
基于pwm技术的撒粉系统设计,基于pwm技术的撒粉系统设计2.2万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 桑蚕业是我国最重要的传统产业之一。在桑蚕业中,桑蚕养护管理是养蚕活动顺利开展的重要保证。然而,我国桑蚕养护管理现状并不乐观,存在着养护效率低、效果差等问题,特别是在撒药粉环节,问题更加突出,严重影响了蚕农的积极性和桑蚕业的稳...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘要 桑蚕业是我国最重要的传统产业之一。在桑蚕业中,桑蚕养护管理是养蚕活动顺利开展的重要保证。然而,我国桑蚕养护管理现状并不乐观,存在着养护效率低、效果差等问题,特别是在撒药粉环节,问题更加突出,严重影响了蚕农的积极性和桑蚕业的稳定发展。养护管理中的诸多问题与缺少专业的撒粉系统密切相关。设计并实现针对于桑蚕业的撒粉系统具有重要的理论和现实意义。
关键词 桑蚕养护管理 撒粉系统 PWM技术
Sericulture is one of the most significant traditional industries in China. In sericulture, silkworm maintenance management is an vital guarantee of smoothly progress of sericulture activities. However, the current situation of silkworm conservation management in China is not optimistic, which has problems of low maintenance efficiency and effectiveness.These problems are more prominent especially in the powder dusting part affecting sericulturists’ enthusiasm and the stable development of sericulture. Many problems in silkworm maintenance management are closely related to the lack of professional dusting system.Design and implementation of the dusting system for sericulture has great theoretical and practical significance.
Based on the theories and results at home and abroad in this field and adopting the method of information system development, this paper studies theory of silkworm maintenance management, analyzes the current situation of silkworm maintenance management, designs and implements a new powder dusting system which combines mechanization and informatization.
This paper defines the concept of silkworm maintenance, summarizes features of silkworm maintenance, clears concepts and objectives of silkworm maintenance management; analyzes the process of silkworm maintenance management and demonstrates the importance of the powder dusting part; elaborates many existing problems in real powder dusting process by hand through literature and field surveys; conducts requirements analysis of powder dusting system based on analysis of powder dusting process by hand; designs the hardware part of the dusting system; designs the control part of the dusting system combined with PWM technology and use multisim software to simulate pulse generating circuit; implements the dusting system according to design programs and text it.
Test result of the dusting system indicates that the efficiency and effect of the dusting system, dusting process’s influence on the environment and other aspects are all in line with the requirements.The dusting system achieves objectives and meets the needs of sericulturist. The use of the dusting system could solve many problems in silkworm maintenance management, make contribute to the improvement of the quality of silkworm maintenance management and the achievement of the goal of silkworm maintenance management.
Keywords :Silkworm Maintenance Management Dusting System PWM technology
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究的目的和意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 论文的主要内容和结构 5
第二章 相关理论研究 7
2.1 桑蚕养护管理 7
2.1.1桑蚕养护 7
2.1.2桑蚕养护管理 8
2.2撒粉系统研究 10
2.2.1撒粉系统功能 10
2.2.2撒粉系统组成和分类方法 11
2.2.3桑蚕养护撒粉系统工作原理 11
2.3 PWM电机控制技术 11
2.3.1 PWM电机控制技术概述 11
2.3.2 PWM电机控制技术控制原理 12
2.3.3 PWM电机控制技术优越性 13
第三章 桑蚕养护管理现状分析 14
3.1 桑蚕养护管理流程分析 14
3.1.1 桑蚕养护管理流程 14
3.1.2 药粉撒布环节重要性分析 14
3.2 药粉撒布存在的问题 15
3.2.1撒布不均匀,影响防治效果 15
3.2.2操作难度大 16
3.2.3撒粉效率低、劳动量大 16
3.2.4药粉飞扬、作业环境恶劣 16
3.3 撒粉系统需求分析 17
3.3.1功能需求分析 17
3.3.2非功能性需求分析 18
第四章 撒粉系统的设计 20
4.1撒粉系统方案设计 20
4.1.1 系统目标 20
4.1.2 撒粉系统体系结构设计 20
4.2 硬件部分设计 21
4.2.1 整体结构设计 21
4.2.2 振动装置设计 22
4.2.3 筛网及其连接设计 23
4.3 控制部分设计 23
4.3.1 控制方案的设计 23
4.3.2 稳压电源设计 24
4.3.3 脉冲产生电路设计 24
4.3.4 电路仿真 27-br..
