
电网故障下并网逆变器的运行仿真研究,1.69万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 近些年来我国风电、太阳能等新能源发展迅猛的同时,新能源发电机组大规模地引入电网对电网的稳定性是个严峻的考验,新能源发电机组对于电力系统造成的影响也已经成为诸多学者和电力系统专家们关注的一个研究热点。针对大规模引入新能...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘要 近些年来我国风电、太阳能等新能源发展迅猛的同时,新能源发电机组大规模地引入电网对电网的稳定性是个严峻的考验,新能源发电机组对于电力系统造成的影响也已经成为诸多学者和电力系统专家们关注的一个研究热点。针对大规模引入新能源的现状,当前新能源发电机组对电力系统影响的研究主要关注于电网电压跌落情况下的影响。根据新能源发电机组运行规则,当电网发生外部故障时,发电机组不能立刻脱网运行,因为在电网发生故障的情况下,切除大容量的发电机组会危及整个电力系统,因此必须要研究在电网发生故障时,如何保证发电机组具备与电网的持续运行能力。
The Research on the grid-connected inverter operating under grid failures
Abstract In recent years, the new energy of wind power , solar energy and other has been developing rapidly , while these new energy generators are a severe test to the stability of the grid , the impact of new energy generators for power system has leaded many scholars and the power system experts to focus on the hot research topic concerns. For large-scale introduction of new energy , the current study of the impact of new energy turbine generators for power system mainly focuses on the influence of the grid voltage drop. Based on the current rules for the operation of new energy generators, when the external grid failure occurs, generators can not grid off immediately, Because in case of the grid failure the removal of large capacity generators would endanger the entire power system. Therefore,experts must study how to ensure that generators and the grid have the ability to continue to run normally.
The grid-connected inverter is the main component of the energy feedback, which is responsible for transforming the output of the DC to the AC, so the research on the grid-connected inverter operating under grid failures is importantly significant.
I intends to study the control strategy of the grid-connected inverter in the graduation project. I will use simulink simulation software to simulate the operation of the grid-connected inverter under different grid failures , such as three-phase and single-phase voltage drop, etc. I will also summarize various parameters variation of the grid-connected inverter under different grid failures. At the same time, depending on the voltage drop on the grid , a certain degree of reactive power is poured to maintain grid electric current stability. Finally, the simulation results show that the effect of the grid failures for the grid-connected inverter operation is serious. Therefore, we must take the appropriate control strategies to reduce the impact of the grid failures. A certain degree of reactive power is poured into the grid, which can reduce the impact of the grid failures, or even eliminate the impact.
Key words: the grid-connected inverter, the grid failures, the control strategies, reactive compensation.
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 并网逆变器国内外研究现状 2
1.3 分布式发电系统并网标准 3
1.4 课题研究意义 6
1.5 主要研究内容及论文结构安排 7
第二章 并网逆变器简介及控制原理…………………………………8
2.1 并网逆变器的技术现状 8
2.1.1 并网逆变器的原理 8
2.1.2 并网逆变器拓扑及分类 9
2.1.3 并网逆变器的控制技术 11 并网逆变器控制目的…………………….………………11 并网逆变器控制策略………..…………………………..12
2.2 并网逆变器的数学模型 14
2.3 SVPWM的控制算法 16
2.3.1 SVPWM的基本原理 16
2.3.2 SVPWM的算法 18 3s/2r/2坐标转换……………………….…………………...18 扇区判断方法………………………...……………………22 扇区内矢量作用时间的算法…………………………..….22 矢量切换点算法………………………………...…………23
2.4 本章小结………………………..…………………….…………………....25
第三章 电网电压故障下并网逆变器仿真建模与验证 26
3.1 电网电压跌落故障类型 26
3.2 并网逆变器仿真模型构建 28
3.3 网侧正常情况下仿真结果 32
3.4 网侧不同故障时仿真结果 33
3.4.1 网侧三相短路故障下并网逆变器仿真 34
