

此文档由会员 曹操55 发布
Abstract:In the high-speed continuous development of capital markets,corporate performance has always been the foucs of attention.The ultimate goal of the listed companies is to maximaze the shareholder wealth,which requires corperate performance should be accurate representation of the value created for shareholders.Therefore,the key to business performance assessment is that the value of the business growth and the number of the growth. Effective performance appraisal is based on fair and reasonable enterprise value eva luation index,which drives the manager’s value creation activities.
This article summarized the conditions of use and limitations of the traditional performance eva luation system of the Chinese enterprises engaged,and it pointed out that the traditional accouting profit-based approach ignores the recognition and measurement of the cost of equity capital,and that “the principle of prudence” makes the accounting treatment tend to be conservative,and that one-sided emphasis on profits will no doubt induce operators to stimulate short-term profit,which is not conducive to sustained and stable development of the corporate health.On this basis,this article introduces the theory and model of Economic Value Added(EVA):EVA zero-growth,EVA fixed-growth model and EVA two-stage growth model,and the improvement of created EVA valuation by illustrating a case,which helps improve our value eva luation system.
This article uses the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical research,doing research about EVA valuation model application.Use the framework of the model in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,test to assess the effect of the practical application of the framework.
Keyword:Economic Value Added(EVA);Valuation Model;Performance assessment
引言 6
第一章 相关理论概述 7
1.1公司价值评估 7
1.2EVA的概念 7
第二章 基于EVA的公司价值评估模型 9
2.1EVA的计算 9
2.1.1EVA的计算基础 9
2.1.2EVA各项参数的设定 10
2.2EVA的本质 12
2.3 EVA的评估指标体系 12
2.4 EVA估价法模型 13
第三章EVA估价法可行性分析 14
3.1 EVA估价法的特征及可行性分析 14
3.2EVA估价法的局限 15
第四章 基于EVA的中国工商银行价值评估分析 16
4.1工商银行简介 16
4.2中国工商银行EVA价值评估 17
4.2.1目标银行财务分析 17
4.2.2利润调整及相关指标的计算 17
4.2.3中国工商银行价值评估 21
4.3银行业EVA价值评估建议 23
第五章 结论及未来展望 24
5.1结论 24
5.2EVA估价法在我国企业实际运用中应注意的问题 24
参考文献: 26
致谢 27
Abstract:In the high-speed continuous development of capital markets,corporate performance has always been the foucs of attention.The ultimate goal of the listed companies is to maximaze the shareholder wealth,which requires corperate performance should be accurate representation of the value created for shareholders.Therefore,the key to business performance assessment is that the value of the business growth and the number of the growth. Effective performance appraisal is based on fair and reasonable enterprise value eva luation index,which drives the manager’s value creation activities.
This article summarized the conditions of use and limitations of the traditional performance eva luation system of the Chinese enterprises engaged,and it pointed out that the traditional accouting profit-based approach ignores the recognition and measurement of the cost of equity capital,and that “the principle of prudence” makes the accounting treatment tend to be conservative,and that one-sided emphasis on profits will no doubt induce operators to stimulate short-term profit,which is not conducive to sustained and stable development of the corporate health.On this basis,this article introduces the theory and model of Economic Value Added(EVA):EVA zero-growth,EVA fixed-growth model and EVA two-stage growth model,and the improvement of created EVA valuation by illustrating a case,which helps improve our value eva luation system.
This article uses the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical research,doing research about EVA valuation model application.Use the framework of the model in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,test to assess the effect of the practical application of the framework.
Keyword:Economic Value Added(EVA);Valuation Model;Performance assessment
引言 6
第一章 相关理论概述 7
1.1公司价值评估 7
1.2EVA的概念 7
第二章 基于EVA的公司价值评估模型 9
2.1EVA的计算 9
2.1.1EVA的计算基础 9
2.1.2EVA各项参数的设定 10
2.2EVA的本质 12
2.3 EVA的评估指标体系 12
2.4 EVA估价法模型 13
第三章EVA估价法可行性分析 14
3.1 EVA估价法的特征及可行性分析 14
3.2EVA估价法的局限 15
第四章 基于EVA的中国工商银行价值评估分析 16
4.1工商银行简介 16
4.2中国工商银行EVA价值评估 17
4.2.1目标银行财务分析 17
4.2.2利润调整及相关指标的计算 17
4.2.3中国工商银行价值评估 21
4.3银行业EVA价值评估建议 23
第五章 结论及未来展望 24
5.1结论 24
5.2EVA估价法在我国企业实际运用中应注意的问题 24
参考文献: 26
致谢 27