
电力系统p-q分解法潮流计算,电力系统p-q分解法潮流计算1.55万字自己原创的毕业设计,今年最新的,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用目 录第1章 绪论11.1 课题背景11.2 电力系统潮流计算11.2.1 电力系统潮流计算简介11.2.2 电力系统潮流计算的基本要求21.3 潮流计算的意义及其发展31.4 本次毕业设计主要工作4第2章 牛顿-拉夫...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 电力系统潮流计算 1
1.2.1 电力系统潮流计算简介 1
1.2.2 电力系统潮流计算的基本要求 2
1.3 潮流计算的意义及其发展 3
1.4 本次毕业设计主要工作 4
第2章 牛顿-拉夫逊法简介 6
2.1 牛顿-拉夫逊法产生背景 6
2.2 牛顿-拉夫逊法原理 6
2.3 牛顿-拉夫逊法求解问题的一般过程 9
2.4 本章小结 10
第3章 电力系统潮流计算模型及原理 11
3.1 电力网络的数学模型 11
3.1.1 电力网络的基本方程 11
3.1.2 电力网络中几种数学模型 12
3.2 导纳矩阵 15
3.3 电力系统潮流计算 16
3.3.1 电力系统潮流计算数学模型 16
3.3.2 电力系统节点分类 17
3.3.3 牛顿-拉夫逊法潮流计算 17
3.3.4 P-Q分解法潮流计算 19
3.4 P-Q分解法程序流程图 23
3.5 P-Q分解法潮流计算程序 25
3.5.1 原始数据的输入程序段 25
3.5.2 导纳矩阵及,形成 26
3.5.3 计算不平衡功率ΔPi及修正相角Δθi 28
3.5.4 计算不平衡功率ΔQi及修正相电压ΔVi 29
3.5.5 程序运行结果的输出 30
3.6 本章小结 31
第4章 电力系统PQ分解法潮流计算 32
4.1 原始数据的输入 32
4.2 算例验证与分析 33
4.2.1 根据算例输入相应节点线路参数 33
4.2.2 算例运行结果 33
4.3 本章小结 34
结论 36
致谢 37
参考文献 38
附录 40
摘要 电力系统的潮流计算是分析系统的运行情况的一种十分重要的研究计算,依据特定的运行条件和电力系统的接线情况来设定系统各个部分的运行状态:母线电压,流过元件的功率,系统的功率损耗。如今,在系统的设计规划与电力系统运行方式的探讨中,都要运用潮流计算定量的分析运行方式或者供电方案的可靠性,合理性与经济性。
Power flow calculation of power systems based on P-Q decomposition method
Abstract Power flow calculation is one of the important calculations which are to study the operation of power system steady state analysis. It is based on the given operating conditions and system wiring to identify the various parts of the power system operating state: the buses voltage, the stream components power, system power loss. both power system planning design and operation of existing power system mode of study are need to use the power flow calculation to quantitatively compare the program or run mode power supply reasonable, reliability and economy.
In this paper, based on the power flow calculation based on PQ decomposition method were related to the presentation and discussion. Firstly,there is the background of the subject, the power flow calculation basic requirements, as well as the significance and development of power flow calculation. Secondly, this paper elaborated on the Newton - Raphson method, including Newton - Raphson background, principles and solving processes. Then,it elaborated power flow calculation model and the principle involved: the electricity network mathematical model of the power system node classification, Newton load flow calculation principle of the power system, as well as PQ decomposition method for solving flow calculation principles and processes. Finally,used Matlab language,this paper written power flow calculation program, and simulation analysis and discussion.
Keywords:power flow calculation;P-Q decomposition mode;MATLAB software
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 电力系统潮流计算 1
1.2.1 电力系统潮流计算简介 1
1.2.2 电力系统潮流计算的基本要求 2
1.3 潮流计算的意义及其发展 3
1.4 本次毕业设计主要工作 4
第2章 牛顿-拉夫逊法简介 6
2.1 牛顿-拉夫逊法产生背景 6
2.2 牛顿-拉夫逊法原理 6
2.3 牛顿-拉夫逊法求解问题的一般过程 9
2.4 本章小结 10
第3章 电力系统潮流计算模型及原理 11
3.1 电力网络的数学模型 11
3.1.1 电力网络的基本方程 11
3.1.2 电力网络中几种数学模型 12
3.2 导纳矩阵 15
3.3 电力系统潮流计算 16
3.3.1 电力系统潮流计算数学模型 16
3.3.2 电力系统节点分类 17
3.3.3 牛顿-拉夫逊法潮流计算 17
3.3.4 P-Q分解法潮流计算 19
3.4 P-Q分解法程序流程图 23
3.5 P-Q分解法潮流计算程序 25
3.5.1 原始数据的输入程序段 25
3.5.2 导纳矩阵及,形成 26
3.5.3 计算不平衡功率ΔPi及修正相角Δθi 28
3.5.4 计算不平衡功率ΔQi及修正相电压ΔVi 29
3.5.5 程序运行结果的输出 30
3.6 本章小结 31
第4章 电力系统PQ分解法潮流计算 32
4.1 原始数据的输入 32
4.2 算例验证与分析 33
4.2.1 根据算例输入相应节点线路参数 33
4.2.2 算例运行结果 33
4.3 本章小结 34
结论 36
致谢 37
参考文献 38
附录 40
摘要 电力系统的潮流计算是分析系统的运行情况的一种十分重要的研究计算,依据特定的运行条件和电力系统的接线情况来设定系统各个部分的运行状态:母线电压,流过元件的功率,系统的功率损耗。如今,在系统的设计规划与电力系统运行方式的探讨中,都要运用潮流计算定量的分析运行方式或者供电方案的可靠性,合理性与经济性。
Power flow calculation of power systems based on P-Q decomposition method
Abstract Power flow calculation is one of the important calculations which are to study the operation of power system steady state analysis. It is based on the given operating conditions and system wiring to identify the various parts of the power system operating state: the buses voltage, the stream components power, system power loss. both power system planning design and operation of existing power system mode of study are need to use the power flow calculation to quantitatively compare the program or run mode power supply reasonable, reliability and economy.
In this paper, based on the power flow calculation based on PQ decomposition method were related to the presentation and discussion. Firstly,there is the background of the subject, the power flow calculation basic requirements, as well as the significance and development of power flow calculation. Secondly, this paper elaborated on the Newton - Raphson method, including Newton - Raphson background, principles and solving processes. Then,it elaborated power flow calculation model and the principle involved: the electricity network mathematical model of the power system node classification, Newton load flow calculation principle of the power system, as well as PQ decomposition method for solving flow calculation principles and processes. Finally,used Matlab language,this paper written power flow calculation program, and simulation analysis and discussion.
Keywords:power flow calculation;P-Q decomposition mode;MATLAB software