
电网过电压分析与监测技术,2.4万字自己原创的毕业设计,今年最新的,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 随着近年来社会经济的快速发展,电力系统的配电网络日益庞大,自然灾害尤其是雷电所引起的配电网络故障风险也在随之上涨。如何减少雷电灾害对配电网的影响,确保配电网的安全运行,以此来减少日常生产中的停电时间,已经成为电力企业首...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘要 随着近年来社会经济的快速发展,电力系统的配电网络日益庞大,自然灾害尤其是雷电所引起的配电网络故障风险也在随之上涨。如何减少雷电灾害对配电网的影响,确保配电网的安全运行,以此来减少日常生产中的停电时间,已经成为电力企业首先要解决的问题。
关键词:电网 过电压 在线监测 ATP
Overvoltage analysis and monitoring technology
ABSTRACT With the rapid development of social economy in recent years, the distribution network of power system increasingly large, natural disasters, especially the lightning caused by distribution network failure risk is also rising. How to reduce the influence of lightning disaster for the distribution network, to ensure the safe operation of distribution network, in order to reduce the daily production outage time, has become the first to solve the problem of electric power enterprise.
The composition of the three aspects of distribution network by the power distribution lines, distribution, distribution of the user, for distribution network effect is successful to transport electricity safety to the user, ensures the normal power. Usually for a voltage below 10KV, usually directly from the distribution line to provide voltage distribution, but there is a very big holes in the distribution network, which is the insulation level underground, so it is especially easy to produce insulation accident.
The reason for the failure of electric power system, according to the sources of energy, could be divided into two parts: Internal Overvoltage and lightning over voltage. Statistics show that, the harm of lightning overvoltage is bigger, and the harm of lightning mainly in two forms: direct lightning overvoltage and lightning induced over voltages. At present, such as Korea, Japan, foreign American, Taiwan and other countries and regions on two types of overvoltage protection research and application has been quite mature, although China has been committed to promoting the lightning protection network, but due to the lightning over voltage of the distribution network is relatively large, the most power enterprises over voltage the lightning was concentrated over voltage on direct lightning overvoltage, study on lightning induced less .
Power system protection, to a large extent by the analysis and monitoring of grid data as the basis, the relevant protective measures to better. This paper mainly embarks from the reality, will direct lightning overvoltage and induction were compared, effects of over voltage on the line for the causes of induced overvoltage, research by lightning induction voltage model, analysis of the influence of the parameters of lightning current, line height, total point, the earth electrical conductivity on overhead transmission line lightning induction over voltage amplitude and waveform, and installation, the installation position of the line arrester Overvoltage on overhead transmission line in distribution network induction protection capability, limit, reduce the overvoltage induction lightning to. Through the analysis, monitoring, and can provide reference for lightning protection of distribution network.
Key words Power grid Over voltage Online monitoring ATP
引言 1
第一章 概述 2
1.1过电压分析与在线监测的意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 4
1.2.1 国内外研究现状介绍 4
1.2.2国内外研究现状分析 5
1.2.3发展趋势分析 9
1.3本课题的研究内容 10
1.4小结 10
第二章 过电压分类及特点 11
2.1 大气过电压 11
2.1.1雷电形成过程 12
2.1.2雷电过程 12
2.1.3雷电过电压分类及特点 13
2.1.4雷电对高压输电线路的影响 13
2.2 内部过电压 13
2.2.1工频过电压 14
2.2.2 操作过电压 15
2.2.3谐振过电压 16
2.3 小结 17
第三章 过电压的防护措施和参数计算 18
摘要 随着近年来社会经济的快速发展,电力系统的配电网络日益庞大,自然灾害尤其是雷电所引起的配电网络故障风险也在随之上涨。如何减少雷电灾害对配电网的影响,确保配电网的安全运行,以此来减少日常生产中的停电时间,已经成为电力企业首先要解决的问题。
关键词:电网 过电压 在线监测 ATP
Overvoltage analysis and monitoring technology
ABSTRACT With the rapid development of social economy in recent years, the distribution network of power system increasingly large, natural disasters, especially the lightning caused by distribution network failure risk is also rising. How to reduce the influence of lightning disaster for the distribution network, to ensure the safe operation of distribution network, in order to reduce the daily production outage time, has become the first to solve the problem of electric power enterprise.
The composition of the three aspects of distribution network by the power distribution lines, distribution, distribution of the user, for distribution network effect is successful to transport electricity safety to the user, ensures the normal power. Usually for a voltage below 10KV, usually directly from the distribution line to provide voltage distribution, but there is a very big holes in the distribution network, which is the insulation level underground, so it is especially easy to produce insulation accident.
The reason for the failure of electric power system, according to the sources of energy, could be divided into two parts: Internal Overvoltage and lightning over voltage. Statistics show that, the harm of lightning overvoltage is bigger, and the harm of lightning mainly in two forms: direct lightning overvoltage and lightning induced over voltages. At present, such as Korea, Japan, foreign American, Taiwan and other countries and regions on two types of overvoltage protection research and application has been quite mature, although China has been committed to promoting the lightning protection network, but due to the lightning over voltage of the distribution network is relatively large, the most power enterprises over voltage the lightning was concentrated over voltage on direct lightning overvoltage, study on lightning induced less .
Power system protection, to a large extent by the analysis and monitoring of grid data as the basis, the relevant protective measures to better. This paper mainly embarks from the reality, will direct lightning overvoltage and induction were compared, effects of over voltage on the line for the causes of induced overvoltage, research by lightning induction voltage model, analysis of the influence of the parameters of lightning current, line height, total point, the earth electrical conductivity on overhead transmission line lightning induction over voltage amplitude and waveform, and installation, the installation position of the line arrester Overvoltage on overhead transmission line in distribution network induction protection capability, limit, reduce the overvoltage induction lightning to. Through the analysis, monitoring, and can provide reference for lightning protection of distribution network.
Key words Power grid Over voltage Online monitoring ATP
引言 1
第一章 概述 2
1.1过电压分析与在线监测的意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 4
1.2.1 国内外研究现状介绍 4
1.2.2国内外研究现状分析 5
1.2.3发展趋势分析 9
1.3本课题的研究内容 10
1.4小结 10
第二章 过电压分类及特点 11
2.1 大气过电压 11
2.1.1雷电形成过程 12
2.1.2雷电过程 12
2.1.3雷电过电压分类及特点 13
2.1.4雷电对高压输电线路的影响 13
2.2 内部过电压 13
2.2.1工频过电压 14
2.2.2 操作过电压 15
2.2.3谐振过电压 16
2.3 小结 17
第三章 过电压的防护措施和参数计算 18