摘要 桑蚕业是我国最重要的传统产业之一。在桑蚕业中,桑蚕养护管理是养蚕活动顺利开展的重要保证。然而,我国桑蚕养护管理现状并不乐观,存在着养护效率低、效果差等问题,特别是在撒药粉环节,问题更加突出,严重影响了蚕农的积极性和桑蚕业的稳定发展。养护管理中的诸多问题与缺少专业的撒粉系统密切相关。设计并实现针对于桑蚕业的撒粉系统具有重要的理论和现实意义。
关键词 桑蚕养护管理 撒粉系统 PWM技术
Sericulture is one of the most significant traditional industries in China. In sericulture, silkworm maintenance management is an vital guarantee of smoothly progress of sericulture activities. However, the current situation of silkworm conservation management in China is not optimistic, which has problems of low maintenance efficiency and effectiveness.These problems are more prominent especially in the powder dusting part affecting sericulturists’ enthusiasm and the stable development of sericulture. Many problems in silkworm maintenance management are closely related to the lack of professional dusting system.Design and implementation of the dusting system for sericulture has great theoretical and practical significance.
Based on the theories and results at home and abroad in this field and adopting the method of information system development, this paper studies theory of silkworm maintenance management, analyzes the current situation of silkworm maintenance management, designs and implements a new powder dusting system which combines mechanization and informatization.
This paper defines the concept of silkworm maintenance, summarizes features of silkworm maintenance, clears concepts and objectives of silkworm maintenance management; analyzes the process of silkworm maintenance management and demonstrates the importance of the powder dusting part; elaborates many existing problems in real powder dusting process by hand through literature and field surveys; conducts requirements analysis of powder dusting system based on analysis of powder dusting process by hand; designs the hardware part of the dusting system; designs the control part of the dusting system combined with PWM technology and use multisim software to simulate pulse generating circuit; implements the dusting system according to design programs and text it.
Test result of the dusting system indicates that the efficiency and effect of the dusting system, dusting process’s influence on the environment and other aspects are all in line with the requirements.The dusting system achieves objectives and meets the needs of sericulturist. The use of the dusting system could solve many problems in silkworm maintenance management, make contribute to the improvement of the quality of silkworm maintenance management and the achievement of the goal of silkworm maintenance management.
Keywords :Silkworm Maintenance Management Dusting System PWM technology
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究的目的和意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 论文的主要内容和结构 5
第二章 相关理论研究 7
2.1 桑蚕养护管理 7
2.1.1桑蚕养护 7
2.1.2桑蚕养护管理 8
2.2撒粉系统研究 10
2.2.1撒粉系统功能 10
2.2.2撒粉系统组成和分类方法 11
2.2.3桑蚕养护撒粉系统工作原理 11
2.3 PWM电机控制技术 11
2.3.1 PWM电机控制技术概述 11
2.3.2 PWM电机控制技术控制原理 12
2.3.3 PWM电机控制技术优越性 13
第三章 桑蚕养护管理现状分析 14
3.1 桑蚕养护管理流程分析 14
3.1.1 桑蚕养护管理流程 14
3.1.2 药粉撒布环节重要性分析 14
3.2 药粉撒布存在的问题 15
3.2.1撒布不均匀,影响防治效果 15
3.2.2操作难度大 16
3.2.3撒粉效率低、劳动量大 16
3.2.4药粉飞扬、作业环境恶劣 16
3.3 撒粉系统需求分析 17
3.3.1功能需求分析 17
3.3.2非功能性需求分析 18
第四章 撒粉系统的设计 20
4.1撒粉系统方案设计 20
4.1.1 系统目标 20
4.1.2 撒粉系统体系结构设计 20
4.2 硬件部分设计 21
4.2.1 整体结构设计 21
4.2.2 振动装置设计 22
4.2.3 筛网及其连接设计 23
4.3 控制部分设计 23
4.3.1 控制方案的设计 23
4.3.2 稳压电源设计 24
4.3.3 脉冲产生电路设计 24
4.3.4 电路仿真 27-br..