
基于arm的生物发酵智能控制系统设计,基于arm的生物发酵智能控制系统设计 2.26万字自己原创的毕业设计,今年最新的,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用 摘要 生物发酵随着科技的发展,已经成为服务人类生活的一项重要的产业.现在各个领域中都可以看到它的身影:制药、食品、农业生产以及化工等。而传统的生物发酵的控制技术已经逐步淡出人们的视线,取而代之的是利用各种控...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘要 生物发酵随着科技的发展,已经成为服务人类生活的一项重要的产业.现在各个领域中都可以看到它的身影:制药、食品、农业生产以及化工等。而传统的生物发酵的控制技术已经逐步淡出人们的视线,取而代之的是利用各种控制系统对发酵过程进行准确精准的控制,大幅度的提高了发酵工业的产物的产量以及质量。
关键词:发酵 嵌入式系统 智能控制 以太网通信 集散控制
The Design Of Intelligent Control System For Biological Fermentation Based On ARM
Abstract With the development of technology, bio-fermentation has become an important industry in serve humans daily life. Now we can see it’s shadow in various fields:the pharmaceutical, food, agriculture and chemical. While the traditional fermentation control technology has been gradually fade out of human’s sight. While instead is using variety of control systems for accurate control in fermentation process, and this caused greatly improve on the yield and quality of the fermentation industry products.
This article designed a control system for multiple fermenter based on three main parameters need to be control:the temperature, PH value, DO values, and this control system also based on Ethernet communication technology. The system can work offline, and this ensured the independence of the control process.
32-bit ARM embedded microprocessor has got a good promotion based on its superior performance. Research on the applications of ARM in various control areas are getting hotter and hotter. Based on this background, the hardware platform of the system’s lower machine designed in this article are using S3C2410 ARM processor, the design of software are based on embedded linux operation system. From the perspective of the development trend of industrial communications, the use of efficient.convenient and fast means of communication mode is inevitable. Therefore, this article design a system based on Ethernet communications, this build a reliable communication channel between the lower machine and PC, and so we can realize the distributed control on multiple fermenter.
This article described the microorganisms fermentation and it’s control and Ethernet communication.based on the knowledge,we designed the intelligent control system of microorganisms fermentation. The main contents of this article are:(1)the design of ARM-based embedded system.including the control system’s structure, selecting of embedded system, the development of ARM processor’s peripheral interface, and design of input/output channel; (2) design of the control system’s software, including the upper machine’s software(server module) and the lower machine’s software(client module).
Keywords fermentation embedded system intelligent control Ethernet communication distributed control
