

社会资本视角下民营上市公司财务绩效研究, ——以苏宁云商为例17900字我自己的毕业论文,确保原创,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心下载使用摘要 任何企业都存在于各种各样的内外部关系网络中,企业的行为和发展也会受到这些关系网络的影响,企业需要的各种资源都可以从这些关系网络中获得,这就是企业拥有的社会资本。社会资本可以为企业成长...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 曹操55 发布



摘要 任何企业都存在于各种各样的内外部关系网络中,企业的行为和发展也会受到这些关系网络的影响,企业需要的各种资源都可以从这些关系网络中获得,这就是企业拥有的社会资本。社会资本可以为企业成长提供资源,拓宽企业的关系网络,帮助企业建立稳固的合作伙伴,为企业发展带来机遇,最终提高企业的财务绩效。早在1980年就开始了社会资本理论的研究,一直延续到今天,社会资本仍是学术界讨论的一个重要话题。以社会资本为视角,是与时俱进的研究,是在流行理论的基础上展开的探讨。同时,从社会资本角度阐述财务绩效也是一种新颖的研究方式。随着社会资本理论的日渐丰富,学者们开始利用社会资本来研究财务绩效,通过理论或实证分析验证社会资本与财务绩效的关系,以社会资本的影响机制为基础寻找提高企业财务绩效的有效方法。
关键词:社会资本 财务绩效 关系 民营上市公司

Social capital perspective of private listed company's financial performance
——suning as an example
Abstract Every enterprise exists in a variety of internal and external network, the behavior and the development of the enterprise will be influenced by the network. A variety of resources can be obtained from these relationships in the network, this is the social capital. Social capital can provide resources for enterprise growth, broaden the enterprise relationship network, help enterprise to build a solid partnership, bring opportunities for enterprise development, eventually improve the financial performance of enterprises. As early as in 1980 began the study of social capital theory. These days, social capital is still an important academic topic. In the perspective of social capital, this research is advancing and on the discussion on the basis of the popular theory. At the same time, from the perspective of social capital in this paper, the financial performance is also a kind of new way for study. With the increasingly rich of social capital theory, scholars have begun to use social capital to study the financial performance. Through the theoretical or empirical analysis of the relationship between the social capital and financial performance verification, we will find effective ways to improve the enterprise's financial performance based on the influence mechanism of social capital.
In this paper, first of all, write theories related to social capital and define the concept of social capital and its classification. Take SUNING as an example, this research has two aspects: internal and external research with social capital. Then select the available financial data and calculate the relevant indicators of financial performance for specific analysis according to its financial report. Finally, through the analysis of the impact of social capital on SUNING financial performance mechanism, better use of social capital for the rationalization of private listed company is put forward.
Key words:social capital;private listed company;guan-xi;financial performance

目 录
引言 1
第一章 民营上市公司、社会资本与财务绩效相关概述 2
1.1民营上市公司 2
1.2社会资本 2
1.2.1社会资本的定义 2
1.2.2社会资本的分类 3
1.3财务绩效 4
第二章 社会资本与财务绩效的关系 5
2.1外部社会资本与财务绩效的关系 5
2.1.1外部社会资本与财务绩效正相关 5
2.1.2外部社会资本与财务绩效负相关 6
2.2内部社会资本与财务绩效的关系 6
2.2.1内部社会资本与企业财务绩效正相关 6
2.2.2内部社会资本与企业财务绩效不相关 7
第三章 民营上市公司社会资本与财务绩效研究:以苏宁为例 7
3.1企业背景 7
3.2社会资本与财务绩效相关性研究 8
3.2.1苏宁2004-2013财务绩效表现 8
3.2.2苏宁外部社会资本与财务绩效关系研究 14
3.2.3苏宁内部社会资本与财务绩效关系研究 20
3.3相关评价 22
第四章 优化社会资本,提高财务绩效的对策建议 23
4.1从外部纵向社会资本角度提升财务绩效 24
4.2从外部横向社会资本角度提升财务绩效 24
4.3从内部社会资本角度提升财务绩效 24
结束语 25
参考文献 26