
上市公司营运资金管理问题研究,17500字摘要 目前,我国企业制度的改革正在进一步深化,金融体制改革也已经起步,金融市场正在不断的发展和完善。上市公司的战略目标能否实现,在很大程度上取决于日常财务控制水平的高低,尤其是营运资金管理水平的高低。在竞争日益激烈的今天,研究上市公司营运资金的管理有利于降低资金占用成本,提高资金...

此文档由会员 曹操55 发布
摘要 目前,我国企业制度的改革正在进一步深化,金融体制改革也已经起步,金融市场正在不断的发展和完善。上市公司的战略目标能否实现,在很大程度上取决于日常财务控制水平的高低,尤其是营运资金管理水平的高低。在竞争日益激烈的今天,研究上市公司营运资金的管理有利于降低资金占用成本,提高资金使用效率,增强市场竞争力。
关键词:上市公司 营运资金 营运资金管理
Research on the Working capital management of Listed Companies
Abstract At present, Chinese reform of the enterprise system is deepening further and the financial system reform has been started. Financial market is also constantly developing and improving. The achievement of the strategic objectives, to a large extent, depends on the level of day-to-day financial control, especially the level of working capital management. In an increasingly competitive today, the management of Listed Companies working capital funds used to help reduce costs, improve capital efficiency and enhance market competitiveness.
This paper first reviews the results of research on working capital management from China and abroad. In explaining the basis of working capital management on the basic theory for listed companies in China's own operations and management level, summed up China's listed companies there is a low working capital working capital management operational efficiency, working capital management weakening internal problems, and analyze cause of these problems. Finally around these reasons put forward some countermeasures. As a listed company to strengthen awareness of working capital management, improving working capital management, working capital management throughout the entire process of running a listed company, to build on working capital management channel management.
Through effective working capital management, can ensure adequate liquidity and safety of the listed company's working capital. And as much as possible to improve the capacity utilization levels and working capital turnover and improve overall profitability of listed companies. So that China's listed companies in this competitive market environment and improve the overall strength, based on survival in the domestic and international competition, grow and develop.
Key words:Listed Companies Working Capital Working Capital Management
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 上市公司营运资金管理相关概述 2
1.1上市公司的概念及特点 2
1.1.1上市公司的概念 2
1.1.2上市公司的特点 2
1.2营运资金的概念及特点 3
1.2.1营运资金的概念 3
1.2.2营运资金的特点 3
1.3营运资金管理的概念、目标及策略 4
1.3.1营运资金管理的概念 4
1.3.2营运资金管理的目标 4
1.3.3营运资金管理政策制定的策略 5
第二章 上市公司营运资金管理的现状及问题 6
2.1上市公司营运资金管理现状分析 6
2.1.1上市公司营运资金管理趋势分析 6
2.1.2上市公司营运资金周转速度分析 7
2.2上市公司营运资金管理存在的问题 8
2.2.1营运资金低效运营 8
2.2.2流动资金周转缓慢,流动资产质量差 9
2.2.3资金结构不合理,出现严重的失衡 9
2.2.4营运资金管理信息不畅通 9
第三章 上市公司营运资金管理存在问题的成因 11
3.1营运资金管理方式落后 11
3.1.1现金周转速度过缓对资金规模的限制 11
3.1.2 资金分配不合理,流动资金被占用 11
3.1.3现有资金难以满足销售规模过度扩大的要求 11
3.1.4经营活动渠道结构不合理 11
3.2公司对营运资金管理的重视度不高 12
3.2.1对营运资金结构的管理不够重视 12
3.2.2营运资金管理观念薄弱 12
3.2.3信息系统不完善 13
第四章 加强上市公司营运资金管理的对策 14
4.1加强上市公司营运资金管理意识 14
4.1.1改善上市公司的经营观念,强化公司内部管理 14
4.1.2完善营运资金管理信息系统 14
4.1.3改变传统的营运资金分类方法,对营运资金进行重新分类 15
4.2改善营运资金管理方式 15
4.2.1认真分析生产经营状况,合理确定营运资金需要量 15
4.2.2合理确定资金结构 16
4.3改进营运资金内部控制管理 16
4.3.1有效监控货币资金,提高资金利用效率 16
4.3.2加强存货管理,建立行之有效的存货管理方法 17
4.3.3合理采用商业信用,加速资金周转 17
4.3.4合理利用信用资金 18
4.4构建基于渠道管理的营运资金管理模式 18
4.4.1采购渠道营运资金管理模式 18
4.4.2生产渠道营运资金管理模式 19
4.4.3销售渠道营运资金管理模式 20
结 束 语 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 24
摘要 目前,我国企业制度的改革正在进一步深化,金融体制改革也已经起步,金融市场正在不断的发展和完善。上市公司的战略目标能否实现,在很大程度上取决于日常财务控制水平的高低,尤其是营运资金管理水平的高低。在竞争日益激烈的今天,研究上市公司营运资金的管理有利于降低资金占用成本,提高资金使用效率,增强市场竞争力。
关键词:上市公司 营运资金 营运资金管理
Research on the Working capital management of Listed Companies
Abstract At present, Chinese reform of the enterprise system is deepening further and the financial system reform has been started. Financial market is also constantly developing and improving. The achievement of the strategic objectives, to a large extent, depends on the level of day-to-day financial control, especially the level of working capital management. In an increasingly competitive today, the management of Listed Companies working capital funds used to help reduce costs, improve capital efficiency and enhance market competitiveness.
