
电动汽车他励直流电动机控制器设计,1.4万字自己原创的毕业设计,今年最新的,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 在当前全球汽车工业面临金融危机和能源环境问题的巨大挑战的情况下,发展电动汽车,利用无污染的绿色能源,实现能源动力系统的电气化,推动传统汽车产业的战略转型,在国际上己经形成了广泛共识。本课题以电动汽车他励电机控制...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘要 在当前全球汽车工业面临金融危机和能源环境问题的巨大挑战的情况下,发展电动汽车,利用无污染的绿色能源,实现能源动力系统的电气化,推动传统汽车产业的战略转型,在国际上己经形成了广泛共识。
关键字:直流电动机 硬件设计 单片机 MOSFET
The design of electric vehicle DC motor controller
Abstract: As the global auto industry is facing the great challenge of financial crisis and energy or environmental issues.it has been recognized internationally that the development of electric vehicles, the use of pollution-free energy, the electrification of power systems and promoting traditional auto industry strategic transformation are of great significance.
This project is based on the electric vehicle DC motor controller to achieve some basic functions of vehicles such as speeding up, deceleration and detection .Aiming at developing the electric vehicle motor controller which is of high reliability, good performance index, low cost and proprietary intellectual property right. This paper focuses on the design of electric vehicle DC motor controller based on STC12C5A60S2 .It consists of the system overall design, the control system design, hardware design and program diagram.
In the hardware part, driver module adopts multi MOSFET in parallel saving cost efficiently. We choose the IR2110 from IR company, driving directly. Utilizing PWM signal of single chip .As for the current detection module, we use a current detecting circuit based on MOSFET voltage drop instead of current sensor. After amplifying signal by operating amplifier, the signal is sent to single chip directly, which can save cost as well as ensure the detection accuracy.
The program diagram of driving system can realize some main functions, for instance, detecting and processing the switch quantity, fault detection, excitation and armature control and alarm function. According to the control characteristics of separately excited motor, the software part of the whole system uses the modular design, which makes the software structure more rational and enhances the program’s portability, readability and convenience to checking errors.
Keywords : DC motor , Hardware design, Single chip microcomputer ,MOSFET
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 2
1.3 开发的可行性 2
第二章 他励电动机的控制理论基础 3
2.1 直流电动机的基本工作原理及其分类 3
2.2 直流电动机的结构 3
2.3 直流电动机工作原理 4
2.4 直流电动机的分类及他励直流电动机的特性 5
2.5 电动机的基本公式介绍 5
2.6 直流电动机调速 6
2.7 他励直流电动机的单片机控制 7
第三章 控制系统的硬件设计 9
3.1 电动机控制器的基本结构 9
3.2 主控芯片STC12C5A60S2的介绍 9
3.2.1 STC12C5A60S2的内部结构 9
3.2.2 STC12C5A60S2单片机引脚介绍 10
3.3 电源回路模块 13
3.4 驱动电路的设计 13
3.4.1 MOSFET的介绍和驱动选择 13
3.4.2 电动机励磁绕组的驱动 14
3.4.3 电枢驱动电路 17
3.5 电流检测模块 17
3.5.1 MOSFET电流检测原理 18
3.5.2 电枢电流检测模块 18
3.5.3 励磁电流检测模块 19
3.6 电池电压检测模块 20
3.7 加速踏板信号电路模块 21
3.8 蜂鸣器报警电路模块 21
3.9 控制正反档位控制电路模块 22
3.10 本章小结 22
第四章 控制系统的软件设计 23
4.1 主程序的框图设计 23
4.2 定时中断的框图设计 24
4.3 控制模块的框图设计 26
4.3.1 电机驱动系统最大转矩控制方法 26
4.3.2 控制模块的设计原则 27
4.3.3 控制模块的框图设计 27
4.4 本章小结 29
第五章 总结 30
致谢 32
参考文献 33
摘要 在当前全球汽车工业面临金融危机和能源环境问题的巨大挑战的情况下,发展电动汽车,利用无污染的绿色能源,实现能源动力系统的电气化,推动传统汽车产业的战略转型,在国际上己经形成了广泛共识。
关键字:直流电动机 硬件设计 单片机 MOSFET
The design of electric vehicle DC motor controller
Abstract: As the global auto industry is facing the great challenge of financial crisis and energy or environmental issues.it has been recognized internationally that the development of electric vehicles, the use of pollution-free energy, the electrification of power systems and promoting traditional auto industry strategic transformation are of great significance.
This project is based on the electric vehicle DC motor controller to achieve some basic functions of vehicles such as speeding up, deceleration and detection .Aiming at developing the electric vehicle motor controller which is of high reliability, good performance index, low cost and proprietary intellectual property right. This paper focuses on the design of electric vehicle DC motor controller based on STC12C5A60S2 .It consists of the system overall design, the control system design, hardware design and program diagram.
In the hardware part, driver module adopts multi MOSFET in parallel saving cost efficiently. We choose the IR2110 from IR company, driving directly. Utilizing PWM signal of single chip .As for the current detection module, we use a current detecting circuit based on MOSFET voltage drop instead of current sensor. After amplifying signal by operating amplifier, the signal is sent to single chip directly, which can save cost as well as ensure the detection accuracy.
The program diagram of driving system can realize some main functions, for instance, detecting and processing the switch quantity, fault detection, excitation and armature control and alarm function. According to the control characteristics of separately excited motor, the software part of the whole system uses the modular design, which makes the software structure more rational and enhances the program’s portability, readability and convenience to checking errors.
Keywords : DC motor , Hardware design, Single chip microcomputer ,MOSFET
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 2
1.3 开发的可行性 2
第二章 他励电动机的控制理论基础 3
2.1 直流电动机的基本工作原理及其分类 3
2.2 直流电动机的结构 3
2.3 直流电动机工作原理 4
2.4 直流电动机的分类及他励直流电动机的特性 5
2.5 电动机的基本公式介绍 5
2.6 直流电动机调速 6
2.7 他励直流电动机的单片机控制 7
第三章 控制系统的硬件设计 9
3.1 电动机控制器的基本结构 9
3.2 主控芯片STC12C5A60S2的介绍 9
3.2.1 STC12C5A60S2的内部结构 9
3.2.2 STC12C5A60S2单片机引脚介绍 10
3.3 电源回路模块 13
3.4 驱动电路的设计 13
3.4.1 MOSFET的介绍和驱动选择 13
3.4.2 电动机励磁绕组的驱动 14
3.4.3 电枢驱动电路 17
3.5 电流检测模块 17
3.5.1 MOSFET电流检测原理 18
3.5.2 电枢电流检测模块 18
3.5.3 励磁电流检测模块 19
3.6 电池电压检测模块 20
3.7 加速踏板信号电路模块 21
3.8 蜂鸣器报警电路模块 21
3.9 控制正反档位控制电路模块 22
3.10 本章小结 22
第四章 控制系统的软件设计 23
4.1 主程序的框图设计 23
4.2 定时中断的框图设计 24
4.3 控制模块的框图设计 26
4.3.1 电机驱动系统最大转矩控制方法 26
4.3.2 控制模块的设计原则 27
4.3.3 控制模块的框图设计 27
4.4 本章小结 29
第五章 总结 30
致谢 32
参考文献 33