

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
关键词:MPPT Boost电路 电流跟踪 逆变器
Design of Inverter for Small Power Photovoltaic Grid-connected system
Abstract;With the growth of economy,the need for energy is increasing year by year , the traditional resources are going to be dry up.Therefore, most countries are developing and promoting new energy , the current capacity of photovoltaic power generation and network systems across the country are being gradually decrease .
According to the characteristics of the photovoltaic cell array and the inverter circuit ,studing the common photovoltaic inverter topology , the paper designed a grid-connected inverter for low power photovoltaic systems.then the paper is chosen to use the double-grade system which composed of DC-DC
circuit and DC-AC circuit.Comparative analysis of the various DC-DC circuit ultimately chose Boost circuit as a boost circuit , and DC-AC is Full-Bridge circuit.The First -class circuit not only achieved a boost photovoltaic cells but also achieved maximum power point tracking control.After compared some common MPPT control methods,the paper used the perturbation and observation method . comparing several common control methods ,and ultimately chose the method of feed-forward grid voltage and tracking current to realize the phase synchronization with the grid voltage PV systems . phase synchronization with the grid voltage PV systems .
Based on the design of small power PV grid-connected inverter ,the paper use Matlab to simulated the control aspects of the various systems and the main circuit .According to the simulation ,taking the MPPT can make photovoltaic cells work at the maximum power point ;simulation of PV inverter proof the inverter designed in paper can output power grid in line with the requirements.
Key words: MPPT Boost circuit Current tracking Inverter
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2光伏发电在国内外的发展现状 1
1.3光伏并网逆变器 3
1.4本文主要研究内容 6
第二章 光伏发电原理和MPPT控制方式 7
2.1太阳能光伏发电系统构成 7
2.1.1独立太阳能光伏系统的构成 7
2.1.2并网太阳能光伏系统的构成 8
2.2光伏电池输出特性 8
2.3光伏电池在MATLAB中的仿真 10
2.4 光伏电池最大功率点跟踪控制 11
第三章 光伏逆变器的拓扑结构及工作原理 15
3.1光伏并网逆变器拓扑结构 15
3.2 两级式逆变器电路拓扑 17
3.2.1 DC-DC工作电路拓扑 17
3.2.2 DC-AC电路拓扑 18
3.3 光伏逆变器工作原理 19
3.3.1 Boost电路工作原理 19
3.3.2全桥逆变器工作原理 20
第四章 并网逆变器的控制方式 22
4.1 电压源型并网逆变器的拓扑结构及其工作原理 22
4.2 并网逆变器的控制目标 22
4.3 并网逆变器控制策略 23
4.3.1 滞环控制电流瞬时值比较方式 24
4.3.2定时器控制方式 24
4.3.3 SPWM比较方式 25
第五章 并网逆变器 30
5.1 并网逆变器主电路 30
5.1.1 主电路拓扑结构选择 30
5.1.2 主电路结构 30
5.2 器件的选择 31
5.2.1Boost电路器件选择 31
5.2.2全桥逆变器滤波电感的选取 35
5.2.3并网控制硬件设计 35
5.3 并网逆变器的控制方式 40
5.3.1Boost电路控制方式 40
5.3.2 全桥逆变器控制方式和PI整定 40
5.3.3锁相环控制 42
5.3.4 全桥逆变器参考电流选取 48
5.4 仿真结果 48
5.4.1 MPPT仿真 49
5.4.2 电流采样仿真 50
5.4.3 逆变器仿真 53
结论 54
致谢 55
参考文献 56
关键词:MPPT Boost电路 电流跟踪 逆变器
Design of Inverter for Small Power Photovoltaic Grid-connected system
Abstract;With the growth of economy,the need for energy is increasing year by year , the traditional resources are going to be dry up.Therefore, most countries are developing and promoting new energy , the current capacity of photovoltaic power generation and network systems across the country are being gradually decrease .
According to the characteristics of the photovoltaic cell array and the inverter circuit ,studing the common photovoltaic inverter topology , the paper designed a grid-connected inverter for low power photovoltaic systems.then the paper is chosen to use the double-grade system which composed of DC-DC
circuit and DC-AC circuit.Comparative analysis of the various DC-DC circuit ultimately chose Boost circuit as a boost circuit , and DC-AC is Full-Bridge circuit.The First -class circuit not only achieved a boost photovoltaic cells but also achieved maximum power point tracking control.After compared some common MPPT control methods,the paper used the perturbation and observation method . comparing several common control methods ,and ultimately chose the method of feed-forward grid voltage and tracking current to realize the phase synchronization with the grid voltage PV systems . phase synchronization with the grid voltage PV systems .
Based on the design of small power PV grid-connected inverter ,the paper use Matlab to simulated the control aspects of the various systems and the main circuit .According to the simulation ,taking the MPPT can make photovoltaic cells work at the maximum power point ;simulation of PV inverter proof the inverter designed in paper can output power grid in line with the requirements.
Key words: MPPT Boost circuit Current tracking Inverter
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2光伏发电在国内外的发展现状 1
1.3光伏并网逆变器 3
1.4本文主要研究内容 6
第二章 光伏发电原理和MPPT控制方式 7
2.1太阳能光伏发电系统构成 7
2.1.1独立太阳能光伏系统的构成 7
2.1.2并网太阳能光伏系统的构成 8
2.2光伏电池输出特性 8
2.3光伏电池在MATLAB中的仿真 10
2.4 光伏电池最大功率点跟踪控制 11
第三章 光伏逆变器的拓扑结构及工作原理 15
3.1光伏并网逆变器拓扑结构 15
3.2 两级式逆变器电路拓扑 17
3.2.1 DC-DC工作电路拓扑 17
3.2.2 DC-AC电路拓扑 18
3.3 光伏逆变器工作原理 19
3.3.1 Boost电路工作原理 19
3.3.2全桥逆变器工作原理 20
第四章 并网逆变器的控制方式 22
4.1 电压源型并网逆变器的拓扑结构及其工作原理 22
4.2 并网逆变器的控制目标 22
4.3 并网逆变器控制策略 23
4.3.1 滞环控制电流瞬时值比较方式 24
4.3.2定时器控制方式 24
4.3.3 SPWM比较方式 25
第五章 并网逆变器 30
5.1 并网逆变器主电路 30
5.1.1 主电路拓扑结构选择 30
5.1.2 主电路结构 30
5.2 器件的选择 31
5.2.1Boost电路器件选择 31
5.2.2全桥逆变器滤波电感的选取 35
5.2.3并网控制硬件设计 35
5.3 并网逆变器的控制方式 40
5.3.1Boost电路控制方式 40
5.3.2 全桥逆变器控制方式和PI整定 40
5.3.3锁相环控制 42
5.3.4 全桥逆变器参考电流选取 48
5.4 仿真结果 48
5.4.1 MPPT仿真 49
5.4.2 电流采样仿真 50
5.4.3 逆变器仿真 53
结论 54
致谢 55
参考文献 56