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景与意义 1
1.2 我国生物发酵智能控制系统的现状 2
1.3 本文研究内容及创新点 3
1.3.1 主要研究内容 3
1.3.2 创新点 3
第二章 微生物发酵及其控制 4
2.1 微生物发酵 4
2.1.1 微生物的营养 4
2.1.2 微生物的生长 4
2.1.3 影响微生物生长的因素 6
2.2 微生物发酵系统 7
2.2.1 微生物发酵系统 7
2.2.2 微生物发酵过程中的影响因素 8
2.2.3 微生物发酵过程控制 8
2.3 发酵罐控制系统 10
2.3.1 发酵罐控制系统的控制方式 10
2.3.2 发酵罐控制系统控制内容 11
2.4 本章小结 12
第三章 基于ARM的以太网通信方式 14
3.1 工业网络系统的发展 14
3.1.1分布式控制系统 14
3.1.2现场总线技术 14
3.1.3工业以太网 15
3.2 工业以太网控制技术简介 15
3.2.1介质访问控制协议 15
3.2.2工业以太控制网络分层模型 17
3.2.3工业以太控制网络的相关协议 17
3.3 基于ARM的以太网通信实现 18
3.3.1采用协议 18
3.3.2 Socket编程原理 19
3.4 本章小结 20
第四章 基于ARM的嵌入式系统设计 21
4.1 基于ARM的生物发酵智能控制系统的结构 21
4.1.1 系统结构 21
4.1.2 上位机主要功能 22
4.1.3 下位机主要功能 23
4.1.4 通讯功能 23
4.2 嵌入式系统的选择 23
4.2.1嵌入式处理器的选择 23
4.2.2嵌入式Linux操作系统 26
4.3 ARM..
摘要 生物发酵随着科技的发展,已经成为服务人类生活的一项重要的产业.现在各个领域中都可以看到它的身影:制药、食品、农业生产以及化工等。而传统的生物发酵的控制技术已经逐步淡出人们的视线,取而代之的是利用各种控制系统对发酵过程进行准确精准的控制,大幅度的提高了发酵工业的产物的产量以及质量。
关键词:发酵 嵌入式系统 智能控制 以太网通信 集散控制
The Design Of Intelligent Control System For Biological Fermentation Based On ARM
Abstract With the development of technology, bio-fermentation has become an important industry in serve humans daily life. Now we can see it’s shadow in various fields:the pharmaceutical, food, agriculture and chemical. While the traditional fermentation control technology has been gradually fade out of human’s sight. While instead is using variety of control systems for accurate control in fermentation process, and this caused greatly improve on the yield and quality of the fermentation industry products.
This article designed a control system for multiple fermenter based on three main parameters need to be control:the temperature, PH value, DO values, and this control system also based on Ethernet communication technology. The system can work offline, and this ensured the independence of the control process.
32-bit ARM embedded microprocessor has got a good promotion based on its superior performance. Research on the applications of ARM in various control areas are getting hotter and hotter. Based on this background, the hardware platform of the system’s lower machine designed in this article are using S3C2410 ARM processor, the design of software are based on embedded linux operation system. From the perspective of the development trend of industrial communications, the use of efficient.convenient and fast means of communication mode is inevitable. Therefore, this article design a system based on Ethernet communications, this build a reliable communication channel between the lower machine and PC, and so we can realize the distributed control on multiple fermenter.
This article described the microorganisms fermentation and it’s control and Ethernet communication.based on the knowledge,we designed the intelligent control system of microorganisms fermentation. The main contents of this article are:(1)the design of ARM-based embedded system.including the control system’s structure, selecting of embedded system, the development of ARM processor’s peripheral interface, and design of input/output channel; (2) design of the control system’s software, including the upper machine’s software(server module) and the lower machine’s software(client module).
Keywords fermentation embedded system intelligent control Ethernet communication distributed control
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景与意义 1
1.2 我国生物发酵智能控制系统的现状 2
1.3 本文研究内容及创新点 3
1.3.1 主要研究内容 3
1.3.2 创新点 3
第二章 微生物发酵及其控制 4
2.1 微生物发酵 4
2.1.1 微生物的营养 4
2.1.2 微生物的生长 4
2.1.3 影响微生物生长的因素 6
2.2 微生物发酵系统 7
2.2.1 微生物发酵系统 7
2.2.2 微生物发酵过程中的影响因素 8
2.2.3 微生物发酵过程控制 8
2.3 发酵罐控制系统 10
2.3.1 发酵罐控制系统的控制方式 10
2.3.2 发酵罐控制系统控制内容 11
2.4 本章小结 12
第三章 基于ARM的以太网通信方式 14
3.1 工业网络系统的发展 14
3.1.1分布式控制系统 14
3.1.2现场总线技术 14
3.1.3工业以太网 15
3.2 工业以太网控制技术简介 15
3.2.1介质访问控制协议 15
3.2.2工业以太控制网络分层模型 17
3.2.3工业以太控制网络的相关协议 17
3.3 基于ARM的以太网通信实现 18
3.3.1采用协议 18
3.3.2 Socket编程原理 19
3.4 本章小结 20
第四章 基于ARM的嵌入式系统设计 21
4.1 基于ARM的生物发酵智能控制系统的结构 21
4.1.1 系统结构 21
4.1.2 上位机主要功能 22
4.1.3 下位机主要功能 23
4.1.4 通讯功能 23
4.2 嵌入式系统的选择 23
4.2.1嵌入式处理器的选择 23
4.2.2嵌入式Linux操作系统 26
4.3 ARM..