与理论 9
第三章 江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地培训存在问题及原因 10
3.1江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地简介及培训现状的调查 10
3.1.1江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地及创业培训简介 10
3.1.2江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地培训调查设计 11
3.2江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地培训存在问题 13
3.2.1培训理念相对落后 13
3.2.2缺少培训需求分析 13
3.2.3培训安排滞后,贯彻力度较小 14
3.2.4培训内容浅显 14
3.2.5缺乏对创业团队培训管理及成效的反馈 15
3.3原因分析 15
3.3.1基地存在一定的不成熟 15
3.3.2基地与创业团队都没有意识到培训的重要性 15
3.3.3缺乏培训制度的规范与培训计划的引导 16
3.3.4缺少培训经费支持 16
第四章 江苏大学大学生创业孵化基地培训策略 17
4.1 更新培训理念,加大培训力度 17
4.2 建立培训需求调查分析流程 17
4.3以技术创新为培训内容突破口,提高培训效率 18
4.4完善培训评估考核 19
4.5整合学校资源,发展基地培训 21
第五章 结论与展望 22
5.1结论 22
5.2展望 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
附录 26
访谈提纲A:针对基地管理人员访谈提纲 26
访谈提纲B:针对创业团队成员访谈提纲 27