This paper first reviews the results of research on working capital management from China and abroad. In explaining the basis of working capital management on the basic theory for listed companies in China's own operations and management level, summed up China's listed companies there is a low working capital working capital management operational efficiency, working capital management weakening internal problems, and analyze cause of these problems. Finally around these reasons put forward some countermeasures. As a listed company to strengthen awareness of working capital management, improving working capital management, working capital management throughout the entire process of running a listed company, to build on working capital management channel management.
Through effective working capital management, can ensure adequate liquidity and safety of the listed company's working capital. And as much as possible to improve the capacity utilization levels and working capital turnover and improve overall profitability of listed companies. So that China's listed companies in this competitive market environment and improve the overall strength, based on survival in the domestic and international competition, grow and develop.
Key words:Listed Companies Working Capital Working Capital Management
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 上市公司营运资金管理相关概述 2
1.1上市公司的概念及特点 2
1.1.1上市公司的概念 2
1.1.2上市公司的特点 2
1.2营运资金的概念及特点 3
1.2.1营运资金的概念 3
1.2.2营运资金的特点 3
1.3营运资金管理的概念、目标及策略 4
1.3.1营运资金管理的概念 4
1.3.2营运资金管理的目标 4
1.3.3营运资金管理政策制定的策略 5
第二章 上市公司营运资金管理的现状及问题 6
2.1上市公司营运资金管理现状分析 6
2.1.1上市公司营运资金管理趋势分析 6
2.1.2上市公司营运资金周转速度分析 7
2.2上市公司营运资金管理存在的问题 8
2.2.1营运资金低效运营 8
2.2.2流动资金周转缓慢,流动资产质量差 9
2.2.3资金结构不合理,出现严重的失衡 9
2.2.4营运资金管理信息不畅通 9
第三章 上市公司营运资金管理存在问题的成因 11
3.1营运资金管理方式落后 11
3.1.1现金周转速度过缓对资金规模的限制 11
3.1.2 资金分配不合理,流动资金被占用 11
3.1.3现有资金难以满足销售规模过度扩大的要求 11
3.1.4经营活动渠道结构不合理 11
3.2公司对营运资金管理的重视度不高 12
3.2.1对营运资金结构的管理不够重视 12
3.2.2营运资金管理观念薄弱 12
3.2.3信息系统不完善 13
第四章 加强上市公司营运资金管理的对策 14
4.1加强上市公司营运资金管理意识 14
4.1.1改善上市公司的经营观念,强化公司内部管理 14
4.1.2完善营运资金管理信息系统 14
4.1.3改变传统的营运资金分类方法,对营运资金进行重新分类 15
4.2改善营运资金管理方式 15
4.2.1认真分析生产经营状况,合理确定营运资金需要量 15
4.2.2合理确定资金结构 16
4.3改进营运资金内部控制管理 16
4.3.1有效监控货币资金,提高资金利用效率 16
4.3.2加强存货管理,建立行之有效的存货管理方法 17
4.3.3合理采用商业信用,加速资金周转 17
4.3.4合理利用信用资金 18
4.4构建基于渠道管理的营运资金管理模式 18
4.4.1采购渠道营运资金管理模式 18
4.4.2生产渠道营运资金管理模式 19
4.4.3销售渠道营运资金管理模式 20
结 束 语 21
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致 谢 24