3.4.2 网侧单相故障故障下并网逆变器仿真 35
3.4.3 网侧故障时无功补偿并网逆变器仿真 38
3.5 本章小结…………………………………………………………..……….39
第四章 总结与展望 40
4.1 全文总结 40
4.2 论文展望 40
致谢 41
摘要 近些年来我国风电、太阳能等新能源发展迅猛的同时,新能源发电机组大规模地引入电网对电网的稳定性是个严峻的考验,新能源发电机组对于电力系统造成的影响也已经成为诸多学者和电力系统专家们关注的一个研究热点。针对大规模引入新能源的现状,当前新能源发电机组对电力系统影响的研究主要关注于电网电压跌落情况下的影响。根据新能源发电机组运行规则,当电网发生外部故障时,发电机组不能立刻脱网运行,因为在电网发生故障的情况下,切除大容量的发电机组会危及整个电力系统,因此必须要研究在电网发生故障时,如何保证发电机组具备与电网的持续运行能力。
The Research on the grid-connected inverter operating under grid failures
Abstract In recent years, the new energy of wind power , solar energy and other has been developing rapidly , while these new energy generators are a severe test to the stability of the grid , the impact of new energy generators for power system has leaded many scholars and the power system experts to focus on the hot research topic concerns. For large-scale introduction of new energy , the current study of the impact of new energy turbine generators for power system mainly focuses on the influence of the grid voltage drop. Based on the current rules for the operation of new energy generators, when the external grid failure occurs, generators can not grid off immediately, Because in case of the grid failure the removal of large capacity generators would endanger the entire power system. Therefore,experts must study how to ensure that generators and the grid have the ability to continue to run normally.
The grid-connected inverter is the main component of the energy feedback, which is responsible for transforming the output of the DC to the AC, so the research on the grid-connected inverter operating under grid failures is importantly significant.
I intends to study the control strategy of the grid-connected inverter in the graduation project. I will use simulink simulation software to simulate the operation of the grid-connected inverter under different grid failures , such as three-phase and single-phase voltage drop, etc. I will also summarize various parameters variation of the grid-connected inverter under different grid failures. At the same time, depending on the voltage drop on the grid , a certain degree of reactive power is poured to maintain grid electric current stability. Finally, the simulation results show that the effect of the grid failures for the grid-connected inverter operation is serious. Therefore, we must take the appropriate control strategies to reduce the impact of the grid failures. A certain degree of reactive power is poured into the grid, which can reduce the impact of the grid failures, or even eliminate the impact.
Key words: the grid-connected inverter, the grid failures, the control strategies, reactive compensation.
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 并网逆变器国内外研究现状 2
1.3 分布式发电系统并网标准 3
1.4 课题研究意义 6
1.5 主要研究内容及论文结构安排 7
第二章 并网逆变器简介及控制原理…………………………………8
2.1 并网逆变器的技术现状 8
2.1.1 并网逆变器的原理 8
2.1.2 并网逆变器拓扑及分类 9
2.1.3 并网逆变器的控制技术 11 并网逆变器控制目的…………………….………………11 并网逆变器控制策略………..…………………………..12
2.2 并网逆变器的数学模型 14
2.3 SVPWM的控制算法 16
2.3.1 SVPWM的基本原理 16
2.3.2 SVPWM的算法 18 3s/2r/2坐标转换……………………….…………………...18 扇区判断方法………………………...……………………22 扇区内矢量作用时间的算法…………………………..….22 矢量切换点算法………………………………...…………23
2.4 本章小结………………………..…………………….…………………....25
第三章 电网电压故障下并网逆变器仿真建模与验证 26
3.1 电网电压跌落故障类型 26
3.2 并网逆变器仿真模型构建 28
3.3 网侧正常情况下仿真结果 32
3.4 网侧不同故障时仿真结果 33
3.4.1 网侧三相短路故障下并网逆变器仿真 34
3.4.2 网侧单相故障故障下并网逆变器仿真 35
3.4.3 网侧故障时无功补偿并网逆变器仿真 38
3.5 本章小结…………………………………………………………..……….39
第四章 总结与展望 40
4.1 全文总结 40
4.2 论文展望 40
致谢 41