此文档由会员 曹操55 发布
关键词:股利政策 现状 存在问题 对策
Research on the dividend policy of Chinese listing Corporation
Abstract:Dividend policy is the embodiment of the common concern of companies and investors. For the company, it can reflect the ownership structure; for investors, it is embodied in the required return requirements. Therefore, the dividend policy has a significant impact on the company's production and operation activities.With the development of economy and securities market,Our country has more and more Listing Corporations.Although dividend distribution policies are different,it’s easy to find the fact that dividend distribution policies didn’t follow the shareholder benefit maximization goal and lack of continuity and stability in conclusive. The dividend distribution of listing Corporation is not standard, will affect the listing Corporation's image, damage to the broad investor rights, weaken the investors to continuously invest in the company, is not conducive to long-term, stable development of the company, at the same time it’s not conducive to the development of the stock market, So listing Corporation dividend does not regulate needs to be solved as soon as possible. Beneficial to the sound development of listing Corporation and the improvement of security market the dividend distribution of listing Corporation. In this paper, by analyzing the foreign and domestic related research, from the relevant theoretical research, according to the research mentality and the method of previous literature, will be obtained from the data of Yili company as research sample, analyze and discuss their dividend distribution behavior and its causes, combined with the situation of dividend distribution of listing Corporation in China are analyzed, and puts forward the some suggestions to promote the healthy, stable development, listing Corporation and the stock market.
Keywords: Dividend policy Present situation Problems Measures
目 录
引言 1
第1章 股利政策的概述 2
1.1股利政策涵义 2
1.2股利分配方式及选择动因 2
1.2.1现金股利支付方式 2
1.2.2股票股利支付方式 2
1.2.3转增股本支付方式 3
1.2.4混合股利支付方式 3
第2章 我国上市公司股利分配现状及其影响因素 4
2.1我国上市公司股利政策的现状 4
2.2内部影响因素分析 5
2.3外部影响因素分析 7
第3章 伊利实业集团股份有限公司的股利政策分析 9
3.1伊利实业集团股份有限公司的概况 9
3.2伊利股份现金股利分配情况分析 9
3.3伊利股份股票股利分配情况分析 10
3.4伊利股份股利分配方式多样性情况分析 11
3.5伊利股份股利分配政策对股价变化的影响分析 11
第4章 我国上市公司股利分配政策存在的问题 11
4.1股利支付水平低 12
4.2股利分配形式多种多样,以现金股利为主 12
4.3股利政策缺乏连续性和稳定性 13
第5章 完善我国上市公司股利政策的措施 14
5.1完善相关的法律、法规体系,加强上市公司的监管 14
5.2加强上市公司股利分配的信息披露 14
5.3提高上市公司的盈利能力 14
5.4培养投资者正确的投资理念 15
5.5股利政策应保持持续性和稳定性 15
5.6上市公司应不断增加融资渠道 16
5.7建立健全退市制度 16
结束语 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 20
关键词:股利政策 现状 存在问题 对策
Research on the dividend policy of Chinese listing Corporation
Abstract:Dividend policy is the embodiment of the common concern of companies and investors. For the company, it can reflect the ownership structure; for investors, it is embodied in the required return requirements. Therefore, the dividend policy has a significant impact on the company's production and operation activities.With the development of economy and securities market,Our country has more and more Listing Corporations.Although dividend distribution policies are different,it’s easy to find the fact that dividend distribution policies didn’t follow the shareholder benefit maximization goal and lack of continuity and stability in conclusive. The dividend distribution of listing Corporation is not standard, will affect the listing Corporation's image, damage to the broad investor rights, weaken the investors to continuously invest in the company, is not conducive to long-term, stable development of the company, at the same time it’s not conducive to the development of the stock market, So listing Corporation dividend does not regulate needs to be solved as soon as possible. Beneficial to the sound development of listing Corporation and the improvement of security market the dividend distribution of listing Corporation. In this paper, by analyzing the foreign and domestic related research, from the relevant theoretical research, according to the research mentality and the method of previous literature, will be obtained from the data of Yili company as research sample, analyze and discuss their dividend distribution behavior and its causes, combined with the situation of dividend distribution of listing Corporation in China are analyzed, and puts forward the some suggestions to promote the healthy, stable development, listing Corporation and the stock market.
Keywords: Dividend policy Present situation Problems Measures
目 录
引言 1
第1章 股利政策的概述 2
1.1股利政策涵义 2
1.2股利分配方式及选择动因 2
1.2.1现金股利支付方式 2
1.2.2股票股利支付方式 2
1.2.3转增股本支付方式 3
1.2.4混合股利支付方式 3
第2章 我国上市公司股利分配现状及其影响因素 4
2.1我国上市公司股利政策的现状 4
2.2内部影响因素分析 5
2.3外部影响因素分析 7
第3章 伊利实业集团股份有限公司的股利政策分析 9
3.1伊利实业集团股份有限公司的概况 9
3.2伊利股份现金股利分配情况分析 9
3.3伊利股份股票股利分配情况分析 10
3.4伊利股份股利分配方式多样性情况分析 11
3.5伊利股份股利分配政策对股价变化的影响分析 11
第4章 我国上市公司股利分配政策存在的问题 11
4.1股利支付水平低 12
4.2股利分配形式多种多样,以现金股利为主 12
4.3股利政策缺乏连续性和稳定性 13
第5章 完善我国上市公司股利政策的措施 14
5.1完善相关的法律、法规体系,加强上市公司的监管 14
5.2加强上市公司股利分配的信息披露 14
5.3提高上市公司的盈利能力 14
5.4培养投资者正确的投资理念 15
5.5股利政策应保持持续性和稳定性 15
5.6上市公司应不断增加融资渠道 16
5.7建立健全退市制度 16
结束语 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 20