
大学生网络购物信任影响因素研究,—以江苏大学为例1.96万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用 摘 要如今,高速度发展的互联网技术,以及如此发达的信息技术的环境下,国内网络用户飞速增长,网络购物这种寻求新意、操作简单、坐在家里享受购物乐趣的交易方式越来越受广大用户的追捧,并逐渐变成一种潮流趋势。网络购物...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘 要
关键词:网络购物 大学生 信任
Shopping Network Factors Affecting College Students' trust
Jiangsu University, for example
Abstract:In recent years, under the high-speed development of Internet technology, and information technology is so advanced environment, The rapid growth of domestic Internet users, online shopping, which seeks innovative, simple, sit at home and enjoy shopping transactions increasingly sought after by the majority of users, and gradually become a trend.
This non-traditional online shopping transactions such rapid development, but also facing a series of problems. One of the main obstacles to the potential of e-commerce is currently not able to effectively play is the lack of trust. Market price competition attracted about product quality can not be guaranteed, logistics service speed is low, shopping site user information leak and other factors will affect the consumer's shopping trust, and have a negative impact on the further development of online shopping market . However, consumer groups in the growing college, coming towards a particular social group and large, their consumption will affect the dynamics of the domestic network market, can play a guiding role. So, today's college students to understand consumer behavior, habits and consumer attitudes, college students can predict future consumer behavior and consumption behavior of consumers in the future of practical significance, the study of the development trend of China's consumer market, forecast future levels of consumption have important significance.
The study of past literature through reading and finishing, combined with research ideas and framework of this article, the preparation of the "college survey questionnaire online shopping trust" of Jiangsu University 112 undergraduate students conducted a survey, mainly from the four large factors affecting College Students analyze aspects of online shopping trust, namely: a tendency to trust, trust, belief (business confidence), institutional trust and individual characteristics of college students. The method is carried out using a regression analysis of how far research and draw accurate conclusions, provide more accurate information and submit proposals and has important reference significance.
Keywords: Online Shopping; University student; Trust
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究网络购物信任的背景与意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
1.2 本文的主要研究内容 3
第二章 消费者信任的基本理论及其评价模型 4
2.1 信任的概念及其网络购物的信任 4
2.2 网络购物相关信任模型 5
第三章 影响消费者网络购物信任的因素分析 8
3.1 信任倾向因素——个人基本信任观念 8
3.2 商家信任因素 9
3.3 制度信任因素 10
3.4 个人特征因素 11
3.5 本章小结 12
第四章 大学生网络购物信任的调查研究 13
4.1 研究计划 13
4.2 问卷设计与调研 15
第五章 大学生网络购物信任的实证研究分析 19
5.1 大学生个体因素与网络购物信任的关系 19
5.2 网络购物信任影响因素回归分析 22
5.3 研究假设的总结 25
5.4 政策建议 26
第六章 结论与展望 28
致谢 30
文献参考 31
附录 调研问卷 32
摘 要
关键词:网络购物 大学生 信任
Shopping Network Factors Affecting College Students' trust
Jiangsu University, for example
Abstract:In recent years, under the high-speed development of Internet technology, and information technology is so advanced environment, The rapid growth of domestic Internet users, online shopping, which seeks innovative, simple, sit at home and enjoy shopping transactions increasingly sought after by the majority of users, and gradually become a trend.
This non-traditional online shopping transactions such rapid development, but also facing a series of problems. One of the main obstacles to the potential of e-commerce is currently not able to effectively play is the lack of trust. Market price competition attracted about product quality can not be guaranteed, logistics service speed is low, shopping site user information leak and other factors will affect the consumer's shopping trust, and have a negative impact on the further development of online shopping market . However, consumer groups in the growing college, coming towards a particular social group and large, their consumption will affect the dynamics of the domestic network market, can play a guiding role. So, today's college students to understand consumer behavior, habits and consumer attitudes, college students can predict future consumer behavior and consumption behavior of consumers in the future of practical significance, the study of the development trend of China's consumer market, forecast future levels of consumption have important significance.
The study of past literature through reading and finishing, combined with research ideas and framework of this article, the preparation of the "college survey questionnaire online shopping trust" of Jiangsu University 112 undergraduate students conducted a survey, mainly from the four large factors affecting College Students analyze aspects of online shopping trust, namely: a tendency to trust, trust, belief (business confidence), institutional trust and individual characteristics of college students. The method is carried out using a regression analysis of how far research and draw accurate conclusions, provide more accurate information and submit proposals and has important reference significance.
Keywords: Online Shopping; University student; Trust
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究网络购物信任的背景与意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
1.2 本文的主要研究内容 3
第二章 消费者信任的基本理论及其评价模型 4
2.1 信任的概念及其网络购物的信任 4
2.2 网络购物相关信任模型 5
第三章 影响消费者网络购物信任的因素分析 8
3.1 信任倾向因素——个人基本信任观念 8
3.2 商家信任因素 9
3.3 制度信任因素 10
3.4 个人特征因素 11
3.5 本章小结 12
第四章 大学生网络购物信任的调查研究 13
4.1 研究计划 13
4.2 问卷设计与调研 15
第五章 大学生网络购物信任的实证研究分析 19
5.1 大学生个体因素与网络购物信任的关系 19
5.2 网络购物信任影响因素回归分析 22
5.3 研究假设的总结 25
5.4 政策建议 26
第六章 结论与展望 28
致谢 30
文献参考 31
附录 调研问卷 32