
中小企业应收账款风险管理,17000字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,推荐下载使用摘要: 中小企业占据了国内企业的大多数,在促进国家经济发展、解决社会就业等方面发挥了巨大的作用。但在激烈的市场竞争中,中小企业为了获取竞争优势,除了依靠产品、价格、广告等手段之外,基本上都采用了以信用为基础的赊销这一营销手段。赊销的...

此文档由会员 曹操55 发布
摘要: 中小企业占据了国内企业的大多数,在促进国家经济发展、解决社会就业等方面发挥了巨大的作用。但在激烈的市场竞争中,中小企业为了获取竞争优势,除了依靠产品、价格、广告等手段之外,基本上都采用了以信用为基础的赊销这一营销手段。赊销的发展,一方面,降低了企业的存货,扩大了收入,在一定程度上扩大了企业的市场份额,也提高了企业的竞争力,但另一方面也形成了大量的应收账款,进而带来的是应收账款机会成本、坏账损失等费用的增加,增加了企业经营风险。所以,中小企业在积极运用赊销这一营销手段扩大市场份额时,必须要用多种措施加强对应收账款的管理,切实加强应收账款的风险,以避免企业陷入扩大赊销却难以收到货款的两难境地。
关键词:中小企业 应收账款 风险管理
Small and medium-sized enterprise accounts receivable risk management
Abstract In most of the small and medium-sized enterprises occupy the domestic enterprise and promote national economic development, solve social employment has played a huge role. But in the fierce market competition, small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain competitive advantage, in addition to rely on means such as product, price, advertising, mostly adopted by credit line up on the basis of this marketing tool.The development of the credit, on the one hand, reduced the enterprise inventory, enlarged the income, to a certain extent, expanded the company's market share, also improve the competitiveness of the enterprises, but on the other hand also formed a large number of accounts receivable, accounts receivable opportunities are, in turn, bring the increase of cost, expenses for bad debt losses, increasing the risk of a business.So, small and medium-sized enterprises are actively use the selling on credit marketing means to expand market share, must use a variety of measures to strengthen the management of accounts receivable, strengthen the accounts receivable risk, to avoid enterprises expand credit cannot receive payment dilemma.
The article is divided into six departments. The first part is introduction, mainly introduces the research status at home and abroad.The second part is the basic theory of small and medium-sized enterprise accounts receivable risk management and the significance.The third chapter discusses the small and medium-sized enterprise accounts receivable risk management problems.The fourth chapter expounds the construction of accounts receivable risk management system. Including advance beforehand control, control and afterwards management three aspects.The fifth chapter analysis the present situation of the company accounts receivable risk management, put forward the Suggestions for improvement.Hope can reference for other enterprises.The sixth is divided into conclusion, this section to summarize the full text research.
Key words Small and medium-sized enterprise accounts receivable risk management
目 录
第一章 引言 1
1.1选题背景及目的 1
1.2国内外研究动态 1
1.2.1国外研究动态 1
1.2.2国内研究动态 2
第二章 中小企业应收账款风险管理的基本理论 3
2.1中小企业应收账款风险管理的概念 3
2.1.1中小企业的概念 3
2.1.2应收账款的概念 3
2.2中小企业应收账款功能及风险管理的意义 3
2.2.1中小企业应收账款功能 4
2.2.2中小企业应收账款风险管理意义 4
第三章 中小企业应收账款风险管理存在问题的原因分析 4
3.1市场竞争激烈,盲目赊销 5
3.2忽视客户信用管理,缺乏风险管理意识 5
3.3内部控制存在缺陷,缺乏高效的内部激励机制 5
3.4内部会计控制不严 6
第四章 构建中小企业应收账款风险管理体系 6
4.1事前控制 6
4.1.1重视应收账款风险管理工作 6
4.1.2制定合理的信用政策 7
4.1.3建立应收账款责任制 9
4.1.4加强销售合同管理 9
4.2事中控制 9
4.2.1加强赊销处理过程的管理 9
4.2.2落实授信额度和信用管理 10
4.3事后管理 10
4.3.1应收账款的日常管理 11
4.3.2合理选择应收账款收回方式 12
4.3.3逾期款项的处理 12
4.3.4应收账款融资 13
第五章 中小企业应收账款风险管理实例分析 13
5.1 A公司基本情况 13
5.2 A公司应收账款情况 14
5.3 A公司应收账款存在的问题 16
5.4 对A公司应收账款风险管理的改进建议 16
