
我国上市公司资本结构的问题研究,12700字原创毕业论文,本站独家提交,推荐下载使用摘 要 随着我国资本市场的发展,上市公司不断发展壮大,但是我国上市公司大多数都是由国有企业改制而来,其资本结构存在的问题日益暴露,产权结构、治理结构缺陷比较突出。例如,资产负债率偏低且不稳定,负债结构不合理,流动负债水平偏高,股权结构不合...

此文档由会员 曹操55 发布
摘 要
关键词 上市公司 资本结构 融资结构 负债结构
With the development of China’s capital market, the listed companies have grown, but more than the restructuring of listed companies from the state-owned enterprises, increas-
ing their exposure to the capital structure issues, ownership structure, governance structure defects more prominent.For example, the gearing ratio is low and unstable, debt structure is irrational, the high level of current liabilities, shareholding structure is irrational, high proportion of state-owned shares, capital structure is lack of flexibility, as the main way to indirect financing, financing structure is irrational, preference for equity financing, etc.
These problems have been severely affected and restricted the further development of listed companies, analyze the reasons, there are: particular stage of listed companies, between banks and enterprises “soft budget constraint”, equity financing costs low, too few constraints, information asymmetry, property is not clear, the reform of property rights system lag, lagging financing system, bank credit control, immature capital markets.
This paper uses data analysis methods, capital structure of listed companies in China Problems and their causes a systematic, comprehensive analysis, and on this basis, puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the hope to solve the capital of China’s listed companies structure unreasonable conditions help.
Key words: Listed companies Capital structure Financing structure Debt structure
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 我国上市公司资本结构的相关概述 2
1.1 我国上市公司的发展概述 2
1.1.1上市公司的发展历程 2
1.1.2上市公司的行业分类 2
1.1.3上市公司的必备条件 2
1.2 资本结构概述 3
1.2.1资本结构的概念 3
1.2.2资本结构的种类 3
1.2.3资本结构的主要理论 3
第二章 上市公司资本结构中存在的主要问题 5
2.1 资产负债率偏低且不稳定 5
2.2 负债结构不合理,流动负债水平偏高 6
2.3 股权结构不合理,国有股权比重过高 6
2.4 企业资本结构缺乏弹性,以间接融资为主 7
2.5 融资结构不合理,偏好股权融资 8
第三章 我国上市公司资本结构问题的成因分析 10
3.1 直接原因 10
3.1.1 上市公司特定的发展阶段 10
3.1.2 银行与企业之间的“预算软约束” 10
3.1.3 股权融资成本太低,约束条件太少 11
3.2 根本原因 11
3.2.1 信息不对称 11
3.2.2 产权不明晰,产权制度改革滞后 12
3.2.3 金融体制改革滞后,银行信贷失控 13
3.2.4 资本市场发育不成熟 13
第四章 优化上市公司资本结构的对策 14
4.1大力提高资产盈利水平,增强自我积累能力 14
4.2重视现金管理,提高偿债能力,改变流动负债比例过高的现象 14
4.3减持国有股,促进股权改革 14
4.4加强企业自身管理,完善公司治理结构 14
4.5建立完善的资本市场机制 15
结 束 语 16
参考文献: 17
致 谢 19
摘 要
关键词 上市公司 资本结构 融资结构 负债结构
With the development of China’s capital market, the listed companies have grown, but more than the restructuring of listed companies from the state-owned enterprises, increas-
ing their exposure to the capital structure issues, ownership structure, governance structure defects more prominent.For example, the gearing ratio is low and unstable, debt structure is irrational, the high level of current liabilities, shareholding structure is irrational, high proportion of state-owned shares, capital structure is lack of flexibility, as the main way to indirect financing, financing structure is irrational, preference for equity financing, etc.
These problems have been severely affected and restricted the further development of listed companies, analyze the reasons, there are: particular stage of listed companies, between banks and enterprises “soft budget constraint”, equity financing costs low, too few constraints, information asymmetry, property is not clear, the reform of property rights system lag, lagging financing system, bank credit control, immature capital markets.
This paper uses data analysis methods, capital structure of listed companies in China Problems and their causes a systematic, comprehensive analysis, and on this basis, puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the hope to solve the capital of China’s listed companies structure unreasonable conditions help.
Key words: Listed companies Capital structure Financing structure Debt structure
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 我国上市公司资本结构的相关概述 2
1.1 我国上市公司的发展概述 2
1.1.1上市公司的发展历程 2
1.1.2上市公司的行业分类 2
1.1.3上市公司的必备条件 2
1.2 资本结构概述 3
1.2.1资本结构的概念 3
1.2.2资本结构的种类 3
1.2.3资本结构的主要理论 3
第二章 上市公司资本结构中存在的主要问题 5
2.1 资产负债率偏低且不稳定 5
2.2 负债结构不合理,流动负债水平偏高 6
2.3 股权结构不合理,国有股权比重过高 6
2.4 企业资本结构缺乏弹性,以间接融资为主 7
2.5 融资结构不合理,偏好股权融资 8
第三章 我国上市公司资本结构问题的成因分析 10
3.1 直接原因 10
3.1.1 上市公司特定的发展阶段 10
3.1.2 银行与企业之间的“预算软约束” 10
3.1.3 股权融资成本太低,约束条件太少 11
3.2 根本原因 11
3.2.1 信息不对称 11
3.2.2 产权不明晰,产权制度改革滞后 12
3.2.3 金融体制改革滞后,银行信贷失控 13
3.2.4 资本市场发育不成熟 13
第四章 优化上市公司资本结构的对策 14
4.1大力提高资产盈利水平,增强自我积累能力 14
4.2重视现金管理,提高偿债能力,改变流动负债比例过高的现象 14
4.3减持国有股,促进股权改革 14
4.4加强企业自身管理,完善公司治理结构 14
4.5建立完善的资本市场机制 15
结 束 语 16
参考文献: 17
致 谢 19