

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
Crowded stampede, more and more be taken seriously. In this article, The macroscopic characteristics of population flow and subsequent rescue strategy,A series of population density,To analyze the,On the basis of the crowd density debugging features,Join in line up,The application of contact simulate the movement of the crowd,Therefore, the crowd movement characteristics of typical affect population density and withdraw the strength of the former channel and rescue strategy is studied.In addition, this paper proposes a "risk population density axis" of mass evacuation efficiency of relief policies.Study four stage method of urban public places crowded stampede for basic analysis. By calculating the continuous crowd flow theory density and the maximum load of large populations density for the crowd evacuation and analysis.Can also add continuous bridge model to aid policy effectiveness analysis efficiency,Crowd accidents occurred frequently in recent years,More is not due to the advance of preventive measures,When the people panic overwhelmed,After the incident rescue not in time,So instance part lists 2010 heavy on the tonle SAP river in Cambodia stampede,A series of preventive measures are put forward and the emergency and rescue strategy.
KEY WORDS: Characteristic crowd density; evacuation risk; large-scale evacuation; rescue strategies
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.3本论文研究内容简介 3
第二章 研究基础 5
2.1 风险分析理论与事故致因理论 5
2.1.1风险分析理论 5
2.1.2事故致因理论 5
2.2 基本理论与经典理论的应用 6
2.3连续人群流动理论 7
第三章 事故分析及预防措施 9
3.1公共场所踩踏事故分析的基本步骤研究 9
3.2人群疏散模拟主要演习和模拟方法 10
3.3连续人群流动理论特性密度计算方法 12
3.4大规模人群的最大承载密度计算方案 14
3.5救援策略在基于特征密度的某大型疏散的有效性 15
3.6建立了排队模型的无限人流的过道进行反推 16
3.7救援策略效率有效性风险分析 17
第四章 应用实例 21
4.1案例选材 21
4.2事件简介 21
4.3结论预防措施 22
4.3.1遇到拥挤踩踏 22
4.3.2遭遇拥挤人群 22
4.3.3出现混乱局面 23
4.3.4事故已经发生 23
第五章 结论 24
参考文献 25
附录1 读书报告/文献综述/调研提纲与调研报告 27
附录2 外文翻译 33
Crowded stampede, more and more be taken seriously. In this article, The macroscopic characteristics of population flow and subsequent rescue strategy,A series of population density,To analyze the,On the basis of the crowd density debugging features,Join in line up,The application of contact simulate the movement of the crowd,Therefore, the crowd movement characteristics of typical affect population density and withdraw the strength of the former channel and rescue strategy is studied.In addition, this paper proposes a "risk population density axis" of mass evacuation efficiency of relief policies.Study four stage method of urban public places crowded stampede for basic analysis. By calculating the continuous crowd flow theory density and the maximum load of large populations density for the crowd evacuation and analysis.Can also add continuous bridge model to aid policy effectiveness analysis efficiency,Crowd accidents occurred frequently in recent years,More is not due to the advance of preventive measures,When the people panic overwhelmed,After the incident rescue not in time,So instance part lists 2010 heavy on the tonle SAP river in Cambodia stampede,A series of preventive measures are put forward and the emergency and rescue strategy.
KEY WORDS: Characteristic crowd density; evacuation risk; large-scale evacuation; rescue strategies
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.3本论文研究内容简介 3
第二章 研究基础 5
2.1 风险分析理论与事故致因理论 5
2.1.1风险分析理论 5
2.1.2事故致因理论 5
2.2 基本理论与经典理论的应用 6
2.3连续人群流动理论 7
第三章 事故分析及预防措施 9
3.1公共场所踩踏事故分析的基本步骤研究 9
3.2人群疏散模拟主要演习和模拟方法 10
3.3连续人群流动理论特性密度计算方法 12
3.4大规模人群的最大承载密度计算方案 14
3.5救援策略在基于特征密度的某大型疏散的有效性 15
3.6建立了排队模型的无限人流的过道进行反推 16
3.7救援策略效率有效性风险分析 17
第四章 应用实例 21
4.1案例选材 21
4.2事件简介 21
4.3结论预防措施 22
4.3.1遇到拥挤踩踏 22
4.3.2遭遇拥挤人群 22
4.3.3出现混乱局面 23
4.3.4事故已经发生 23
第五章 结论 24
参考文献 25
附录1 读书报告/文献综述/调研提纲与调研报告 27
附录2 外文翻译 33
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