5.4.1事前控制 17
5.4.2事中控制 18
5.4.3事后管理 18
第六章、结论与展望 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 23
摘要: 中小企业占据了国内企业的大多数,在促进国家经济发展、解决社会就业等方面发挥了巨大的作用。但在激烈的市场竞争中,中小企业为了获取竞争优势,除了依靠产品、价格、广告等手段之外,基本上都采用了以信用为基础的赊销这一营销手段。赊销的发展,一方面,降低了企业的存货,扩大了收入,在一定程度上扩大了企业的市场份额,也提高了企业的竞争力,但另一方面也形成了大量的应收账款,进而带来的是应收账款机会成本、坏账损失等费用的增加,增加了企业经营风险。所以,中小企业在积极运用赊销这一营销手段扩大市场份额时,必须要用多种措施加强对应收账款的管理,切实加强应收账款的风险,以避免企业陷入扩大赊销却难以收到货款的两难境地。
关键词:中小企业 应收账款 风险管理
Small and medium-sized enterprise accounts receivable risk management
Abstract In most of the small and medium-sized enterprises occupy the domestic enterprise and promote national economic development, solve social employment has played a huge role. But in the fierce market competition, small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain competitive advantage, in addition to rely on means such as product, price, advertising, mostly adopted by credit line up on the basis of this marketing tool.The development of the credit, on the one hand, reduced the enterprise inventory, enlarged the income, to a certain extent, expanded the company's market share, also improve the competitiveness of the enterprises, but on the other hand also formed a large number of accounts receivable, accounts receivable opportunities are, in turn, bring the increase of cost, expenses for bad debt losses, increasing the risk of a business.So, small and medium-sized enterprises are actively use the selling on credit marketing means to expand market share, must use a variety of measures to strengthen the management of accounts receivable, strengthen the accounts receivable risk, to avoid enterprises expand credit cannot receive payment dilemma.
The article is divided into six departments. The first part is introduction, mainly introduces the research status at home and abroad.The second part is the basic theory of small and medium-sized enterprise accounts receivable risk management and the significance.The third chapter discusses the small and medium-sized enterprise accounts receivable risk management problems.The fourth chapter expounds the construction of accounts receivable risk management system. Including advance beforehand control, control and afterwards management three aspects.The fifth chapter analysis the present situation of the company accounts receivable risk management, put forward the Suggestions for improvement.Hope can reference for other enterprises.The sixth is divided into conclusion, this section to summarize the full text research.
Key words Small and medium-sized enterprise accounts receivable risk management
目 录
第一章 引言 1
1.1选题背景及目的 1
1.2国内外研究动态 1
1.2.1国外研究动态 1
1.2.2国内研究动态 2
第二章 中小企业应收账款风险管理的基本理论 3
2.1中小企业应收账款风险管理的概念 3
2.1.1中小企业的概念 3
2.1.2应收账款的概念 3
2.2中小企业应收账款功能及风险管理的意义 3
2.2.1中小企业应收账款功能 4
2.2.2中小企业应收账款风险管理意义 4
第三章 中小企业应收账款风险管理存在问题的原因分析 4
3.1市场竞争激烈,盲目赊销 5
3.2忽视客户信用管理,缺乏风险管理意识 5
3.3内部控制存在缺陷,缺乏高效的内部激励机制 5
3.4内部会计控制不严 6
第四章 构建中小企业应收账款风险管理体系 6
4.1事前控制 6
4.1.1重视应收账款风险管理工作 6
4.1.2制定合理的信用政策 7
4.1.3建立应收账款责任制 9
4.1.4加强销售合同管理 9
4.2事中控制 9
4.2.1加强赊销处理过程的管理 9
4.2.2落实授信额度和信用管理 10
4.3事后管理 10
4.3.1应收账款的日常管理 11
4.3.2合理选择应收账款收回方式 12
4.3.3逾期款项的处理 12
4.3.4应收账款融资 13
第五章 中小企业应收账款风险管理实例分析 13
5.1 A公司基本情况 13
5.2 A公司应收账款情况 14
5.3 A公司应收账款存在的问题 16
5.4 对A公司应收账款风险管理的改进建议 16
5.4.1事前控制 17
5.4.2事中控制 18
5.4.3事后管理 18
第六章、结论与展望 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 23